Title: Solomon Islands People First Network
1Solomon Islands People First Network
2 perspectives of rural Solomon Islands..
2Solomon Is. The challenges
3The intervention
- AIMS To promote and facilitate equitable and
sustainable rural development and peace building
by enabling better information sharing and
knowledge building among and across communities
forming the Solomon Islands - BACKGROUNDSIDAPP 1998-2001 (UNDP/UNOPS/S.I.G.)
4The Objectives
1. Facilitate point-to-point communications
5Objectives cont.
2. Facilitate rural development and peace-related
information flows among all social groups
3. Facilitate the exchange of information between
communities and stakeholders
- Proven model for rural network
- Established revenue base (iCafe)
- Popular web site / portal
- Deployed 7 rural points of access
- Networking for
- Distance learning
- Agriculture and fisheries development
- Indigenous business development
- Rural Vocational Training
7Strategy for rural connectivity
- Affordable appropriate technology
- Sympathetic to local conditions
- Connect large number of communities
- Centralised technical support and revenue base
8Sustainability strategy
- Participatory approach
- Agreement
- Revenue sharing
- Maintenance fund
- Mutual support network
- On-air technical support
- Appropriate technology
- Central revenue-generating base
9Gender strategy
- Professional opportunities for women
- Income generating opportunities
- Networking and ICT capacity building for womens
groups - Indirectly, networking empowers everyone
- Research shows balanced usage by gender
10Choice of technology
- HF radio email
- Low running cost
- Appropriate Technology
- Affordable - Sustainable
- Solar powered
- Can be upgraded
11How is a rural facility organised?
- Management Committee
- Operator assisted
- Single shared email account (initially)
- Customers pay nominal fee to send an email
message - Other services
- Daily and monthly reporting to PFnet
12Rural Network7 sites deployed
- First station established Oct 2001
13(No Transcript)
- Community email
- Distance Learning
- Agriculture and Fisheries
- Indigenous Business Development
- Disaster Management
15Usage Statistics - 1
- From daily reports sent by rural operators
- For December 2002
16Email Traffic
Dec 2002 Nov 2001-Oct 2002
Sent 350 3969 (ave. 330/month)
Received 575 4391(ave. 360/month)
Total 925 8360
17PFnet Sasamungga email traffic per month
18PFnet Sasamungga Email station revenues
1 Solomon Dollar SBD US 13c
19Email senders by age group
Sample size 350From daily reports, all
stations, Dec 2002
20Email senders by gender
Gender Number
Male 262 75
Female 88 25
Sample size 350From daily reports, all
stations, Dec 2002
21Email senders by education level
Sample size 350From daily reports, all
stations, Dec 2002
22Email destinations
Domestic 283 80
International 67 20
Honiara 246Provinces 37Australia 11New
Zealand 13Fiji 7Vanuatu
5PNG 3 Hawaii 3 Kiribati
French Polynesia 1Other Pacific Is. 1 UK 6
USA mainland 6 Italy 3Sweden 3
Japan 1Philippines 1France 1
23Reasons for communicating
Family correspondence 202Business and
investment 32Education 18Travel 17Finan
ce and Banking 14Project / NGO 13Sports 8
Ordering Supplies / Stocks 8Health /
Medical 8Church 6Construction 6Fisherie
s 4Lands and Titles 2Government
Administration 2Other/Unknown 9
24Usage Statistics - 2
- Research interview results
- Sasamungga station
- 120 interviewed
- 10 months after station deployed
25How many are using PFnet
Several members of family 32 (27)
The interviewees only 14 (12)
Other family members only 30 (25)
No-one in family 44 (37)
26Profile of email station users
Education Level Female Male Total
Primary 5 8 13 (47)
Jr. Secondary 4 7 11 (32)
Sr. Secondary 2 2 4 (20)
College 9 6 15 (18)
University 1 2 3 (3)
27How often do people use PFnet email
28Main reasons people send email messages
- Family correspondence (47)
- Education (25)
- Business (9)
- Health (6)
- Development (5)
- Church (3)
- Other (5)
29How people say PFnet benefits them
- I can send messages quickly (63)
- I can send messages cheaply (51)
- I can send messages quickly and cheaply (39)
- Easy to pursue business dealings, make orders and
contact suppliers, and locate new suppliers (11) - Gives me access to education services
- Helps me (school Principal) in school admin
- Gives me health security as it helps the hospital
(17) - Helps me coordinate my development project
- Helps me to send urgent messages
- Gives me access to international news
30Benefits to the whole community
- Fast and affordable communications
- Community is better informed
- Supports local businesses by improving efficiency
- Improves access to education and quality of
education - Supports local economy
- Supports health and medical services
- Religious groups can better coordinate activities
- Gives community a voice to lobby decision makers
- Model proven. Now
- Need to expand for national impacts
- Need to consolidate base operations
- Need to build capacity
- Original formulation for 2-year program
- Business plan requires expansion
- USD 500K from multiple donors