RBSP Science Data Management Plan Discussion - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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RBSP Science Data Management Plan Discussion


RBSP Radiation Belt Storm Probes RBSP Science Data Management Plan Discussion Nicky Fox & Rob Barnes Overview of discussion SDMP needed inputs Review Table of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: RBSP Science Data Management Plan Discussion

RBSP Science Data Management Plan Discussion
RBSP Radiation Belt Storm Probes
  • Nicky Fox Rob Barnes

Overview of discussion
  • SDMP needed inputs
  • Review Table of contents and discuss needs for
    other sections
  • Review portions of the document that were TBD at
    the time of first delivery.
  • Sharing plans for data products
  • Goal to summarize what teams are providing and
    solicit discussions as to what other teams need
  • Mini presentations from each of the teams on
    what specifically they need from other teams
  • Need to start getting down to the specific data
    product level.

RBSP SDMP Table of Contents
  • 1.1 Purpose
  • 1.2 Scope
  • 1.3 Configuration Management
  • 1.4 Applicable Documents and Constraints
  • 2.1 Payload and Mission
  • 2.2 Mission-Level Science and Data Operations
  • 2.2.1 Coordination of science/data activities
    (TBD in current version)
  • 2.2.2 Coordination of science/data activities
    between teams (TBD in current version)
  • 2.2.3 Coordination of science/data activities
    with other assets and missions (TBD in current
  • 3.1 Approach
  • 3.2 Implementation
  • 3.2.1 Instrument
  • Instrument Commanding and Health and
    Safety Operations via SOC-CTG
  • Instrument Data Processing, archiving
    and dissemination via ECT-SDC
  • 4.1 Definitions of Data (including definition of
    data levels)

Mission-Level Science and Data Operations (1/3)
  • 2.2.1 Coordination of Science/data Activities
  • During Phase C/D, the RBSP Mission, through
    discussions of the Science Working Group (SWG),
    will develop methods of collaboration with the
    broader heliophysics community. This will involve
    the development of Rules of the Road and govern
    how RBSP instrument data is used.
  • To include Rules of the Road
  • To include a description of the science data
    portal, the interaction with the VxOs and
    information on how the project will support the
    broader heliophysics goals as laid out in the
    Heliophysics Science Data Management Policy

Mission-Level Science and Data Operations (2/3)
  • During Phase C/D, the RBSP Mission, through
    discussions of the Science Working Group (SWG),
    will develop methods of collaboration between the
    instrument teams.
  • Data sharing plans from each team

Mission-Level Science and Data Operations (3/3)
  • The RBSP Mission will fully support the broader
    goals of the Heliophysical data environment by
    providing full and open access to RBSP higher
    level data products. During Phase C/D, the SWG
    will discuss coordination, cross calibration, and
    collaboration with other assets and missions and
    develop a comprehensive framework for sharing
    data. The instrument teams will create meta-data
    products to help integrate RBSP data into the
    appropriate NASA Virtual Observatories.
  • Are any teams planning to do cross-calibration
    with instruments aboard other missions? If so, do
    you require support at a mission level?
  • If the answer to this is no, then this section
    may be combined with 2.2.1 so that the other
    assets are a subset of the broader HP community

Other TBDs in the document
  • Section 4 (Data products)
  • intro material including definition of data
    levels (and latency requirements) and table of
    mission products
  • Data volumes
  • RBSPICE to identify tools to be provided (or
    delete phrase "tools will be identified during
    phase CD") (4.3.4)
  • Section 5 (Data Archive)
  • intro including reference to mission archive plan
  • Section 6 (Data availability)
  • Intro with information about the VxOs and
    resident archive model
  • EFW data catalog in 6.3.3

RBSP Draft Rules of the Road for Data Usage
  • The PI shall make all Level 2 - 4 data products
    available to the public, as stated in the RBSP
    Science Data Management Plan.
  • Users should consult with the PI to discuss the
    appropriate use of instrument data or model
    results and to ensure that the Users are
    accessing the most recent available versions of
    the data and analysis routines. VxOs should
    facilitate this, serving as the contact point
    between PI and users in most cases.
  • Users should heed the caveats of investigators to
    the interpretation and limitations of data or
    model results. Investigators supplying data or
    models may insist that such caveats be published,
    even if co-authorship is declined. Data and model
    version numbers should also be specified.
  • Browse products are not intended for science
    analysis or publication and should not be used
    for those purposes without consent of the PI.
  • Users should acknowledge the sources of data used
    in all publications, presentations, and reports.
  • " We acknowledge the NASA Radiation Belt Storm
    Probes Mission and PI name for use of
    data.(list of PIs)
  • Users are requested to provide the PI a copy of
    each manuscript that uses the PIs data upon
    submission of that manuscript for consideration
    of publication. On publication the citation
    should be transmitted to the PI and any other
    providers of data.

RBSP Mission Products by Level
L0 Raw Telemetry (Raw de-commutated telemetry, received from the MOC Raw Telemetry (Raw de-commutated telemetry, received from the MOC Raw Telemetry (Raw de-commutated telemetry, received from the MOC Raw Telemetry (Raw de-commutated telemetry, received from the MOC Raw Telemetry (Raw de-commutated telemetry, received from the MOC
L1 Count Rates (Sorted time tagged instrument separated counts per second) Time Tagged Raw waveform and spectral data (Expressed in spinning spacecraft coordinate system) Count Rates (Sorted time tagged instrument separated counts per second) Energy Spectra Time Resolved Pitch Angles (Particle and species counts per second, per energy binParticle Event Data Pitch Angles for each detector center look directions) Pulse Heights, singles and coincidence rates (Time tagged in UTC, magnetic field vector and count rates in predefined energy bins)
L2 Calibrated Flux (Calibrated and corrected physical units) Calibrated Waveform and Spectral Data (In despun spacecraft coordinate system and other relevant geophysical Systems) Calibrated Field values and Spectral Quantities (Calibrated and corrected physical units) Particle Flux per Species, Pressure, Pitch Angle Distributions (Particle flux of each species per energy bin and particle pressures per species and as a whole Pitch angles distribution plots per spin and averaged over multiple spins) Flux versus Energy Spectrum
L3 Pitch Angle and Moments Calibrated Waveform and Spectral Data (with VxB subtraction for DC E-field estimate) Magnetic spectra, wave normal vectors and spectral matrices Calculated Phase Space Density as function of Time and Location Energy-pitch angle spectrum, equatorial pitch angle in magnetic coordinates
L4 Phase Space Density Global Electric Field Pattern Estimates Global Maps (Energy vs equatorial pitch angle vs Lm maps,M-K-L phase space density maps)
NASA Data Levels
  • (Defined in the Earth Science Reference Handbook
  • Level 0
  • Reconstructed, unprocessed instrument/payload
    data at full resolution any and all
    communications artifacts, e.g., synchronization
    frames, communications headers, duplicate data
    removed. In most cases these data are provided by
    EDOS to a DAAC as Production Data Sets for
    processing to the SDPs in the DAAC or by the
    SIPSs to produce the higher-level products.
  • Level 1A
  • Reconstructed, unprocessed instrument data at
    full resolution, time-referenced, and annotated
    with ancillary information, including radiometric
    and geometric calibration coefficients and
    geo-referencing parameters, e.g., platform
    ephemeris, computed and appended but not applied
    to the Level 0 data.
  • Level 1B
  • Level 1A data that have been processed to sensor
    units (not all instruments have Level1B data
  • Level 2
  • Derived geophysical variables at the same
    resolution and location as Level 1 source data.
  • Level 3
  • Variables mapped on uniform space-time grids,
    usually with some completeness and consistency.
  • Level 4
  • Model output or results from analyses of lower
    level data, e.g., variables derived from multiple

Suggested RBSP Data Levels
  • Level 0
  • Reconstructed, unprocessed instrument/payload
    data at full resolution any and all
    communications artifacts, e.g., synchronization
    frames, communications headers, duplicate data
  • Level 1A
  • Reconstructed, unprocessed instrument data at
    full resolution, time-referenced, and annotated
    with ancillary information, including radiometric
    and geometric calibration coefficients and
    geo-referencing parameters, e.g., platform
    ephemeris, computed and appended but not applied
    to the Level 0 data (uncalibrated)
  • Level 1B
  • Level 1A data that have been irreversibly
    transformed to sensor units (e.g., resampled,
    remapped, calibrated)
  • Level 2
  • Derived geophysical variables at the same
    resolution and location as the Level 1 source
  • Level 3
  • Variables mapped on uniform space-time grids,
    usually with some completeness and consistency.
  • Level 4
  • Model output or results from analyses of lower
    level data, e.g., variables derived from multiple

RBSP Science Data Portal
  • Michele Weiss
  • michele.weiss_at_jhuapl.edu
  • 240-228-4806

RBSP Science Data Portalhttp//rbsp.jhuapl.edu/
  • VxOs will provide
  • A data catalog
  • Access to RBSP Level 2-4 data products
  • Some tools
  • Science Data Portal will help to facilitate
    coordination of science/data activities
  • Access to ancillary data
  • From other missions
  • Solar Geomagnetic Indices
  • etc.
  • Access to models and model inputs of interest to
  • Hosting of the ECT L/K files are being evaluated
  • Tsyganenko magnetic field model inputs are being
  • etc.
  • Access to tools of interest to RBSP
  • Hosting of the coordinate/frame transformations
    are being evaluated
  • Hosting of SPICE kernels other then SCLK and SPK
    files (hosted by MOC)
  • Access to other tools of interest (i.e.
    visualization, analysis, planning, etc.)
  • etc.
  • Shared software repository

Preliminary Day in the Life
  • RBSP instrument team SOCs/SDCs produce their data
  • SOCs/SDCs makes their data products available on
    a publicly accessible area
  • VxOs (and possibly SPDF) provide access to the
    SOCs/SDCs data products
  • Science Data Portal provides access to ancillary
    data, tools, services and models that can be used
  • Data product processing/production
  • Data product visualization
  • Data product analysis
  • Planning tools
  • etc.

RBSP Team Data Sharing Plans
PSBR data sharing plan
  • Which products do you intend to make available
    for use by other teams in their data analysis?
  • We intend to provide our L0-L4 data and
    supporting information as specified in the
    PSBR/RPS PDMP. We have an informal agreement with
    ECT to share such data as may improve data
    reduction. The need for such data, and its
    precise form, cannot be defined until the flight
    models are subjected to beams.
  • When will these products be available?
  • L0-L4 data will be available as specified in the
    PSBR/RPS PDMP. Schedule for data provided to ECT
    cannot be defined at this time.

PSBR data sharing plan
  • What products do you need from other teams?
  • We will need calibrated MAG data. We will also
    need the L/K values provided by the ECT SOC if
    we are to provide our data in coordinates derived
    from a dynamic Tsyganenko-Sitnov model.
  • When do you need these products to be available?
  • We will re-run our analysis algorithms each time
    a new version of the MAG or L/K data is made
    available. When MAG data is not available, we
    will use a static model (OPQ) . Therefore, we
    have no specific timeline requirement from MAG.
    As for L/K, we do not have internal use for
    dynamic models, and we have the capability to
    create static model coordinates ourselves. We
    will just create the products that require L/K
    in a dynamic model as those coordinates become
    available from ECT.

PSBR data sharing plan
  • What other products do you need from outside RBSP
    Indices/IMF/supporting data.
  • GCR measurements (for on-orbit calibration)
  • Solor proton event measurements (supports science
    study, but we could do it with RBSP measurements
  • What software, tools and models (if any) do you
    intend to make available for use by other teams
    in their data analysis?
  • None have been requested. However, we do
    contribute to the IRBEM library, which is an
    open-source, shared resource that may be used by
    other teams (ECT?).
  • When will these be available?
  • Upon request.
  • What software, tools and models would you like to
    be available for use?
  • The scope of this question is unclear. We are not
    expecting any software from any of the other
    instrument teams. From NASA we are expecting
    SPICE, which is already available on the Web. We
    are expecting to acquire the GSE-OS SOC template
    from APL or GSE-OS Inc.

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