Are%20YOU%20the%20next - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Your Project: You will create your own basic 10+ frame animation using Excel (to create images) and PowerPoint (to animate the images). You will gain an understanding ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Are%20YOU%20the%20next

Are YOU the next
First Animation in Film FUNNY FACES
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
Mickey Mouse (Carnival)
Mickey Mouse (Horse)
FROZEN Summer Song
For the Birds (Short Film)
(No Transcript)
Your Project
You will create your own basic 10 frame
animation using Excel (to create images) and
PowerPoint (to animate the images). You will
gain an understanding of how to rotate, reflect,
translate, and dilate and image using its
Monday, Jan 27-Tuesday, Jan 28 Show clips of
various styles of animations (Entry Event)and
have students complete Transformation
Investigation in Excel. Wednesday, Jan 29
Continue Transformation Investigation Thursday,
Jan 30 Students will plan their animation frame
by frame using a storyboard with at least 10
frames (Student choice). Animation must include
at least 10 ordered pairs and three of the
following translation, rotation, dilation,
reflection. Complexity in the animation will
earn extra points (i.e. more than one object in
animation, more than 15 frames, etc). Friday,
Jan 31 Storyboard should be completed in class
by end of period. Monday, Feb 3-Tuesday Feb 4
(Revision) Students will use post-it notes to
make constructive comments on classmates
storyboards. Students will make revisions to
their storyboards. Wednesday Feb 5 Students
input basic points in Excel Thursday Feb
6-Tuesday, Feb 11 Students use Excel and
formulas to transform their basic points to
achieve their desired animation as planned out in
the storyboard. Wednesday, Feb 12-Thursday, Feb
13 Students insert each frame on its own page in
a PowerPoint presentation (scaled the same with
coordinate plane showing) and set up a slideshow
with timings. Friday, Feb 14 Students load Excel
and PowerPoint file to their Digital Portfolio.
Culminating Event
Animations will be played on the computer in the
front office. AND Advisories will view
animations and vote for their favorites in the
following categories CREATIVITY ACCURACY
BEST OVERALL (extra points awarded to
The student will demonstrate. Distinguished (3) Proficient (2) Developing (1) Needs Improvement (0)
Persistence Class time was consistently used wisely to complete the project. Class time was inconsistently used wisely to complete the project (1-2 days off task a majority of time). Class time was not used wisely to complete the project (2-4 days off task a majority of time). Class time was not used wisely to complete the project, and the project was never completed.
Compliance Followed ALL project requirements. Followed MOST project requirements. Followed SEVERAL project requirements. Followed TOO FEW project requirements.
Striving for Accuracy All math concepts were appropriately applied and all computations are correct. 1-2 math concepts inappropriately applied OR computed incorrectly. 3-4 math concepts inappropriately applied OR computed incorrectly. Five or more math concepts inappropriately applied OR computed incorrectly.
Innovation and Creation Extreme use of creativity in design including color and artist inspiration explanation. Use of creativity in design including color and artist inspiration explanation. Adequate use of creativity in design including color and artist inspiration explanation. Limited creativity in design including color and artist inspiration explanation.
Interdependent Thinking Student made constructive comments on at least 7 of their classmates storyboards. Student made constructive comments on at least 5 of their classmates storyboards. Student made constructive comments on at least 3 of their classmates storyboards. Student made constructive comments on fewer than 3 of their classmates storyboards.
Time Management All deadlines met. One deadline missed. Two deadlines missed. More than two deadlines missed.
  • Actual Scores for the following criteria will be
  • Persistence
  • Compliance
  • Striving for Accuracy

Transformation Activity Completed due Thursday,
January 30 (at beginning of
class)   Storyboard Complete due Friday,
January 31 (at end of class)   Basic Points
inserted in Excel due Wednesday, February 5
(at end of class)   Fifteen frames
created in Excel due Wednesday, February 12
(at end of class)   Frames animated in
PowerPoint due Friday, February 14 (at end
of class)   Excel and PowerPoint files added to
DP in class Friday, February 14
Want full credit for COMPLIANCE?
  • Animation must include at least 10 ordered pairs
    (entered and clearly labeled in Excel)
  • Animation must include three of the following
    translation, rotation, dilation, reflection.
  • Storyboard should have at least 15 frames.
  • Formulas were used in Excel to transform points
    to achieve your desired animation as planned out
    in your storyboard.
  • Each frame should be clearly labeled in Excel
    (color-coded would be best) with before/after
    points and rule used to transform points
    clearly labeled.
  • Each frame in Excel has its own page in a
    PowerPoint presentation (scaled the same with
    coordinate plane showing).
  • A slideshow is set up with appropriate timings.
  • Excel and PowerPoint file loaded to your Digital
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