Title: Understanding%20the%20Three%20Basic%20Structures
1Understanding the Three Basic Structures
- Structure a basic unit of programming logic
- Any program can be constructed from only three
basic types of structures - Sequence
- Selection
- Loop
2Control Structures
- Sequence in sequential order.
- The simplest of control structures start at the
beginning and continue in sequential order. - Repetition repeat statements more than once
- Also called a loop, it needs a stop condition,
i.e, the program will continue to loop until some
condition is met. - Selection selectively execute statements
- Called a branch, it requires a condition to
determine when to execute statements.
3Structure Theorem
3. Repetition
Sequential instructions
Do While / Do Until
4Understanding the Three Basic Structures
- Sequence structure
- A set of instructions, performed sequentially
with no branching
5Understanding the Three Basic Structures
- Selection structure
- Asks a question, then takes one of two possible
courses of action based on the answer - Also called a decision structure or an
if-then-else -
6Flowchart for a Sequence
Instructions follow each other sequentially
Input sales amount from customer
Sequential instructions
Computer total amount
Sales amount x .06
Print report
Sale report
Hard Drive
Printed Report
Sale data
Save in file
7Flowchart for a Decision
- Decision or selection structure flowchart
IF --- THEN --- ELSE CASE statement
Answer is NO (false)
Answer is YES (true)
8Understanding the Three Basic Structures
- Dual-alternative if contains two alternatives
If the hours an employee has worked is greater
than 40 hours then calculate their pay as regular
hours multiplied by their regular time pay mount
added to the overtime pay amount which is
overtime hours multiplied by 1 ½ time the regular
pay amount.
The Problem
IF the hours worked is more than 40 THEN
(question) total pay will be regular pay
amount plus overtime hours multiplied by 1 ½
times regular pay amount (action if true)ELSE
total pay is regular hours times regular pay
amount (action if false)END IF
9Understanding the Three Basic Structures
- Single-alternative if contains one alternative
If the hours an employee has worked is greater
than 40 hours then calculate their pay as regular
hours multiplied by their regular time pay mount
added to the overtime pay amount which is
overtime hours multiplied by 1 ½ time the regular
pay amount.
The Problem
Total pay regular hours multiplied by regular
payIF the hours worked is more than 40 THEN
(question) total pay will be total pay
amount plus overtime hours multiplied by 1 ½
times regular pay amount (action if true)END
IFPrint to printer the total pay amount
(action if true or false)
FALSE path
TRUE path
TRUE or FALSE path
10Understanding the Three Basic Structures
- Single-alternative if
- Else clause is not required
- Null case situation where nothing is done
End If
11Flowchart for a Decision
IF condition THEN instruction1
instruction2 as many instructions as needed
as many structures (decision, sequential,
looping) as neededELSE instruction1
instruction2 as many instructions as needed
as many structures (decision, sequential,
looping) as neededENDIFContinuation of the
program (instructions and structures)
TRUE path if the questions answer is true (YES)
IF condition THEN as many instructions as
needed as many structures (decision,
sequential, looping) as needed ENDIF
TRUE path if the questions answer is true (YES)
FALSE path if the questions answer is false (NO)
12Flowchart for a Decision
A lt B (A B are the same data type
(numeric or alphanumeric) X 5 gt Z (X and Z
are numeric data types) E lt 5 (E is a numeric
data type) F gt 10 (F is a numeric data type)
IF A lt B THEN instructions/structuresELSE
IF X 5 gt Z THEN instructions/struct
13Flowchart for a Decision
Example 1
Somewhere before this decision, data is placed in
the variables HOURS and RATE IF HOURS gt 40
14Nested Decisions (IF THEN ELSE)
Example 2
15Example 3
Range Check
16Example 4
17Understanding the Three Basic Structures
- Loop structure
- Repeats a set of actions based on the answer to a
question - Also called repetition or iteration
- Question is asked first in the most common form
of loop
18Understanding the Three Basic Structures
WHILE testcondition (check if testcondition
is true) do however many instructions are
required (testcondition is true)END LOOP
(end of loop go back to beginning and check
condition)Continue with whatever processing is
Check Condition here or here
TRUE (repeat)
19Flowchart for a Loop
- Loop or repetition structure flowchart
Ask a questionAnswer is Yes Execute the
loop Answer is NO Exit the loop
20Understanding the Three Basic Structures
- All logic problems can be solved using only these
three structures - Structures can be combined in an infinite number
of ways - Stacking attaching structures end-to-end
- End-structure statements
- Indicate the end of a structure
- endif ends an if-then-else structure
- endwhile ends a loop structure
21Understanding the Three Basic Structures
22Understanding the Three Basic Structures
- Any individual task or step in a structure can be
replaced by a structure - Nesting placing one structure within another
- Indent the nested structures statements
- Block group of statements that execute as a
single unit
23Understanding the Three Basic Structures
24Understanding the Three Basic Structures
25Understanding the Three Basic Structures
26Understanding the Three Basic Structures
- Each structure has one entry and one exit point
- Structures attach to others only at entry or exit
27Using the Priming Read
- Priming read (or priming input)
- Reads the first input data record
- Outside the loop that reads the rest of the
records - Helps keep the program structured
- Analyze a flowchart for structure one step at a
time - Watch for unstructured loops that do not follow
this order - First ask a question
- Take action based on the answer
- Return to ask the question again
28Using the Priming Read (continued)
29Using the Priming Read (continued)
- Structured but nonfunctional loop
30Using the Priming Read (continued)
31Using the Priming Read (continued)
- Functional and structured loop
32Using the Priming Read (continued)
- Priming read sets up the process so the loop can
be structured - To analyze a flowcharts structure, try writing
pseudocode for it
33Using the Priming Read (continued)
- What is wrong with this design?
34Understanding the Reasons for Structure
- Advantages of structure
- Provides clarity
- Professionalism
- Efficiency
- Ease of maintenance
- Supports modularity
35Understanding the Reasons for Structure
36Recognizing Structure (continued)
- Next, pull up the flowline on the right side of B
37Recognizing Structure (continued)
- Now pull up the flowline on the right side of D
38Recognizing Structure (continued)
- Bring together the loose ends of D and of B