PK-12 Content Area Presentation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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PK-12 Content Area Presentation


PK-12 Content Area Presentation Modern Languages Middle School and High School – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: PK-12 Content Area Presentation

PK-12 Content Area Presentation
  • Modern Languages
  • Middle School and High School

Vocabulary Building in Spanish II
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French Curriculum German Curriculum Spanish Curriculum
Exploratory Level I Level II Level III Level IV Honors Level V Honors AP Survey of French Exploratory Level I Level II Level III Level IV Honors Level V Honors AP Survey of German Exploratory Level I Level II Level III Level IV Honors Level V Honors AP Spanish Survey of Spanish
Literacy/Modes of Comm. Reading Writing Speaking Listening Viewing Teaching for Learner Differences Performance Level Descriptors (PLD) for each level Iowa Core Implementation Reading Combination of spoken/written target language Reading for development/mastery Writing Writing for purpose Writing for culturally appropriate audiences Defining literature/writing Speaking ACTFL 5 Cs Communication, Connections, Culture, Comparisons, Communities Listening Engaging activities where all modes are turned on Sender, receiver, message Viewing Authentic materials DVDs, short stories, advertisements, Internet sources, etc.
Instruction, Technology, Differentiation
Exploratory Honors AP French
Exploratory French IV Using target language as much as possible appropriate to level Questioning techniques Drill and repetition Smart Board (BMS) Document Cameras, CDs, DVDs, Video camera, Computer Lab Ma France (BBC France), French news programs Partner/Missing Gap activities Announcements Student presentation in French, skits, interviews
Honors Level V Open and Closed Note Quizzes Tests Presentations Conversations Homework Journaling / Essays Skits Announcements
Honors AP French (Curriculum audited and approved by college Board) Previous AP tests for preparation Debates Cours Supérieur Weekly essay writing
Differentiation World language instruction addresses multiple intelligences and multiple learning styles World language instruction uses whole class, small group and peer/pair activities. Accommodations are made for students with IEPs or504 plans
Comments Authentic texts for French IV are being researched and will be ordered. More authentic listening materials and books/programs for AP French are being researched, with plans to order.
Instruction, Technology, Differentiation
Exploratory Honors AP German
Exploratory German IV Deutsch Aktuell textbook series 50 Target language instruction Partner/Missing Gap Activities SmartBoard lessons, Senteo response clickers Quizlet, Online dictionaries , Ti-Vi Logo, Spiegel Flip cameras Authentic materials CDs, DVDs, online news articles, childrens stories, young adult literature, poetry, etc.
Honors Level V Authentic literature CDs, DVDs, cartoons, graphic novels, young adult novels, advertisements, heiße Themen, fairy tales, children books, online news articles, pod casts, poetry, social networks 80 Instruction in Target Language Flip Cameras. Language Lab, Podcasts Presentations skits, interviews AP rubrics writing comprehension, speaking Bi-weekly writing assignments which increase in length and complexity.
Honors AP German (Curriculum audited and approved by College Board) German Grammar Review, Handbuch zur Deutschen Grammatik 90 TL Instruction and authentic literature (same as Level V) Circumlocution ,TPRS, PACE Model (top/bottom approach) Writing to learn rubric rubrics Previous AP tests Bi-weekly recorded short responses and story telling
Differentiation World language instruction addresses multiple intelligences and multiple learning styles World language instruction uses whole class, small group and peer/pair activities. Accommodations are made for students with an IEP or 504 plans
Comments The current book series is not designed to offer updated computer based learning opportunities for students. We may need to consider additional newer programs to take full advantage of the available technology at BHS and BMS. Each student needs a copy of the workbook
  • Concerns
  • Workbooks for each student
  • Deutsch Aktuell does not offer online activities,
    message/speaking boards like the Spanish program
  • Creating SmartBoard ready lessons
  • May need to change German textbook and program to
    meet the demands of computer-based language

Instruction, Technology, Differentiation
Exploratory Honors AP Spanish
Spanish I IV Text book with accompanying Internet companion sites Student workbook for classroom use only Audio and video components Other sites prepared by world language instructors for drill and practice of grammar and vocabulary Discovery Education video streaming Language Lab, Flip Cameras
Honors Level V Abriendo paso gramática Several other ancillary texts are used supplimentally Internet sites , Other sites prepared by world language instructors for drill and practice of grammar and vocabulary
Honors AP Spanish (Curriculum audited and approved by College Board.) Abriendo paso gramática AP Spanish Preparing for the Language Exam 3rd Edition Literature En la ardiente oscuridad, Rosaura a las diez, Breves cuentos hispanos Internet sites (same as Honors Level V) Sample AP Spanish language tests from previous years
Differentiation World language instruction addresses multiple intelligences and multiple learning styles World language instruction uses whole class, small group and peer/pair activities. Accommodations are made for students with IEPs and 504 plans
Comments Vertical alignment and collaboration with the purpose of creating common assessments and curriculum is an on-going goal supported with curriculum writing funding. Each student needs an individual copy of the corresponding workbook
  • Future Modern Language Instructional Needs
  • An interactive computer lab dedicated solely to
    the modern language department and designed for
    language learning, practice and assessment would
    allow for maximum authentic language input and
  • BMS needs a computer lab with the capacity for a
    full class, and for multiple sections of that
    class during any given day at least once a week.
  • Each BHS modern language student needs his/her
    own copy of the workbook to use in and out of
    class and for reviewing purpose.

Assessment(Common syllabi and grading scales
apply to all high school modern language courses )
Exploratory Level I Level II
Summative Classroom activities/projects Agree/Disagree Yes/No, Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Anchor activities Summative Daily homework assignments Agree/Disagree Yes/No, Thumbs UP/Thumbs Down Anchor activities Summative Daily homework assignments Agree/Disagree Detective Games Anchor activities Circumlocution
Formative Written quizzes/tests Reading, CLOZE Listening Grammar/Vocabulary Speaking Class Project Rubrics Formative Tests and exams Writing Reading Comprehension Listening Comprehension Grammar Speaking Class Project Rubrics Writing Speaking Participation Formative Weekly writing assignments Increase length/complexity Chapter Tests and final exams Classroom Project Rubrics Writing Speaking Participation Self-Assessment Peer Assessment
Level I and Level II Writing Samples
Lower Level Vocabulary Practice
Level III Level IV/Survey Honors Level V / Honors AP
Summative Daily homework assignments Agree/Disagree Yes/No, Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Anchor activities Summative Daily homework assignments CLOZE with music/authentic texts Verb identification Missing Gap Activities Summative Daily homework assignments Circumlocution Anchor Activities
Formative Identical tests between all high school sections Writing Reading Listening Grammar/Vocabulary Speaking Individual/Class Project Rubrics Peer assessment Formative Tests and exams Writing Reading Comprehension Listening Comprehension Grammar Class Project Rubrics Writing Speaking Participation Formative College Board Rubrics Weekly writing assignments Increase in length and complexity Tests and exams Classroom Project Rubrics Writing Speaking Participation Self assessment Peer assessment The rubrics are based on College Boards Spanish language rubrics
Comments Continued efforts are being made to create and share common assessments and class activities at all levels , with recent focus on sharing between the 8th grade and high school level 1 classes. The modern language department finds that Writing To Learn strategies and assessments are more effective in the target language. More emphasis toward proficiency in speaking, reading, understanding and writing, at all levels, is a common goal. Comments Continued efforts are being made to create and share common assessments and class activities at all levels , with recent focus on sharing between the 8th grade and high school level 1 classes. The modern language department finds that Writing To Learn strategies and assessments are more effective in the target language. More emphasis toward proficiency in speaking, reading, understanding and writing, at all levels, is a common goal. Comments Continued efforts are being made to create and share common assessments and class activities at all levels , with recent focus on sharing between the 8th grade and high school level 1 classes. The modern language department finds that Writing To Learn strategies and assessments are more effective in the target language. More emphasis toward proficiency in speaking, reading, understanding and writing, at all levels, is a common goal.
Upper Level Oral and Written Assessments
Progressive Assessment Artifcats in German
Cooperative Learning Group Rubric21st Century
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Payoffs GAPP, Costa Rica, France Trip, Recent
Alumni, Career, German Club, French Club, Spanish
Professional Development PK-12 Articulation
  • Weekly content area meetings to discuss testing,
    assessments and course/level goals
  • District-wide content/area meetings
  • Iowa World Language Association
  • Wisconsin Association for Language Teachers
  • American Association of Teachers of German
  • AP Conferences
  • AP Certified Reader
  • International Conference in Leipzig, Germany
  • American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages
  • Café Latino A teacher driven networking meeting
    held once a month to practice Spanish and to
    share concerns and successes.
  • AEA Workshops - all world language programs in
    AEA 9 would benefit from a world language
    specialist to assist in communication, staff
    development, Iowa Core Curriculum expectations,
    and other curricular and instructional needs.
    Currently there is no one with sufficient
    expertise in world language acquisition.
  • American Association of French Teachers

Modern Language Vision Statement
We see the addition of an interactive computer
lab dedicated to the modern language department.
This lab would have the capacity to record speech
produced by the students and by the teachers. It
would allow the teachers to monitor live speech
produced by the students. It would have a
quiet room where speaking assessments could be
video taped, rather than using our hallways. It
would have full computer functions and internet
Modern Language Vision Statement
  • We see ourselves in the next few years
    incorporating French, German and Spanish into the
    elementary grades (FLES) as a means of
    recognizing the importance of early second
    language acquisition as well as continuing to
    grow and strengthen our current programs.

Modern Language Vision Statement
We see a revised textbook adoption cycle in which
all languages would collaborate in selecting
texts that incorporate technology in a common
level sequence, i.e. all level 1 classes adopt at
the same time, etc.
Modern Language Vision Statement
All BHS modern language classrooms will be in the
same area of the building to maximize
collaboration and technology use. BMS will be
equipped with a computer lab accessible to a
complete class and multiple sections during a
given day.
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