Accounting%20Theory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Accounting Theory Topic 1: Accounting History Accounting History Early history of accounting Emergence of double entry bookkeeping Contribution of Luca Pacioli ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Accounting%20Theory

Accounting Theory
  • Topic 1 Accounting History

Accounting History
  • Early history of accounting
  • Emergence of double entry bookkeeping
  • Contribution of Luca Pacioli

Accounting History
  • The history of accounting is as old as
    civilization, key to important phases of history,
    among the most important professions in economics
    and business. 

Accounting History
  • A.C. Littleton in his Accounting Evolution to
    1900 contended that for double entry system to
    emerge , certain prerequisites or antecedents had
    to be present. He classified his antecedents into
  • Materials antecedents private property,
    capital, commerce and credit.
  • Language antecedents writing, money and

Accounting History
  • Littleton claimed that these antecedents ,
    although present, did not posses the proper
    intensity in the ancient civilization to cause
    double entry system to emerge. The ancient
    civilizations referred to are Egypt, Babylonia,
    Greece and Rome.

Alternate Explanation of Vernon Kam
  • Littleton's antecedents need to be explained
    further to have a fuller understanding of the
    evolution of accounting from ancient time. He
    identified three factors that create and promote
    the growth of business entities

Three factors
  • Capitalistic spirit
  • Economic and political events
  • Technological innovations
  • These three factors (termed as social forces)
    are the reasons for the development of the
    business organization which in turn result the
    development of double entry system.

Capitalistic spirit
  • Capitalistic spirit is the motivating force that
    drives people to form business entity for the
    sake of making a profit. Of course accounting is
    used by both profit and non profit organizations.
    The term Capitalistic spirit is used because
    historically it has been under Capitalism that
    accounting has flourished.

Capitalistic spiritin the ancient civilization
  • A class of merchants existed in all the ancient.
    Evidence support that the desire for profit was
    present in ancient civilizations.
  • But Littleton's view was that desire for profit
    did not existed in the ancient time.

Economic and political events
  • Commerce an important variable to form and grow
    business entities. Interpretation of the extent
    of commerce in the ancient times is a matter of
    disagreement by the historians. there may have
    been a great deal of trade but a complex market
    system did not existed. There was no need for
    sophisticated book keeping tool vis. a vis.
    double entry system.

Economic and political events
  • Complex market a complex market consisted aa
    variety of separate but interrelated activities.
  • First there is market for consumer and producer
  • Then there are markets for factors of production
  • In each of these market the forces of demand and
    supply should be considered.

Economic and political events
  • The necessity for efficient accounting method
    depend on whether the supply side is complicated.
  • Land was owned for the most part by govt and
    wealthy people. If they were engaged in business
    activities they posed no problem
  • Labor was furnished by the family members and
    slaves, therefore keeping record of labor cost
    was not a significant matter.
  • There was no capital market. Borrowing funds by
    merchants was normally a direct transactions with
    specific individuals.

Economic and political events
  • So keeping track of costs and profit for the
    purpose of accountability to outside parties was
    not critical. Most part of the business was
    extension of the household.

Technological innovations
  • Laggard technology ancients resisted the
    technology. There were lack of incentive to
    develop the technology, because of cheap labor,
    cultural attitudes.
  • Writing and arithmetic Littleton mentioned
    writing, arithmetic and money as the language
    antecedents of the double entry book keeping.
    Writing is verified to be existed in ancient
    civilization. With respect to arithmetic
    Egyptians used a system of counting. Babylonians
    were skilled in arithmetic and astronomy.
    Littleton concluded that arithmetic in the
    ancient time was difficult to employ. It depends
    on ability training and experience.

Technological innovations
  • Money the employment of money as a medium of
    exchange in the metal form of gold and silver was
    known to Egypt and Babylonia. Despite the fact
    that money was utilized medium of exchange , but
    markets remain simple because of uncomplicated
    nature of demand and supply functions.

Emergence of double entry book keeping
  • The first record of double entry system is the
    Massari (treasurers) accounts in the city of
    Genoa in 1340. it is probable that double entry
    system made it appearance in the mid thirteenth
    century. why double entry system emerged in this
    time? The reasons are two fold

Emergence of double entry book keeping
  • Firstly it was the natural outcome of the
    evolutionary process in response to the need of
    the time. As Littleton spoke of the evolution of
    the accounting. the notion implies that what took
    place in the preceding culture is believed to
    have some effect on the subsequent culture. Or

Emergence of double entry book keeping
  • Second a second reason for the appearance of the
    double entry system at this time is that the
    particular setting in the Italian city state
    called it forth. Thee setting is discussed in
    terms of three major forces
  • Capitalistic spirit
  • Economic and political event
  • Technological innovation

Emergence of double entry book keeping
  • Capitalistic spiritin the middle ages , conduct
    was governed by the religious belief. Making a
    profit was almost immoral. After the thirteen
    century, position of the business improved
    greatly. The Italian city state realized this
    very early recognizing the legitimacy of making a
    profit as a means to support a family, or to have
    enough to give the poor or as reward for public
    service , Italian Church did not regard economic
    goals and spiritual motives as necessarily

Economic and political event
  • Demand By the end of the thirteen century the
    complexity of the market become evident. On the
    demand side the more customer goods were desired.
  • Supply on the supply side ,labor market had
    improved, banking business flourished,

Economic and political event
  • 3) Politics power and politics in Italy was also
    contributing factor. By the thirteenth century
    Italian cities was controlled by those who
    favored business interest. Therefore, commerce
    and insdustry flourished.

Technological innovation
  • In contrast to the Greek and Roman period, the
    middle ages saw a great interest in the
    Technological innovation. The particular
    innovation that stimulated the development of
    book keeping were paper making, printing etc.

Contribution of Luca Pacioli
  • Luca Paciolis bok in 1494 was the first book on
    the double entry system . However the first
    person to write on double entry system was
    probably Benedetto Cotrugli whose book was
    completed in 1458 but published in 1573

  • The first printed piece of bookkeeping in the
    world is the Summa de Arithmetica, Geometria,
    Proportioni et Proportionalita written by Luca
  • The treatise was published in Venice in 1494, and
    was reprinted in 1523. This work is one of the
    most important books on mathematics and has had
    an enormous impact on the field of accounting
    ever since.

  • The first accounting book actually was one of
    five sections in Pacioli's mathematics book
    titled "Everything about Arithmetic, Geometry,
    and Proportions." This section on accounting
    served as the world's only accounting textbook
    until well into the 16th century.

Contribution of Luca Pacioli
  • The term we employ today debit and credit were
    mentioned by Pacioli debito(Owed to) and
    Credito(Owed by). In explaining the double entry
    system Pacioli said all entries have to be double
    entries ie if you make one creditors you must
    make some on a debtor.

Contribution of Luca Pacioli
  • First activity a person must undertake when
    starting a business ,V said, is to prepare an
    inventory. This inventory is to be record in the
    journal at current values. For sales price he

Contribution of Luca Pacioli
  • Day book in his book each entry is stated in
    paragraph form.
  • From the journal entries, entries are to be
    posted ot the accounts of the ledger.
  • But Pacioli made no mention of accruing and
    deferring of revenue and expenses.

Contribution of Luca Pacioli
  • The determination of profit or loss was different
    from eh procedure we used today. Each venture was
    seen as a unit , when the venture closed, the
    account represent it was closed and profit and
    loss ascertained. Example of the salt.

  • The bookkeeping method of Luca Pacioli has
    several distinct characteristics
  • 1.Pacioli wrote that there are three things
    needed by one who wished to carry on business
    diligently. The most important of these is cash
    or any other substantial power (altra faculta
    substantiale). The second is a good accountant
    (buon ragioneri) and a sharp bookkeeper. The
    third is good order in order to arrange all
    business to debit (debito) and credit (credito).
  • 2.Pacioli explained the opening inventory
    (inventario), but he did not describe the closing
  • 3.Pacioli's account book system is three account
    books-that is, a day book. The day book is the
    first book, the journal is the second book and
    the ledger is the third book. Pacioli thought of
    the day book as the formal account book, because
    he wrote that the day book must be presented to a
    certain mercantile office (certo officio de
  • 4.All things pertaining to a transaction must be
    written in the day book, without omission.
    Pacioli wrote that no point must be omitted in
    the day book.
  • 5.Pacioli described debit and credit--that is,
    "per" and "A" in the journal, and "die dare" and
    "die havere" in the ledger.
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