Title: Locating Communication Studies Scholarship
1Locating Communication Studies Scholarship
- Put Together by Deanna L. Fassett
- San José State University
2Communication Studies Scholarship
- Is a written record of inquiry into some
communication phenomenon. - Is written by scholars--researchers and
teachers--in the field. - Is presented in classrooms, at conferences, and
in publications.
3Peer-Reviewed Scholarship
- For this class, you will locate peer-reviewed
communication studies scholarship. - Peer-reviewed work is
- A report of original research
- Reviewed by experts in the field
- Printed in journals
- Does not include book reviews
4Communication Studies Journals Include
- Communication Education
- Communication Critical/Cultural Studies
- Communication Quarterly
- Critical Studies in Media Communication
- The Review of Communication
- Communication Teacher
- Journal of Applied Communication Research
- Quarterly Journal of Speech
- Communication Monographs
- Text and Performance Quarterly
5Locating Peer-Reviewed Work
- Just start with the Librarys webpage
6The SJSU Academic Gateway
- Under research help, select Your SJSU Major
7Communication Studies Gateway
- Choose Articles and Databases
8Articles and Databases
- Each of the search engines listed here may
contain peer-reviewed communication studies
9Communication Mass Media Complete
- You can limit your search to full text,
peer-reviewed articles in particular journals.
10Lets try a search
- Well search peer-reviewed, full text articles
regarding sexuality. Well also limit for
journals with communication in the title.
11Yield? 58 citations.
- Take a look, though. Some of these are not on
the recommended list of journals.
12Lets limit our search to one journal
- This yields sixteen results, and we can be more
discerning over which of these we want to choose.
13If you dont know where to start, pick a journal
and look through the most recent articles until
you find something compelling.