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Title: Slide 1 Author: Tad Miller Last modified by: Tad Miller Created Date: 3/10/2006 9:44:42 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Company – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Management

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Chapter 1 Managements Assertions
PCAOB RELEASE NO. 104-2005-119
  • When auditing the completeness, existence and
    valuation assertions for deferred revenue, the
    sample of items tested by the Firm was inadequate
    because the Firm used the wrong method of

PCAOB RELEASE NO. 104-2005-119
  • The issuer accounted for lease incentives
    received from landlords as a reduction of
    depreciation expense, rather than as a reduction
    of rental expense as is required by EITF No.
    88-3, Rental Concessions Provided by a Landlord
    and FASB Technical Bulletin No. 88-1, Issues
    Relating to Accounting for Leases. This treatment
    resulted in an understatement of depreciation
    expense and an overstatement of lease expense, as
    well as an understatement of deferred liabilities
    and fixed assets.11/ The Firm should have
    identified and addressed the incorrect accounting.

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Chapter 2 Generally Accepted Auditing
Standards GAAS Auditing Standards of the Public
Companies Oversight Board Auditing Standards of
PCAOB RELEASE NO. 104-2005-119
  • On the audit of this issuer, the Firm represented
    that it relied on the work of internal audit
    related to the portion of the issuer's loan
    portfolio that is serviced by third parties
    however, the Firm failed to perform, or failed to
    include evidence in the work papers that it had
    performed, the following procedures to
    understand and evaluate the internal controls at
    the service organizations,

Chapter 2 GAAS
PCAOB RELEASE NO. 104-2005-119
  • In this audit, the Firm failed in several
    respects to obtain sufficient competent
    evidential matter to support its audit opinion

Chapter 2 GAAS
PCAOB RELEASE NO. 104-2005-119
  • . the Firm failed in several respects to obtain
    sufficient competent evidential matter to support
    its audit opinion

Chapter 2 GAAS
PCAOB RELEASE NO. 104-2005-119
  • the Firm failed in several respects to obtain
    sufficient competent evidential matter to support
    its audit opinion

Chapter 2 GAAS
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Chapter 12 Reports on audited Financial Statements
PCAOB RELEASE NO. 104-2005-119
  • The Firm's evaluation of the issuer's ability to
    continue as a going concern was inadequate. The
    Firm's conclusion that the issuer had the ability
    to do so was based, in part, on the availability
    of the issuer's revolving credit facility. As a
    result, the Firm did not include a going-concern
    paragraph in its report on the issuer's 2003
    financial statements. The issuer's access to the
    revolving credit facility, however, was dependent
    on the issuer's compliance with all the debt
    covenants, and the Firm failed to assess
    adequately the likelihood that the issuer would
    be able to meet one of these covenants, the
    12-month trailing revenue covenant, for the first
    quarter of 2004. Specifically, although actual
    revenues for 11 of the 12 months to be used for
    measuring compliance with this covenant were
    available before the end of field work, and these
    amounts appeared to indicate that revenues for
    the 12 months would fall short of the amount that
    would allow the issuer to meet the covenant at
    the end of the first quarter, the Firm did not
    specifically evaluate the issuer's ability to
    meet this covenant for the first quarter, nor did
    it evaluate how the issuer would be able to
    continue as a going concern should it not meet
    the covenant.13/ In addition, the Firm did not
    obtain a management representation covering
    projections and assumptions related to the

Chapter 12 Reports
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Chapter 5 Internal Control Evaluation
PCAOB RELEASE NO. 104-2005-119
  • The Firm relied on certain controls, in
    particular general computer controls, automated
    application controls and security controls,
    without performing, or without documenting in the
    work papers the performance of, sufficient
    testing to support reliance on those controls.
    Deficiencies included (1) the Firm's documented
    testing of certain controls only covered
    activities occurring outside the audit period,
    (2) the Firm's work papers indicated that it used
    reports generated by the payroll department to
    perform certain tests of controls, but the Firm
    did not document any test work over the
    completeness of those reports, (3) the Firm did
    not document the sample sizes, or how they were
    determined, for the testing of certain controls,

Chapter 5 Internal control evaluation
PCAOB RELEASE NO. 104-2005-119
  • the Firm assessed control risk for revenue as
    below the maximum, without having performed
    sufficient tests of the issuer's general computer
    controls to support that assessment. The issuer's
    information system processing environment relies
    heavily on processing of orders through an
    electronic data interchange that links with an
    enterprise system that interfaces with a separate
    accounts receivable system. The Firm failed to
    perform tests of the electronic data interchange
    system or the financial statement system. In
    addition, for the controls that the Firm did
    test, the work papers did not provide evidence
    that the systems tested and relied upon during
    the audit continued to operate effectively
    throughout the period of intended reliance.

Chapter 5 Internal control evaluation
PCAOB RELEASE NO. 104-2005-119
  • the Firm assessed control risk in one area as
    "low" without having performed sufficient tests
    of controls to support that assessment. The
    Firm's controls testing relied on
    system-generated reports, without the Firm having
    tested the underlying data, general IT controls,
    or related system application controls to gain
    assurance that the reports were accurate and

Chapter 5 Internal control evaluation
PCAOB RELEASE NO. 104-2005-119
  • There was also no evidence in the work papers to
    indicate that the Firm (1) audited the income tax
    provision beyond comparing the issuer's tax
    schedules to the financial statement disclosures
    (2) obtained testing results that supported the
    Firm's assessment of control risk as below the
    maximum (3) considered the effects of
    distributor agreements on revenue recognition,
    even though sales to third-party distributors
    contributed 64 percent of net sales in 2003 or
    (4) performed required journal entry testing or
    look-back testing of significant estimates.

Chapter 5 Internal control evaluation
PCAOB RELEASE NO. 104-2005-119
  • PCAOB standards require the auditor to test
    internal controls before relying on them for the
    purpose of designing and performing the
    substantive audit procedures. In 13 instances
    involving the audits of 10 issuers, the Firm
    failed to test, or failed to perform sufficient
    tests of, controls that the Firm relied on in
    designing and performing its substantive audit
    procedures. The instances included the following

Chapter 5 Internal control evaluation
PCAOB RELEASE NO. 104-2005-119
  • The Firm relied on information technology
    ("IT") application controls that had not been
    tested for several years.

Chapter 5 Internal control evaluation
PCAOB RELEASE NO. 104-2005-119
  • The Firm relied on IT system-generated data
    without testing the IT general computer and/or
    application controls.

Chapter 5 Internal control evaluation
PCAOB RELEASE NO. 104-2005-119
  • ... the Firm inappropriately relied on the IT
    general controls at a service organization that
    managed and operated the infrastructure for the
    issuer's centralized general ledger system,
    without sufficient testing of those controls.

Chapter 5 Internal control evaluation
PCAOB RELEASE NO. 104-2005-119
  • The Firm assessed control risk as "high" for
    expenses, but ....., failed to perform sufficient
    substantive procedures on expense balances.

Chapter 3 audit risk model
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PCAOB RELEASE NO. 104-2005-119
  • the Firm failing to obtain, or failing to
    document in the work papers that it had obtained,
    sufficient competent evidential matter to support
    its audit opinion. Those deficiencies included
    the following.

Chapter 4 work paper documentation
Chapter 11 Completing the Audit
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PCAOB RELEASE NO. 104-2005-119
On this audit, the Firm used the issuer's internal auditors to assist in auditing cash at an interim date. The Firm, however, failed to perform, or failed to have the internal auditors perform, audit procedures on the activity in the cash accounts between the interim date and year end.
Chapter 11 completing the audit
PCAOB RELEASE NO. 104-2005-119
the Firm audited certain accounts receivable balances at an interim date, but did not audit the issuer's analysis of the roll-forward of these balances to the year end.
Chapter 11 completing the audit
PCAOB RELEASE NO. 104-2005-119
the Firm tested the operating effectiveness of the controls over certain processes as of interim testing dates, but the work papers do not evidence any procedures to roll forward these tests to the balance sheet date, and the Firm therefore lacked a reasonable basis for extending its conclusions to the balance sheet date.
Chapter 11 completing the audit
PCAOB RELEASE NO. 104-2005-119
.. the Firm used analytical procedures as alternative procedures. The Firm, however, did not perform certain required steps, such as developing expectations and defining a significant difference threshold, when performing the analytical procedures.
Chapter 11 completing the audit
PCAOB RELEASE NO. 104-2005-119
, the Firm failed to obtain sufficient evidence, or failed to include sufficient evidence in its work papers, that the unallocated component of the allowance represented a supportable estimate of probable losses inherent in the issuer's loan portfolio. The Firm's documented testing specific to this aspect of the banks' ALL was limited to certain high level analytical procedures that were not substantive tests .
Chapter 11 completing the audit
PCAOB RELEASE NO. 104-2005-119
the Firm was aware of indications of deficiencies in the operating effectiveness of the issuer's controls over the allowance for loan losses. Particularly in light of the highly judgmental nature of the area, the Firm's knowledge of such indications rendered its assessment of the control risk with respect to the allowance for loan losses as "minimum" inappropriate. (Issuers D, E, F, and G)
Chapter 11 completing the audit
PCAOB RELEASE NO. 104-2005-119
.. the Firm apparently did not reconsider its assessment of risk and materiality or revisit its audit scope in light of the known and likely errors ... and did not reconsider its fraud risk assessment related to an issuer that is unwilling to correct known errors.
Chapter 11 completing the audit
PCAOB RELEASE NO. 104-2005-119
The work papers did not document the Firm's threshold for posting errors to the Score Sheet of Unadjusted Audit Difference, and several uncorrected errors noted in the work papers were not posted to the Score Sheet of Unadjusted Audit Difference, were not evaluated for materiality in the aggregate,
Chapter 11 completing the audit
PCAOB RELEASE NO. 104-2005-119
During the issuer's first quarter of fiscal 2005, it reached a settlement with a customer that it included in net sales and did not disclose. As a result of including the entire settlement amount in net sales, the issuer's net sales increased from the first fiscal quarter of 2004 to the first fiscal quarter of 2005. If the entire settlement had been omitted from net sales, net sales would have decreased. The Firm failed to consider the appropriateness of including the settlement in net sales and not disclosing that fact.11/
Chapter 11 completing the audit
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