Welcome to Grandview School - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Welcome to Grandview School


Welcome to Grandview School s Kindergarten Orientation Piscataway offers a full day kindergarten program that uses the Tools of the Mind curriculum. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Welcome to Grandview School

Welcome to Grandview SchoolsKindergarten
Piscataway offers a full day kindergarten program
that uses the Tools of the Mind curriculum.
Tools of the Mind is a child-centered program
that teaches every student at their own
level. Tools of the Mind is a program that is
filled with literature, comprehension strategies,
and writing.   Tools of the Mind teaches
mathematical concepts through hands-on
experiences. Tools of the Mind incorporates
Self-regulation, Science and Social Studies into
various themes throughout the year.
A Day in the Life of a Kindergartner
  • Arrival of bus students and walkers
  • Morning Classroom Routines
  • Your child needs to learn responsibility and
    unpack his or her belongings.

Question of the Day
  • Every day the students participate in opening
  • When the children enter the classroom, they
    answer a question of the day.  The question of
    the day changes throughout the year.  
  •     Examples 
  • Are you wearing ___?,
  • identifying rhyming words
  • same beginning/ending consonant sound
  • parts to make a shape...
  • Students also participate in counting jar
    activities and attendance sticks.

Morning Meeting
  • Weather Graph- One space is filled in each day. 
    Students are asked questions about the data. 
  •     Examples Most/Least, How many more/less
  • Timeline- A linear calendar that shows the
    continuum of time.  We discuss days of the week
    and months of the year.  We record information on
    the calendar.
  • Message of the Day- A sentence written on the
    board using the stem, "We are going to ____."

September and October
  • The beginning of the year starts with fairy
    tales, such as The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks
    and the Three Bears, and The Three Billy Goats
  • Students learn how to identify the characters,
    setting, plot, and solution to each story. 
  • Students are able to retell the beginning,
    middle end of the story.
  • Students are able to compare and contrast
    different versions of the fairy tales. 
  • October to June
  • Students will start to listen to The Magic Tree
    House chapter books.

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Here is a sample Storyboard showing the
beginning, middle, and the end of Little Red
Riding Hood.
Literacy Centers
  • Each week children are assigned to groups that
    rotate to one center per day.  Groups are changed
  • Blocks- Large wooden blocks, Legos...
  • Math- Manipulatives for hands-on activities...
  • Dramatic Play- Housekeeping area
  • Literacy- Puppets, flannel-board magnetic
  • Science- Sand table, different items to

Center Plans
  • Once a student goes to their center, the first
    thing they have to do is write what they plan to
    do in their center.
  • Students in a traditional program would write a
    string of letters together for a sentence.
  •                               Example   imgtbdw 
  • Tools of the Mind teaches students to write with 
    a correspondence between spoken words and lines.
  • ______   ___  _______  ____ 
    ____  ____  ______.
  •     I            M       G              
    T         B         D           W      .
  •           am     going           to      
    be      the       wolf
  • Students draw a picture that corresponds with
    their sentence. When their plan is complete,
    they will act out the story in their center. The
    plan will remind them which character they chose.

How do they know which letters to write?
  • Students use something called a Sound Map" to
    help them write.  A sound map has all of the
    consonants with a corresponding picture to help
    students figure out which letter to use. 
  • For example, if a student wanted to write the
    word "Mom", he or she would look at the sound map
    and locate the "monkey".  "Mom" and "monkey" both
    start with the "mmm" sound, so the student
    would write the letter "M". 
  • There is also a "Vowel Map" with short and long
    vowel sounds, which is introduced after the
    consonants are learned.

Teacher Scaffolding
  • The teacher scaffolds each child's writing on his
    or her level.
  • Sample Scaffolds
  • Picture, Message, Lines, Initial Sounds, Ending
    Sounds, Medial Sounds, Alphabetic Principle,
    Word Principle
  • The teacher conferences weekly with each child to
    set goals and discuss whether or not the previous
    goal was achieved.  This encourages children to
    self-reflect on their own work and focus on one
    small area to improve.

  • Students complete daily hands-on math
  • Mathematical activities are a combination of
  • Tools of the Mind and Scott Foresman

Some of the math topics covered in kindergarten
  •     Patterning
  •     Calendar and timeline concepts
  •     Developing number sense and 1 to 1
  •     Counting and writing numbers above 50
    (preferably to
  • 100)
  •     Collecting, recording, interpreting data-
  • graphs, tallies, survey questions, most, least,
  • many more/less than...
  •     Exploring geometry-shapes solid figures
  •     Simple problem solving and explanation
  •     Ordering amounts -most to least, least to
  •     Money
  •     Time
  •     Indentifying parts of a whole
  •     Simple addition and subtraction problems
  •     Using math vocabulary

Self- Regulation
  • In order for children to be successful, they must
    develop self-regulation.
  •     The ability to stay on task
  •     Ignore distractions
  •     Remember on purpose
  •     Hold two directions or strategies in mind at
  • one time
  •     The development of self-discipline
  •     Motivation to succeed
  • Students achieve this through songs, finger
    plays, Graphic Practice, Buddy Reading, Share the
    News, etc.

  • Students may either bring a lunch from home of
    purchase lunch at school.
  • Students will eat in the cafeteria.
  • Sodexho PayPams- Pre-payment of food

Special Areas
  • The students are supported by a part time
    assistant in each classroom.
  • The students participate in the following classes
    once a week
  • Physical Education
  •      Art
  •      Music

  • Students will be expected to pack up their
    belongings independently.

Other Important Facts to Know
  • Healthy Snacks should be provided every day for
    your child.
  • Label ALL personal belongings and clothing with a
    permanent marker.
  • Label lunch money with your childs name in
    either an envelope or a Ziploc Bag.
  • The Magic Tree House series is used in our
    kindergarten curriculum. PLEASE do not read them
    to your child before we read them in class.
  • You will receive a letter in August from your
    childs teacher stating which room your child is
    in and supplies that are needed.
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