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Title: TOTEM: forward physics at the LHC Author: M. Deile Last modified by: Mario Deile Created Date: 3/24/2004 10:48:44 AM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: p. 1

TOTEM Prospects for Total Cross-Section and
Luminosity Measurements
M. Deile (CERN) for the TOTEM Collaboration 13.01.
ultimate goal 1 (2011 3)
Luminosity-Independent Method based on the
Optical Theorem
  • measure the inelastic event rate Ninel (with
    forward tracking chambers)
  • measure the elastic event rate Nel (detect
    surviving protons with Roman Pots)
  • and extrapolate the cross-section dNel/dt to t
  • take r Re f(0) / Im f(0) f(0) forward
    elastic amplitude
  • from theory, e.g. COMPETE extrapolation

  • later try to measure r at b 1 km elastic
    scattering in the Coulomb-nuclear interference
  • Requirements for this method
  • Beam optics providing proton acceptance at low
    t in the Roman Pots
  • Detector coverage at high h
  • Trigger capability for all detector systems

The TOTEM Detector Setup
installation in progress
operational in 2010
now installed
operational in 2010
3.1 ? h ? 4.7
5.3 ? h ? 6.5
T1 - arm during installation
p. 3
Acceptance for Inelastic Events
  • Uncertainties in inelastic cross sections large
  • non-diffractive min. bias (MB) 40 ?
    60 mb
  • single diffraction (SD) 10 ? 15 mb
  • double diffraction (DD) 4 ? 11 mb

Accepted event fractions
p. 4
Measurement of the Inelastic Rate Ninel
Trigger Losses at ?s 7 TeV, requiring 3 tracks
pointing to the IP
s T1/T2 trigger and selection loss
Minimum bias 50 mb 0.05 mb
Single diffractive 12.5 mb 4.83 mb
Double diffractive 7.5 mb 1.21 mb
Total 70 mb 6.1 mb
  • Correction for trigger losses
  • Extrapolation of the mass spectrum
  • fit dN/dM2 1/Mn with n 2
  • uncertainty depends on the purity of the
  • event sample used for the extrapolation
  • (e.g. errors from minimum bias events
  • as diffractive events)
  • Independent handle on low-mass diffraction
  • At b 90 m the protons for all diffractive
  • are visible (for t gt 10-2 GeV2).
  • ? total uncertainty on Ninel 1.0 mb (1.4 ).

Roman Pot System Leading Proton Detection
scattering angle q
Horizontal Pot
Vertical Pot BPM
p. 6
Elastic Scattering
exponential region
Elastic Scattering Acceptance at ?s 7 TeV
7 TeV
RP220 detectors at 10 s from beam centre
b 3.5m
b 1540m
b 90m
t50 0.024 GeV2
(eN 3.75 mm)
squared 4-momentum transfer t ? - p2 q2
t50 0.0008 GeV2
(eN 1 mm)
Preliminary t-distribution
? 84K elastic scattering candidate events TOTEM
special run ( 9 nb-1)
?s 7 TeV ? 3.5 m RPs _at_ 7 ? (V) and 16 ? (H)
  • Raw distribution
  • - No smearing corrections
  • - No acceptance corrections
  • - No background subtraction
  • Syst. error sources under study
  • alignment, beam position and
  • divergence, background,
  • optical functions, efficiency,

0.7 GeV2
Elastic Scattering at low t
Exponential Slope B(t)
7 TeV
b 1540 m
b 90 m
fit interval
with detectors at 10 s b 1540 m t50
0.0008 GeV2 b 90 m t50 0.024 GeV2
best parameterisation B(t) B0 B1 t B2 t2
Extrapolation to the Optical Point (t 0) at b
90 m
Study at 14 TeV, eN 3.75 mm rad
(extrapol. - model) / model in d?/dt t0
Statistical extrapolation uncertainty
14 TeV
14 TeV
? L dt 2 nb-1
upper bound 0.25 GeV2
  • Common bias due to beam divergence (angular
    spread flattens dN/dt distribution) -2
    _at_14 TeV ? -3 _at_7 TeV, can be corrected.
  • Spread between most of the models 1
    (Islam model needs different treatment, can be
    distinguished at larger t)
  • Systematic error due to uncertainty of optical
    functions 1.5 , assuming dL/L 1
  • Different parameterisations for extrapolation
    (e.g. const. B, linear continuation of B(t))
    negligible impact

Acceptance versus Energy and Detector Approach
  • Advantage of 7 or 8 TeV w.r.t. 14 TeV t50
    reduced ? shorter extrapolation
  • reduced model dependence
  • reduced statistical uncertainty

(eN 3.75 mm rad)
lower E
x 0.6
closer approach
x 0.4
(eN 1 mm rad)
Desired Scenario for Runs at b 90 m
(subject to discussions with MPP and collimation
experts and to commissioning progress / surprises)
4 special runs (assuming E 4 TeV)
en mm rad RP distance(window) bunching L cm-2 s-1 m (inelastic pileup) t50 GeV2 statistics per 8 h statistical uncertainty of extrapol.
3 8 s 1b, 7 x 1010 p/b 6.9 x 1027 0.05 0.019 0.2 nb-1 1.5
3 6 s 1b, 7 x 1010 p/b 6.9 x 1027 0.05 0.011 0.2 nb-1 1
1 8 s 1b, 6 x 1010 p/b 1.5 x 1028 0.1 0.0070 0.4 nb-1 lt 1
1 6 s 1b, 6 x 1010 p/b 1.5 x 1028 0.1 0.0043 0.4 nb-1 lt 1
Dominated by systematics ? small RP distance much
more important than luminosity ! Crucial good
knowledge of the optical functions Aim
contribution from optical functions not larger
than angle resolution limit from beam
divergence dLy / Ly lt 1.1 or dby / by lt
1.1 dLx / Lx lt 0.2 or dbx / bx lt 0.2
(but our error estimates are based on 1
Combined Uncertainty in ?tot
  • At b 90 m, ?s 7 TeV
  • Extrapolation of elastic cross-section to t 0
  • Total elastic rate (strongly correlated with
    extrapolation) 1
  • Total inelastic rate

  • Error contribution from (1r2) using full
    COMPETE error band dr/r 33 (very
    pessimistic) 1.2
  • ? Total uncertainty in stot including
    correlations in the error propagation 3
  • Slightly worse in L ( total rate
    squared!) 4

Outlook Extrapolation with the Ultimate Optics
(b 1540 m)
t50 0.0008 GeV2 for RP window at 10 s ? good
lever arm for choosing a suitable fitting
function for the extrapolation to t
0. Complication Coulomb-nuclear interference
must be included
14 TeV !!!
7 TeV
b 1540m
and b(t) is a function of fC(t) and fH(t).
For most models extrapolation within 0.2
. Islam model needs different treatment can be
distinguished in the visible t-range.
Difficulties - very-high-b optics at 7 or 8 TeV
still to be developed (b1540m exists only for
14 TeV). - additional magnet powering cables
Outlook Measurement of r in the Coulomb-nuclear
Interference Region?
Aim get also the last ingredient to stot from
measurement rather than theory.
(eN 3.75 mm rad)
(eN 1 mm rad)
  • might be possible at 8 TeV with RPs at 8 s
  • incentive to develop very-high-b optics before
    reaching 14 TeV !E.g. try to use the same optics
    principle as for 90m and unsqueeze further.

TOTEM is ready for a first stot and luminosity
measurement in 2011 with b 90m using the
Optical Theorem. Expected precision 3 in stot
, 4 in L Wish start soon with the development
of the b 90m optics to have enough time for
learning. Desired running conditions low beam
intensity, small RP distance to the beam Longer
term Measurement at the 1 level with
very-high-b optics (1 km) might give access to
the r parameter if the energy is still low (?s
8 TeV) needs optics development work.
(No Transcript)
Elastic Scattering ? ? f(0) / ? f(0)
PRL 89 201801 (2002)
Preferred fit predicts
E710/E811 r 0.135 0.044
asymptotic behaviour ? 1 / ln s for s ? ?
Elastic Scattering from ISR to LHC
Coulomb - nuclear interference ? r
Pomeron exchange ? e B t
ds / dt mb / GeV2
B(s) Bo 2aP ln(s/so) ? 20 GeV-2 at LHC
diffractive structure
E710/811, CDF
pQCD ? 1/ t8
pp 14 TeV BSW model
Block model
-t GeV2
-t GeV2
546 GeV CDF 0.025 lt t lt 0.08 GeV2 B 15.28
0.58 GeV-2 (agreement with UA4(/2)) 1.8 TeV
CDF 0.04 lt t lt 0.29 GeV2 B 16.98 0.25
GeV-2 E710 0.034 lt t lt 0.65
GeV2 B 16.3 0.3 GeV-2
0.001 lt t lt 0.14 GeV2 B 16.99 0.25
GeV-2 , r 0.140 0.069 E811
0.002 lt t lt 0.035 GeV2 using ?B? from CDF,
E710 r 0.132 0.056 1.96 TeV D0 0.9 lt
t lt 1.35 GeV2
Relative Luminosity Measurement
  • For running conditions where measurement via
    Optical Theorem impossiblerelative measurement
    after a prior absolute calibration at b 90 m
    or 1540 m.
  • Examples
  • partial inelastic rates, e.g. (T2 left) x (T2
    right) robust against beam-gas background
  • for running conditions with pileup count
    zero-events, e.g. failing (T2 left) x (T2 right)

  • e.g. P(n0) 15 _at_ L1033 cm-2s-1 ,
    2808 bunches Also usable for continuous
    luminosity monitoring (to be studied further).

Measurements of stot
Conflicting Tevatron measurements at 1.8
TeV E710 stot 72.8 3.1 mb E811 stot
71.42 2.41 mb CDF stot 80.03 2.24
mb Disagreement E811CDF 2.6 s
Best combined fit by COMPETE But models vary
within (at least)
TOTEM Detector Configuration
T1 3.1 lt h lt 4.7 T2 5.3 lt h lt 6.5
10.5 m
14 m
147 m
(180 m)
220 m
Symmetric experiment all detectors on both sides!
Level-1 Trigger Schemes
Always try to use 2-arm coincidence to suppress
Elastic Trigger s ? 30 mb Single Diffractive
Trigger s ? 14 mb Double Diffractive
Trigger s ? 7 mb Central Diffractive
Trigger (Double Pomeron Exchange DPE) s ? 1
mb Non-diffractive Inelastic Trigger s ? 58
mb stot ? 110 mb
Acceptance Losses and Selection Losses
Detection of Leading Protons
Transport equations
TOTEM Proton Acceptance in (t, x) (contour
lines at A 10 ) RP220
(x, y) vertex position (?x, ?y) emission
angle x ?p/p
x resolved
Example Hit distribution _at_ TOTEM RP220
with b 90m
t -p2 ? 2
Optics properties at RP220
b 1540 m L 1028 2 x 1029 95 of all p seen all x
b 90 m L 1029 3 x 1030 65 of all p seen all x
b 0.5 2 m L 1030 1034 p with x gt 0.02 seen all t
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