Title: Aristotle (384-322 B.C)
1Aristotle(384-322 B.C)
- Greek philosopher, scientist, and educator.
- Systematized existing knowledge
- Made observations
- Collected specimens
- Gathered together, summarized, and classified
existing knowledge of the physical world
2Aristotle(384-322 B.C)
- Believed the Earth was a sphere because
- The Earths shadow on the Moon during a lunar
eclipse is always round.
3Aristotle(384-322 B.C)
Aristotle(384-322 B.C)
- Believed the Earth as sphere because
- Stars near the celestial pole are higher in the
sky the farther north you travel.
4Aristotle(384-322 B.C)
- Believed the Earth was a sphere because The fact
that objects fall to Earth towards its center
means that if it were constructed of small bits
of matter originally, these parts would naturally
settle into a spherical shape by compression
5Ships Sailing Over the Horizon
6Aristotle on Motions
Violent Motion
Natural Motion
7 Natural Motion
- Is caused by objects striving to get to their
proper place. - The proper place is determined by how much of
each of the fours elements (Earth, water, air,
fire) the object contains.
Smoke (made of Air) strives to get to the Air.
A feather (part Earth, part Air) strives to get
to the Earth, but is slowed by also striving to
get to the Air.
A rock (made of Earth) strives to get to the
8Violent Motion
Once in flight, air filling in behind and pushing
on the arrow keeps it going
- Results from something external pulling or
pushing on an object in opposition to its natural
motion - Requires a constant push or pull to sustain the
Lifting the rock opposes the rocks striving to
the Earth.
9Some Aristotelian Conclusions
- A heavier object (having more earth) will fall to
the ground faster than a light object. - If you stop pushing an object, it will stop
10Aristotles Universe
- The Earth is stationary and at the center.
- The heavens are 55 concentric crystalline sphere,
each carrying celestial objects and rotating. - Celestial bodies are perfect spheres made of a
perfect and unchanging substance (quintessence). - A Prime Mover keeps the heavens in motion.
11Eratosthenes(276-195 BC)
At noon on the Summer Solstice, sunlight
struckthe bottom of a vertical well in Syene,
- At that moment, the shadow cast by a vertical
obelisk in Alexandria (5,000 stadia distant)
showed that the Sun was 7.2 degrees away from the
Therefore, the Earths circumference is5000 x
(360/7.2) 250,000 stadia
12How Accurate Was Eratosthenes?
- Historians disagree on how big a Greek stadium
was. - Depending on what the correct conversion to the
modern units is, Eratostheness estimate was
between 1 and 20 percent larger than the modern
13Why Does It Matter?
- The panel of experts appointed by King
Ferdinand to review Columbuss proposal to sail
to India was aware of Eratostheness work.
Because of this, they ruled that the distance was
too great and that he therefore should not go.
Columbus, using either error-laden estimates of
others, or using an incorrect conversion factor,
believed that the distance was only 1/3 or ½ of
the true distance.Queen Isabella overruled the
experts and sided with Columbus.
14Beginnings of modern, empirical science Ibn
al-Haythem (965-1040 CE)
- Born in Basra, Iraq
- Educated in Basra and Baghdad
- Worked in Egypt and Spain
- Developed the modern theory of optics by taking
careful measurements in repeatable experiments - Considered various theories of light and designed
and carried out experiments to determine which
theory might be more accurate
15Ibn al-Haythem
- Studied the propagation of light and the nature
of colors - Studied optic illusions and reflections
- Studied the refraction (bending) of light rays
when pass from one transparent medium to another
(air, water) and studied the angle of incidence
and refraction quantitatively - Dispersion of light into colors
- Studied the way the light travels through the
atmosphere and estimated the thickness of the
16Beginnings of modern, empirical science Roger
Bacon (1214-1294 CE)
- Born in England, worked in Paris and Oxford
- Became a Franciscan friar
- Vigorously encouraged experimental science
- Asserted that the study of the natural world by
observation and exact measurement was the surest
foundation for truth. - Having read al-Haythems works, he performed
optical experiments with lenses and mirrors,
described spectacles
17Roger Bacon
- The strongest arguments prove nothing so long as
the conclusions are not verified by experience.
Experimental science is the queen of sciences and
the goal of all speculation. - For the things of this world cannot be made
known without a knowledge of mathematics - All science requires mathematics.Â
18Galileo Galilei(1564-1642)
- Defined new concepts in addition to discovering
objects - Simplified investigations through
- Reducing scope (focusing on one issue at a time)
- Idealization (thinking away complications)
- Designed experiments to test hypotheses
- Described the physical world with mathematics
Galileos approach sets the stage for all of
modern science.
19Galileo on authority, measurement, and math
In questions of science the authority of a
thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a
single individual.
Count what is countable, measure what is
measurable, and what is not measurable, make
Philosophy is written in this grand book, the
universe, which stands continually open to our
gaze. But the book cannot be understood unless
one first learns to comprehend the language and
read the letters in which it is composed. It is
written in the language of mathematics, and its
characters are triangles, circles, and other
geometric figures without which it is humanly
impossible to understand a single word of it
without these, one wanders about in a dark
20Galileo on Falling Bodies
- Experiment drop objects of various weights from
the Leaning Tower of Pisa - Conclusion Except for small effects of air
resistance, objects of various weights fall
together and reach the ground at the same time.
Aristotle observed that there was always a
resistive medium in the world around him.
Galileo imagined what would happen if there was
no resistance.
21Galileo on Motion
- Experiment Observe motions of various objects
going down inclined planes. - Conclude In the absence of friction, a rolling
ball rolling along a horizontal surface - will neither speed up nor slow down
- will never come to rest.
Aristotle motion requires a push or a pull to
keep moving. Galileo with no interference, a
moving object will kepp moving in a straight line
- Galileo defined a new word
Inertia the property of an object that tends to
keep it moving straight ahead or that resists
changes in it motion
23Galileos Universe
- Seeing that Jupiter hadmoons orbiting meantthat
celestial bodies(such as our Moon)could orbit
objects otherthan our Sun. - Extending the idea of inertiato circular motion
meant thatthe Earth could circle theSun
indefinitely. - So Galileo adopted the Copernican model of the
24- Mathematics is the language with which God has
written the universe. - Philosophy is written in this grand book - I
mean the Universe - which stands continually open
to our gaze, but it cannot be understood unless
one first learns to comprehend the language and
interpret the characters in which it is written.
It is written in the language of mathematics, and
its characters are triangles, circles and other
geometrical figures, without which it is humanly
impossible to understand a single word of it. - Galileo