MRI Reconstruction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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MRI Reconstruction


... solution is to use constrained the ARMA model to include a prior information and ... to introduction of TERA , The Transient Error Reconstruction Algorithm an ARMA ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: MRI Reconstruction

MRI Reconstruction
  • Athaur Rahman Najeeb
  • G0129603
  • Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • MRI Principles
  • K-space and Image Formation
  • Image Reconstruction Technique
  • Conclusion and summary

Overview of Image Acquisition and Processing
Transformation 1 MRI Physics ( Pre- Processing )
Spin Processing
Data Processing
Transformation 2 Post Processing Image
MRI Basics
  • MRI means Magnetic Resonance Imaging. It is an
    interaction between an external
  • magnetic field, radio waves and hydrogen nuclei
    in the body. When placed in a
  • magnetic field , the body temporarily becomes
    magnetized , that is the hydrogen
  • nuclei align with the magnetic field creating
    magnetization. At equilibrium, net
  • magnetization is parallel to the z axis of the
    external magnetic field. This is
    magnetization is
  • created when LM is tipped with an RF pulse ( at
    Larmor frequency ). LM recover
  • partially between RF pulses at intervals of TR
    with time constant T1. Precession is
  • transverse magnetization induce electrical
    signal in coil of wire , decaying at time
  • constant T2. Imaging volume is restricted to a
    slice by specific frequencies in the
  • RF pulse and magnetic field gradient

A slice is excited . This is achieved with an
additional field az component. Thus varying
the Larmor frequency(?) ?Gz The sample is
irradiated with RF pulse and this excites spins
whose Resonace Frequencies are in the same RF
resonance. And tipped into transverse plane.
This excites signal in a thin slab of material
Perpendicular to the direction of the gradient
Subject is placed in a strong and homogenous B0
, which produces Mz along the direction of B0
Later spins process around B0 at ? ?B0. spins
are further resolved in other 2 directions by
linear gradient fields to change the resonant
frequencies of spins at different spatial
  • If we acquire the signal produced by the subject
    and compute its spectrum, each
  • frequency bin will be proportional to how much
    magnetization was at that
  • position.
  • Mathematically the signal received at time t can
    be shown as
  • s(t) ?X M xy (x) e- I 2?k(t)x
  • Simply at time t , the signal s(t) received is
    the value of the Fourier transform of
  • 2d transverse magnetization Mxy sampled at the
    spatial frequency k(t).

Acquiring an MRI image is performed by sampling
the spatial frequency content of the image
directly , and then performing an inverse Fourier
transform to reconstruct the image
MRI Acquisition Methods
  • Previous equation reveals couple of ways
  • To acquire MRI Data. The requirement is
  • simply that enough of spatial frequency or k-
  • space Be sampled to allow image reconstruction.
  • 2DFT ( Spin Warp )
  • Most common to sample k-space data
  • Two element in any acquisition method and this is
    explained in a pulse-sequence diagram
  • First is slice selection for excitation and the
    second element is 2DFT acquisition gradient which
    is the data encoding and acquisition
  • Other alternatives EPI
  • a common one, echo-planar imaging.

  • Raw data in time series. Where we store generated
    MR signals.
  • K-space is simple a array of complex numbers,
    where when we
  • convert into grey scale it gives us image as
    shown . It has
  • mathematical relation to the image ( FT ). We
    need to fill a lot of
  • k-space , line by line before generating the

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Spatial Information Encoding
  • After signal is activated , spatial information
    can be encoded into the signal . Since MR
  • signal is in the form of a complex exponential ,
    2 ways of encoding the signal ,
  • frequency encoding and phase encoding.

Image Reconstruction
Raw data / k-space data
  • Spatial information is encoded into the k-space
    data. Depending on how the spatial information is
    encoded, the image reconstruction technique can
  • Two fundamental image reconstruction are Fourier
    transform and Radon transofrm
  • If K-space is sampled rectilinearly ( as a square
    ) then FT is used
  • If K-space is sampled radially ( circularly )
    then RT is used
  • Practical Reeconstruction techniques leads to one
    of this techniques as basic

General issues in IR
  • Understand the problem as finding an Image
    function, I which is consistent with the measured
    signal S, ( S Ti )
  • Data consistency is very important. A violation
    will lead to loss of data violation or gain
    unwanted observation in image
  • Stability , that is applicable to all signal
    collected, not applying to certain signals
  • Understands the integration of scanning
    parameters ( FOV, slice selection, k-space
    density, image resolutions ) with information
    encoding before plotting k-space data
  • Knows types of noises be produced such as
  • Statistic Noise produced at low magnetic field
  • Systematic noise at high magnetic field strength
  • Noise produced by patient movement
  • Understand the importance of Image Contrast to
    differentiate normal tissues, fluids, to identify
    the pathology condition
  • Sginal to Noise ratio must be maximized
  • Contrast to Noise ration must be maximized
  • Artifacts minimization

  • Artifacts is signal produced by human
    workmanship. Produced during scanning period.
    Artifacts is produced by
  • Patient movement including cardiac movement,
    blood flow or respiratory
  • Any implants in patients body
  • MR Hardware such as mechanical vibration,
    inhomogeneous RF coil etc
  • MR software
  • Lighting effects

Image Reconstruction Techniques
  • 1. General techniques such as directly applying
    Discrete Fourier Transform
  • 2. Commercially available such as construction
    unrevealed techniques by MRI Scanner
  • 3. Non-parametric techniques
  • 4. Constrained parametric techniques

Non parametric techniques
  • Partial k-space reconstruction technique
  • Based on Fourier transform , added functions to
    reduce noises and artifacts
  • The data acquisition technique employed is
  • 2DFT
  • Limitation is time consuming, longer scanning
    time and Gibss ring is not removed
  • Other techniques such as Direct FFT, Zero Filled
    FFT Reconstruction , The inverse Radon transform,
    Back projection reconstruction technique

Advanced Reconstruction Techniques
  • Different reconstruction algorithm suits
    different method of scanning. With a high speed
    imaging, reduced scanned approaches directly
    effects the information encoding. Also gives an
    additional problems such as spatial resolution
    new artifacts , etc. This creates an need for
    new and more stable techniques . Constrained
    reconstruction is a new area.
  • Techniques such as Half Fourier reconstruction,
    Extrapolation Based Reconstruction and Parametric
    Construction are being introduced

Parametric Reconstruction
  • Introductin of a parametric model leaving behind
    the Fourier Series based reconstruction
  • Parametric selection and estimation becoming the
    key step.
  • Parametric model has a built in filtering
    capability to remove noise
  • Example of Parametric technique is the use of
    ARMA model proposed by M.R. Smith in 1984

  • Autoregressive Moving Average , an IIR Filter
  • Motivated by high speed imaging, reduced scan
    time, and limitation by Fourier Series such as
    image artifacts and resolution loss
  • Studies shows an 30 4 reduce in truncated
    energy, meaning reduced increase in resolution
    and reduction in image artifacts
  • Limitation is practical complex algorithm due to
    parametric estimation.
  • The solution is to use constrained the ARMA model
    to include a prior information and improve the
  • This leads to introduction of TERA , The
    Transient Error Reconstruction Algorithm an ARMA
    algorithm which attempts to model the MR signal
    as the output of an excited digital filter.( MR
    Smith )
  • Same effort were done on DFT ( by ZP Liang) but
    not as successful as TERA model
  • In TERA Algorithm, AR coefficients are modeled by
    a forwarding predicting linear prediction
    algorithm which is non stationary characteristics
    of MR signals components. And priori information
    is introduced by assuming that the ARMA filter is
    excited by a single pilse and setting the MA
    coefficient to prediction error.
  • This method has been proved to be successful.
  • Future developments are to extend to 2D with
    neural network based truncated data
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