Spin-Warp Imaging - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Spin-Warp Imaging


For each RF pulse: Frequency encoding is performed in one direction A single phase encoding value is obtained With each additional RF pulse: The phase encoding value ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Spin-Warp Imaging

Spin-Warp Imaging
  • For each RF pulse
  • Frequency encoding is performed in one direction
  • A single phase encoding value is obtained
  • With each additional RF pulse
  • The phase encoding value is incremented
  • The phase encoding steps still has the appearance
    of stop-action motion

Spin-Warp Pulse Sequence
Spin-Warp Data Acquisition
  • In 1D, the Fourier transform produced a 1D
  • In 2D, the Fourier transform is applied in both
    the frequency and phase encoding directions.
  • This is called the 2D Fourier transform.
  • Commonly we structure the samples in a 2D grid
    that we call k-space.
  • One line of k-space is acquired at a time.

Spin-Warp Data Acquisition
2D FourierTransform
Echo-Planar Imaging
  • As with spin-warp imaging, echo-planar imaging
    (EPI) is just the combination of two 1D
    localization methods
  • EPI is also a combination of
  • Frequency encoding in one direction (e.g.
  • Phase encoding in the other direction (e.g.
  • EPI uses a different phase encoding method.

Echo-Planar Imaging
Frequency Encoding(in x direction)
Phase EncodingMethod 1(in y direction)
Echo-Planar Imaging
  • For each RF pulse
  • Frequency encoding is performed many times
  • All phase encoding steps are obtained
  • The entire image is acquired
  • With each additional frequency encoding (each
    additional line in the k-space grid)
  • The phase encoding value is incremented
  • The phase encoding steps still has the appearance
    of stop-action motion

EPI Pulse Sequence
EPI Data Acquisition
  • As with Spin-Warp imaging, we put the acquired
    data for the frequency and phase encoding into
    the 2D grid called k-space.
  • Also, the 2D Fourier transform is used to create
    the image.
  • In EPI, the data is filled into k-space in a
    rectangular zig-zag-like pattern.

EPI Data Acquisition
EPI Imaging
  • In summary, EPI data is in many ways like
    Spin-Warp imaging
  • They are combinations of two kinds of 1D
  • They have both frequency and phase encoding.
  • Data are acquired on a 2D grid called k-space.
  • Images are reconstructed by a 2D Fourier

EPI Imaging
  • It is also different from Spin-Warp Imaging
  • The image can be acquired with a single RF pulse.
  • The phase encoding steps all happen in rapid
  • The frequency direction alternates in sign.
  • The time needed to acquire data after each RF
    pulse is very long.
  • Special hardware is required.
  • These differences are the focus of the rest of
    this presentation.

Variants on EPI
  • There are many variations on EPI.
  • One technique that is useful for Spin-Warp
    imaging that also works for EPI is Partial
    k-space or Half k-space acquisitions.
  • Like Spin-Warp imaging, this can be used to
  • Reduce echo-time. (phase)
  • Improve spatial resolution. (frequency)

Partial k-space EPI
PartialPhase Data
PartialFrequency Data
Multi-shot EPI
  • While possible to acquire an entire image with a
    single RF pulse (single-shot), it is sometimes
    necessary to use multiple shots.
  • There are two common ways of doing this
  • Interleaving
  • Mosaic
  • Multi-shot EPI is useful to
  • Improve spatial resolution
  • Reduce artifacts

Multi-shot EPI
Methods Similar to EPI
  • One method that has very similar properties to
    EPI is Spiral Imaging.
  • Like EPI
  • All image data can be acquired in a single-shot.
  • Multi-shot variants also exist.
  • Many of the artifacts are similar.
  • But
  • Image reconstruction is complicated.
  • Some artifacts are different.

Spiral Imaging
Pulse Sequence
EPI Parameters
  • Many parameters are the same as in spin-warp
  • SE vs. GRE or IR
  • TR, TE, Flip Angle, TI
  • FOV, matrix size, spatial resolution
  • Some parameters require extra thought, however
  • If only a single image is acquired using
    single-shot EPI, the TR might be meaningless. (TR
    is infinite)

Scan Time in EPI
  • The scan time is most closely related to the
    number of shots and not matrix size.
  • Scan Time (number of shots)(TR)
  • Not (number of phase encodes)(TR)
  • Consider 64x64 single-shot EPI and 128x128
    single-shot EPI - both are single-shot and take a
    single RF pulse to acquire an image.
  • If 128x128 has artifacts that are too severe,
    however, multi-shot EPI may be required.

Echo Time in EPI
  • In EPI, it is often hard to achieve a short echo
  • The TE is defined as the time between the RF
    pulse and the acquisition of the center of
  • In single-shot EPI, this could be a long time
    (often a minimum TE of 15-20 ms).
  • This can be addressed by doing a partial k-space
    acquisition in the phase encoding direction.
  • This will allow much shorter TEs (5-10 ms).

Echo Time in EPI
Full k-space
Pulse Sequence Options in EPI
  • Flow Compensation (Gradient Moment Nulling)
  • Flow Comp (GNM) is often not as effective with
    EPI due to the long echo times.
  • Partial k-space (phase) acquisitions reduce echo
    time and make this technique more effective.
  • Spatial and chemical presaturation can also be
    used (fat saturation is nearly always used).
  • There are also a 3D (volume) versions of EPI.

T1 Weighting in EPI
  • In EPI, short TEs are difficult to obtain and
    the TR is often very long.
  • EPI is not well suited to T1-weighted imaging
    with the usual short TR pulse sequences.
  • On the other hand, one shot (or a small number of
    shots) is required for an image.
  • EPI is well-suited to inversion recovery
    T1-weighted imaging.

Artifacts in EPI
  • The ability to acquire images very rapidly is the
    strength of the EPI method.
  • As a result, artifacts resulting from subject
    motion are nearly non-existent when imaging with
    single-shot EPI.
  • Ghosting artifacts resulting from pulsatile blood
    flow are also extremely rare with single-shot EPI.

Artifacts in EPI
  • There are however, several kinds of image
    artifacts that are very different from those seen
    in spin-warp imaging
  • N/2 or Nyquist ghosting
  • Distortions from magnetic field inhomogeneity
  • Chemical shift and susceptibility artifacts

N/2 Ghosting
  • N/2 (N over 2) or Nyquist ghosting artifacts
    are unique to EPI.
  • Caused by imperfections in the image
  • There are two distinct kinds
  • Even and Odd Ghosts
  • Ghost tuning procedures can reduce or eliminate
    these ghosts.
  • Tuning can be done for each day, subject, or
  • Might also be done automatically (with prescan).

N/2 Ghosting
Even Ghost
Odd Ghost
Original Image
Distortions from Inhomogeneity
  • EPI is very sensitive to center frequency
    adjustments and inhomogeneities.
  • For a misadjusted center frequency, the image is
    shifted in the phase direction.
  • Careful prescan tuning is necessary.
  • For misadjusted shims, the image can be twisted,
    stretched or squeezed.
  • Shimming is often necessary (esp. at high

Distortions from Inhomogeneity
Center FrequencyMisadjustment
X shim(L/R shim)
Y shim(A/P shim)
Fat and Susceptibility Artifacts
  • In EPI, unsuppressed fat is often shifted 2 cm or
  • Fat suppression (Fat Sat) is always required.
  • At areas of high magnetic susceptibility, a
    piling-up artifacts is often seen.
  • Prevalent near frontal sinuses, above ears, etc.
  • Pulse sequence parameters can affect this
  • Interleaving usually reduces this artifact.
  • Increasing resolution in the frequency direction
    often worsens the artifact.

Fat and Susceptibility Artifacts
Susceptibility (piling-up) Artifact
Fat Artifact
Original Image
EPI Hardware
  • EPI is an extremely rapid and useful imaging
  • It does, however, require some special, high
    performance hardware. Why?
  • In spin-warp, we acquire a small piece of data
    for an image with each RF pulse.
  • However in EPI, we try to acquire all of the data
    for an image with a single RF pulse.

Spin-Warp vs. EPI Pulse Sequences
Many acquisitionsto make a one image.
One acquisitionto make one image.
T2 Decay and Acquisition Time
  • In spin-warp imaging, only a single phase encode
    need to be acquired.
  • Only takes a short time.
  • In EPI, all phase encode lines need to be
  • Takes longer.
  • Without special hardware - 100 ms to 1 second.
  • T2 decay reduces signal throughout data

T2 Decay and Acquisition Time
DataAcq. takes longer.
Signal decays away during acquisition.
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