Imagery - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Imagery & Figurative Language An image is a word or sequence of words that refers to any sensory experience (Kennedy and Gioia 741). Imagery What are your ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Imagery

Imagery Figurative Language
  • Animage is a word or sequence of words
  • that refers to any sensory experience
  • (Kennedy and Gioia 741).

  • What are your five senses? Sight, Hearing,
    Touch, Taste, and Smell
  • An image conveys a sense perception , i.e., a
    visual picture, a sound, a feeling of touch, a
    taste, or an odor
  • Imagery a noun used to refer to a set of
    related images in poem or the totality of images
    in a poem
  • Shelley uses nature imagery in his poem To

Figures of Speech
  • Figurative language uses figures of speech to
    convey unique images and create some sort of
    special effect or impression.
  • A figure of speech is an intentional deviation
    from the ordinary usage of language.

Poetry works by comparison
  • Poets often create images or enhance meaning by
    comparing one thing to another for special
  • A most important figure of speech is the
  • Metaphor

  • The term metaphor has two meanings, a broad, more
    general meaning and a concise, specific meaning.
  • All figures of speech which use association,
    comparison, or resemblance can generally be
    called types of metaphor, or metaphorical.
  • One specific figure of speech which compares two
    things by saying that one IS the other is called
    a metaphor.

  • A simile is a type of metaphor, a figure in which
    an explicit comparison is made using the
    comparative words like, as, resembles, than.
    Similes are easy to spot.
  • (X is like Y X is compared to Y in order to
    illustrate X more fancifully, poetically, or
    effectively. But Y is not a literal
    representation of X, not actual.)
  • The teams center looked like a skyscraper.
  • My love is like a red, red rose.
  • We were as quiet as frightened mice.

More similes
  • Kennedy and Gioia offer a good list of ways to
    make a simile
  • My love is like a red, red rose.
  • My love resembles a rose.
  • My love is redder than a rose.
  • She came out smelling like a rose! (767)

  • A metaphor also compares, but a metaphor is a bit
    more sophisticated than a simile.
  • For one thing, in a metaphor, the words
  • like or as are missing. So readers have to
    recognize the comparison on their own without
    those easy words which help us to spot a simile
    so quickly.

Metaphor (continued)
  • In a metaphor, a poet writes that X is Y.
    Readers understand that we are not to take the
    comparison literally, but that the metaphor helps
    us to see X in a new way.
  • My brother is a prince.
  • Razorback Stadium was a slaughterhouse.

More metaphors
  • Richard was a lion in the fight.
  • Her eyes are dark emeralds. Her teeth are
  • But Avoid Mixed Metaphors (combining two or more
    incompatible images in a single figure of
  • Management extended an olive branch in an attempt
    to break some of the ice between the company and
    the workers.

Implied Metaphor
  • Kennedy and Gioia offer a kind of metaphor (767)
    lacking the actual to be verb (is, am, are,
    was, were and other such forms of the verb to
    be) called
  • an Implied Metaphor
  • What is implied here about the speakers love?
  • Oh, my love has petals and sharp thorns.
  • Oh, I placed my love into a long-stemmed vase
  • And I bandaged my bleeding thumb.
  • And here, what is implied about the city and the
  • The subway coursed through the arteries of the

Extended Metaphor
  • This kind of metaphor may run through an entire
    work. In George Orwells Animal Farm, for
    example, the farm is compared to a nation, with
    different possible forms of goverance. This
    comparison extends throughout the novel.
  • Sometimes a poet will use an extended metaphor
    throughout a poem rather than simply as one
    single figure of speech in a poem.

Dead Metaphor
  • A dead metaphor has been so used and overused
    that it has lost its power to surprise, delight,
    or effectively compare.
  • A cliché is a dead metaphor, a phrase so
    often repeated that it no longer has force
  • He hit the nail on the head.
  • She was cool as a cucumber.
  • Jump out of the frying pan and into the fire.
  • This powerpoint show is crystal clear.
  • Avoid the use of clichés in your own writing!

  • Another kind of comparison is called
    personification. Here, animals, elements of
    nature, and abstract ideas are given human
  • John Milton calls time the subtle thief of
    youth (599). Homer refers to the rosy fingers
    of dawn (599).
  • Other examples of personification
  • The stars smiled down on us.
  • An angry wind slashed its way across the island.

  • The three main uses of figurative language needed
    to read poetry are the previous
  • Simile
  • Metaphor
  • Personification
  • But there are many other poetic devices used.
    The more you recognize, the richer your reading
    experience can be.
  • Here follow more figures of speech

  • Oxymoron - two contradictory terms are placed
    side by side, usually for an effect of
  • darkness visible (John Milton)
  • burning ice
  • People often enjoy joking sarcastically by
    declaring certain pairs of words to be oxymorons

military intelligence
  • Hyperbole (hy per bo lee) is intentional
    exaggeration or overstating, often for dramatic
    or humorous effect
  • Your predicament saddens me so much that I feel a
    veritable flood of tears coming on

  • The intentional understatement is used for effect
    also Thank you for this Pulitzer Prize I am
  • Another kind of understatement called Litotes
    occurs when a negative is used to state a
  • When I won the Pulitzer Prize, I was not

  • A person or thing which is absent is addressed
  • What thoughts I have of you tonight, Walt
    Whitman (Ginsberg 599).
  • Oh sun, I miss you, now that its December.

  • In this figure (m tawn nimee) one thing is
    replaced by another thing associated with it
  • The Crown is amused (The Crown is the Queen).
  • The White House is furious (The White House is
    the President).

  • Here, (sin nec duh kee) a part represents the
  • All hands on deck!
  • Lend me your ears.
  • Lets buy one hundred head of cattle!

Want more?
  • Figures of speech are numerous. The effective
    practice of communication is called rhetoric, and
    many, many figures of speech can be identified in
    language use.
  • Some other figures are anachronism, euphemism,
    pun, and onomatopoeia (o no mat o pee ya). In
    this last figure, words are used to convey sound,

bzzzz or cock-a-doodle-doo.
Oh no, you say? Here it comes!
  • Works Cited

Birkerts, Sven. Literature The Evolving Canon.
Boston Allyn and Bacon, 1993. Ginsberg, Allen.
A Supermarket in California. Literature The
Evolving Canon. Sven P. Birkerts, ed. Boston
Allyn and Bacon, 1993. 599. Kennedy, X.J. and
Dana Gioia, eds. Literature An Introduction
to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. 7th ed. New
York Longman, 1999.
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