Title: Blank Jeopardy
Interesting Tech Things
Instructors Stuff
Radford Wants Me to Know
Im Out of Titles
1 pt
1 pt
1 pt
2 pt
2 pt
2 pt
3 pt
3 pt
3 pt
3 pt
3 pt
4 pt
4 pt
4 pt
5 pt
5 pt
5 pt
5 pt
2CAI Computer Aided Instruction
3What is the perceived acronym for materials and
or systems that are computer-based for learning?
4URL Uniform (Universal) Resource Locator or IP
5The following is an example of what, as it
relates to the use of finding a site on the
6FTP File Transfer Protocol
7What protocol is used to move documents and data
to a website if the user is working remotely with
a webhost?
8 HyperText Markup Language
9What is the name of the language utilized for
website building in Microsofts Front Page
11Internet Explorer and Netscape are examples of
what kind of software?
13Microsofts Access Application is used to create
15Microsofts Excel Application is used to create
16Word Processor
17Microsofts Word Application is used for what
19What is the of Microsofts Application that can
assist you with classroom and group
20FTP, file transfer protocol WS_FTP LE (limited
edition) is a standard FTP client for Winsock
21Name one software application/program that you
can use to move your file your computer to
another computer or to a webhosting service?
22Mail Merge
23If you wanted to send a letter to each parent in
your school, addressed separately to each one,
which feature of Microsoft Word would you use?
24SASI by NCS Pearson
25What is the name of a student attendance/schedulin
g application?
26Average Daily Membership
27What does ADM stand for in relationship to
student attendance/scheduling?
28Average Daily Attendance
29What does ADA stand for in relationship to
student attendance/scheduling?
30Personal Digital Assistant
31What does PDA stand for in relationship to
hand-held computers?
32. Palm Pilot Palm Operating System
33Name one brand of PDA and name its operating
34Microsoft Outlook and Eudora
35Name two software applications that are commonly
used for e-mail?
36Filing in mailboxes and automatic responses
37Give an example of one use for filtering e-mail.
38Network Virginia
39Name one contractor or provider of internet
connectivity that can provide connectivity to the
internet via a state contract, to schools in
40Instructional personnel shall be able to
demonstrate effective use of a computer system
and utilize computer software. Instructional
personnel shall be able to apply knowledge of
terms associated with educational computing and
41 What are two of the technology standards that
all licensed educational professionals must meet
in Virginia?
42A website that searches all websites for
specific information
43What is a search engine?
44Portable Document Format
45What does PDF stand for in relation to Adobe
Software Applications?
46Overhead projector
47What is an ELMO in relation to distance learning
49What is the current vendor/trade name for
distance learning equipment using ATM technology?
50Asynchronous Transfer Mode
51What does ATM stand for in relation to distance
learning equipment?