Title: Microevolution (Ch 23) and Macroevolution (Ch 24)
1Microevolution (Ch 23) andMacroevolution (Ch 24)
2Gene Pools
A gene pool is the sum of alleles within a
A population is a localized group of organisms of
the same species
- Changes occurring in a population
- Adaptations result in evolution
- Evolution above the species level
- Origin of new taxonomic groups
4Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
- To assume Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium all of the
following must be true - The population must be very large (no sampling
error/genetic drift) - There must be no mutation
- There must be no natural selection
- No migration between populations
- Random mating
5Hardy-Weinberg Equation
- pfrequency of one allele (A)
qfrequency of -
the other allele(a) - pq1.0 p1-q q1-p
- p2 frequency of AA genotype 2pqfrequency
of Aa genotype q2 frequency of aa genotype - frequencies of all individuals must add to 1
(100) - p2 2pq q2 1
6Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium
Population of cats n100 16 white and 84
black bb white B_ black
Can we figure out the allelic frequencies of
individuals BB and Bb?
7Using Hardy-Weinberg equation
q2 (bb) 16/100 .16 q (b) v.16 0.4 p (B) 1
- 0.4 0.6
population 100 cats 84 black, 16 white How many
of each genotype?
8Hardy Weinberg Ex 1
- If only 6 of the population displays pale eyes
(recessive gene e), what is the frequency of
genotype Ee in this population? - q2 0.06 ---gt q 0.24
- p q 1 ---gt p 0.76
- Ee 2pq 2(0.76)(0.24) 0.36
9Hardy Weinberg Ex 2
- If the statistics for people who have PKU is 1 in
10,000, what percentage of the US population
carries the gene but does not exhibit the
disease? - q2 0.0001 ---gt q 0.01
- p q 1 ---gt p 0.99
- 2pq 2(0.99)(0.01) 0.0198 or 1.98
10Genetic Drift
Genetic drift is random fluctuation in allele
frequency between generations.
11A Genetic Bottleneck is a Form of Genetic Drift
In a genetic bottleneck, allele frequency is
altered due to a population crash.
Once again, small bottlenecked populations big
12Genetic Bottleneck A Historical Case
A severe genetic bottleneck occurred in northern
elephant seals.
Other animals known to be affected by genetic
bottlenecks include the cheetah and both ancient
and modern human populations.
13Founder Effect- new habitat
The South Atlantic island of Tristan da Cunha was
colonized by 15 Britons in 1814, one of them
carrying an allele for retinitis pigmentosum.
Among their 240 descendents living on the island
today, 4 are blind by the disease and 9 others
are carriers.
14Gene Flow
- genetic exchange due to the migration of fertile
individuals or gametes between populations
(reduces differences between populations) - seed pollen distribution by wind insect
- migration of animals
15Migration (Gene Flow)
- Mutation creates variation
- a change in an organisms DNA (gametes many
generations) original source of genetic
variation (raw material for natural selection)
17Nonrandom Mating
- Inbreeding
- assortive mating- choosing a mate with either
similarities or differences (both shift
frequencies of different genotypes)
18Sexual selection
19Natural Selection
- differential success in reproduction
- climate change
- food source availability
- predators, parasites, diseases
- toxins
- only form of microevolution that adapts a
population to its environment - provides fitness increase in the population
20Genetic Variation
- Polymorphism- 2 or more distinct forms (morphs)
within a single population of organisms
21Geographic Variation-cline
- differences in genetic structure between
22Mutation and Sexual Recombination
- -random changes to DNA
- errors in mitosis meiosis
- environmental damage
-Recombination mixing of alleles
new combinations new phenotypes
- 2nd set of chromosomes
- hides variations in the
- heterozygote
- Balanced polymorphism
heterozygote advantage (hybrid vigor i.e.,
malaria/sickle-cell anemia)
24In reality there is little random mating
- Inbreeding can occur within small or isolated
populations - Mate selection- choosing a mate similar to ones
25Sickle-Cell Prevalence
Selection by malaria exposure
26Evolutionary Fitness
- Contribution an individual makes to the gene pool
for the next generation. - The alleles of this individual promotes the
survival or reproductive success of others that
share the same allele.
27Modes of Selection
- Stabilizing Selection- favors the middle and
eliminates the extremes in a population - Directional Selection- natural selection or
evolutionary changes in the population - Disruptive Selection- favors the two extremes
creating polymorphism. -
28Modes of Selection
29Sexual Dimorphism
- Two distinct forms in the sexes of some species
30Sexual Selection
31Macroevolution the origin of new taxonomic
groups Chapter 24
- Speciation the origin of new species
- 1- Anagenesis (linear evolution) accumulation
of heritable changes - 2- Cladogenesis (branching evolution) budding
of new species from a parent species that
continues to exist (basis of biological diversity)
32What is a species?
- Biological species concept a population whose
members have the potential to interbreed and
produce viable, fertile offspring
33Other Species Concepts
- Biological Species Concept
- Reproductive Isolation
- Not necessarily easy to apply
- Morphological Species Concept
- Phenotypic differences
- Paleontological Species Concept
- Fossil species
- Ecological Species Concept
- Filling of ecological niches
- Phylogenetic Species Concept
- Evolutionary lineages/genetic history
34Reproductive Isolation (isolation of gene pools)
- Pre-zygotic barriers impede mating between
species or hinder the fertilization of the ova - Habitat (snakes water/terrestrial)
- Behavioral (fireflies mate signaling)
- Temporal (salmon seasonal mating)
- Mechanical (flowers pollination anatomy)
- Gametic (frogs egg coat receptors)
35Reproductive Isolation
- Post-zygotic barriers fertilization occurs, but
the hybrid zygote does not develop into a viable,
fertile adult - Reduced hybrid viability (frogs zygotes fail to
develop or reach sexual maturity) - Reduced hybrid fertility (mule horse x donkey
cannot backbreed) - Hybrid breakdown (cotton 2nd generation hybrids
are sterile)
36Modes of speciation (based on how gene flow is
- Allopatric populations segregated by a
geographical barrier adaptive radiation
diversification due to habitat change (Darwins
finches) - Sympatric reproductively isolated subpopulation
in the midst of its parent population
37Sympatric Speciation
- Polyploidy-more than 2 paired chromosomes
- Allopolyploidy- infertile hybrid
- Sexual selection- intraspecies competition
38Tempo of speciation
- Gradualism- species diverge more and more as they
adapt - Punctuated Equilibrium- periods of apparent
stability and then a sudden change
39Evolutionary Novelties
- Exaptation- structures becomes better adapted
for another function- bird feathers originally
kept the bird warm but later were better suited
for flight - Heterochromy- change in the rate of evolution-
foot development in salamanders - Paedomorphosis- retaining some juvenile
40Convergent Evolution
Analogies are products of convergent evolution
41(No Transcript)