Title: Every child ready to read @ your library
1Early Literacy 101 Help ChildrenGet Ready to
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2Reading is essential to school success. Start
now to help your childget ready to read.
Learning to read begins before children start
3Children who start kindergarten with good
pre-reading skills have an advantage. They are
ready to learn to read.
Why is it important for children to get ready to
read before they startschool?
4You are your childs first teacher. You know
your child best. Children learn best by doing,
and they love doing things with you.
Why are parents so important in helping their
children get readyto read?
5Six Early Literacy Skills Building the Foundation
Help your child be ready to read with simple
activities every day.
6Print Motivation Loving Books
Help your child be ready to read with simple
activities every day.
7Vocabulary Words
Help your child be ready to read with simple
activities every day.
8Print Awareness Using Books
Help your child be ready to read with simple
activities every day.
9Letter Knowledge The ABCs
Help your child be ready to read with simple
activities every day.
10Phonological Awareness Playing with Sounds
Help your child be ready to read with simple
activities every day.
11Narrative Skills Telling Stories
Help your child be ready to read with simple
activities every day.
12Not all skills are equal.
13To become successful readers, children need to
- Learn a code
- Understand its meaning
What do children need to learn to become good
14What is decoding?
- Noticing print
- Knowing letter names and sounds
- Hearing the sounds that make up words
What do children need to know before they can
learn to read?
15What is comprehension?
- Knowing what words mean (vocabulary)
- Understanding the meaning of printed language
What do children need to know before they
canlearn to read?
16Five simple practices help children get ready to
Help your child be ready to read with simple
activities every day.
17Talking Children learn about language
by listening to parents talk and joining the
Talking helps your childget ready to read.
18Talking Books are wonderfulconversation
Talking helps your childget ready to read.
19Singing Songs are a natural way to learn about
Singing helps your childget ready to read.
20Reading Reading together with your childrenis
the single most important way tohelp them get
ready to read.
Shared reading is the best way to help your child
getready to read.
21Reading Shared reading developsvocabulary and
Shared reading is the best way to help your child
getready to read.
22Reading Reading helps children learnless
common words. Talk about the meaning ofwords
as you read.
Shared reading is the best way to help your child
getready to read.
23Writing Reading and writing go together.
Writing helps your childget ready to read.
Making Marks
Drawing and Writing
Name Writing
Word Writing
Writing helps your childget ready to read.
25PlayingChildren learn about language through
different kinds of play.
Playing helps your childget ready to read.
26- Playing
- Pretend and dramatic play
- develop language skills.
Playing helps your childget ready to read.
27- Your library helps children get ready to read.
- Books and music to borrow
- Puzzles
- Crafts, coloring pages
- Storytimes and programs for all ages
- Fun spaces
28Preschoolers and Technology
Photo by Intel Free Press
29Additional Resources for Librarians ORTR
Website http//ohreadytoread.org Ohio Early
Literacy Crosswalk Facebook Ready to Read
Kits Grab and Go Kits Ohio Ready to Read Library
30- Facebook
- Ohio Ready to Read has its own Facebook page!
- Like ORTR to receive notifications and updates
regarding - Early learning literacy and libraries
- Early Learning standards
- Program Ideas
- Inspiring stories
- Helpful hints
- And more!
- https//www.facebook.com/OhioReadyToRead
31Ready to Read Kits Dont have enough early
literacy resources or the time to make new ones?
No problem! Borrow a handy Ready to Read Kit for
FREE from Ohio Ready to Read!
- Three kits are available. Each kit contains
- 1 easel
- 3 boxes of flashcards - Letters, Spanish Letters,
Spanish Everyday Words - 1 folder of flannel nursery rhymes
- 2 bags of magnetic letters (upper and lowercase)
- 2 puppets
- 1 drum head and 1 drum stick
- 6 board books
- 3-4 paperback books
- 1 big book
- 2-3 CDs
- 1 Every Child Ready To Read _at_ Your Library 2nd
edition manual (binder) - 1 Every Child Ready To Read _at_ Your Library 1st
edition training kit (binder) - 3 packs of original ECRR brochures (early
talkers, talkers, pre-readers Red, Blue, Green) - 1 pack of ECRR 2nd edition brochures
- 1 pack of ECRR 2nd edition bookmarks
32Grab and Go Templates Support early literacy
throughout the library and in the community with
these simple templates! Grab and Go Literacy
Stations are a great tool for librarians to use
during parent workshops, family events, or
storytimes, or to connect with the community
outside the library.
- Each template package includes
- Printable activity sheets
- A printable station title sheet
- A checklist of supplies
Download the templates for free http//www.ohready
33- Ohio Ready to Read Library
- This is a collection of
- Storytime outlines
- Booklists
- Scripts
- Sample publications
- Links
- And other tools and resources for librarians to
plan early literacy activities. - http//www.ohreadytoread.org/library.html
34- Ohio Early Literacy Crosswalk
- The Ohio Early Literacy Crosswalk is meant to
help librarians and other early-childhood
professionals understand how the following
early-literacy frameworks relate to one another - Every Child Ready to Read 1st edition
- Every Child Ready to Read 2nd edition
- Ohio Department of Education Early Learning and
Development Standards - Head Start Child Development Early Learning
Framework - http//ohelcrosswalk.wikispaces.com
35Thank you! Please keep in touch Ohio Ready to
Read http//ohreadytoread.org Presenters
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