Title: The Scientific Revolution in the 17th Century From Aristotl
1The Scientific Revolution in the 17th Century
2Aristotle (384 - 322 B.C.)
- known as "the Philosopher" by later thinkers,
created a huge body of work that was virtually
synonymous with philosophy for over 2000 years. - "perplexed with obscure terms and useless
questions" John Lock (16321704) - "a naive and childlike animistic view of the
world." Jean Piaget (1896-1980) - The greatest philosopher of all times
- Modern attitude to Aristotle
3Aristotle's cosmology
- Geocentric
- Crystal spheres
- Dualist
- Sublunary world is imperfect
- Beyond the moon the world is perfect,
unchangeable and eternal
4 Aristotle's cosmology I
- Sun and planets were attached to crystal spheres
revolving around the Earth. - All motions beyond the moon were perfectly
circular. - Gravitation was a phenomenon applying to the
Earth only, as an expression for things seeking
their natural place
5Aristotle's cosmology II.
- A organized and classified an immense amount of
knowledge, much of it scientific theories
developed with only the crudest observational
tools. - All knowledge is organized into the theoretical
disciplines (physics, "first philosophy"
metaphysics, and math) practical disciplines
(ethics and politics) and productive disciplines
(engineering, medicine, etc.).
6Aristotle's cosmology III.
- He classified four types of change (generation /
corruption, increase / decrease, alteration, and
locomotion) - and four types of causation (the material, the
formal, the initiating force, and the goal).
7Aristotle's cosmology IV.
- Aristotle formed a metaphysical theory of what is
real ("substance"), and described the idea that
all things have "potential" and "actual"
characteristics. - He created logic to distinguish correct from
incorrect reasoning and - he reasoned that all motion ultimately is caused
by an immutable perfection, an unmoved "primer
mover" - which Aristotle called "God."
8Claudius Ptolemy
- Egyptian living in Alexandria, at about 150 A.D.,
gathered and organized the thoughts of the
earlier thinkers - Almagest - Created a geocentric cosmology based on
mathematics and observation - A perfect circle was the only possibility for
movement in the sky - No physics in his model
9Eccentric, epicycle, equant
Combined Equant and epicycle
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11Nicolas Copernicus (1473-1543)
- Could not accept the complexity of Ptolemys
theory nor that could exist two different
theories. - 1543 De Revolutionibus Orbium Caelestium (On
the Revolution of the Heavenly Orbs). - Heliocentric world view!
12Copernicus cosmology
- Mostly the Aristotelian model where Copernicus
places the sun in the middle instead of the earth
13The Problems of Copernicus
- If the earth is moving, why do things not fly
away? - The parallax
- The orbits of his theory did not fit with
observations - He still had to use epicycles...
- Why did the moon circle around the earth?
14The parallax
15Tycho Brahe (1546-1601)
- Denmark's hottest stargazer
- Refined the tools and equipment for the
observation of the heavenly bodies - 1572-73 Crab Nebula
- 1577 new comet
- Crashed the crystal spheres
- Alternative cosmology
16Brahes astronomy
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18Johannes Kepler (1571-1630)
- Three Laws of Planetary Motion
- Solved many of the problems of Copernicus
19Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion
- The First Law
- Planets move in ellipses with the Sun at one
focus. - The Second Law
- The radius vector describes equal areas in equal
times - The Third Law
- The squares of the periodic times are to each
other as the cubes of the mean distances
20Circular and Elliptical Orbits Having the Same
Period and Focus
21Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
- 1600 Giordano Bruno burnt
- 1601-1610 The Telescope
- 1615 Letter to Grand Duchess of Tuscany
- 1632 Dialogue on Two World Systems
- 1633 Galileo banned by the Church
- 1638 Discourse on Two New Sciences
22Galileos contributions
- Heliocentric cosmology of Copernicus
- Critics of Aristotle's theory of motion
- Pendulum
- Through the telescope Galileo saw
- The mountains of the moon, discovered the four
satellites of Jupiter, observed a supernova,
verified the phases of Venus, and discovered
sunspots. - His discoveries proved the Copernican system
which states that the earth and other planets
revolve around the sun.
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25Galileo's telescope (1601)
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28Galileo and the Inquisition
29Francis Bacon (1561-1625)
- 1620 Novum Organum (New Tools)
- Theory of Induction
- Empiricist
- The gunpowder and the compass have 'changed the
whole face and state of things throughout the
world, there will be more of such things in the
future. - Through science we will master nature.
30Bacon/Novum Organum
32Rene Descartes (1596-1650)
- 1637 Discourse on Method
- Theory of Deduction
- Abandoned the Copernican theory
- In its place he devised a theory of vortices in
which space was entirely filled with matter, in
various states, whirling about the sun.
- Pure mechanistic cosmology
- Vacuum does not exist
- Optics
- Discovered of the fundamental law of reflection
that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle
of reflection - Descartes' treatment of light as a type of
pressure in a solid medium paved the way for the
undulatory theory of light
34Isaac Newton (1642-1727)
35Isaac Newton two main contributions
- 1687 Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica
(Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy) - Opticks - 1704
36Newton's Three Laws of Motion
- 1. A body moves in a straight line unless
impeded. (Inertia). - 2. Every action has equal and opposite reaction.
- 3. Every body attracts every other body with a
force proportional to the distance between.
37Newton's theory of gravitation
- Newton proposed his law of gravitation in 1687
and stated that every particle in the universe
attracts every other particle in the universe
with a force that depends on the product of the
two particles' masses divided by the square of
the distance between them - Universal law - same physics in heaven as on earth
38Newton and the apple
- Dealing with the apple and the satellite solve
the problem of gravity and connect heaven and
earth in the same physics!
39Anatomy and Medicine
- Hippocrates (ca. 460-377 B.C.) He also gave the
world the Hippocratic Oath, a code of ethics for
physicians which is still taken by graduates at
many modern medical schools. The Hippocratic Oath
- Perhaps history's most famous physician.
- By rejecting superstition in favor of scientific
observation, - By classifying diseases,
- By creating a set of moral and professional
standards for physicians, - He earned the title of 'Father of Medicine.'
41The Hippocratic biophysics
- The elaborate general doctrine of the Four Humors
endured through many centuries and is central to
the tenets of the Hippocratic Corpus - The elaborate general doctrine of the Four Humors
endured through many centuries and is central to
the tenets of the Hippocratic Corpus. It was
grounded on the Empedoclean principle of the four
supposed elements earth, air, fire and water. - The four constituent elements, or humors, in man
were identified analogously as phlegm, blood,
yellow bile and black bile, all of which had to
be in correct proportion to one another.
42Erasistratus of Ceos (c.250 BC)
- Greek physician, born in Ceos.
- He founded a school of anatomy at Alexandria
- Considered one of the pioneers of modern
medicine. - He is said to have been the first to trace
arteries and veins to the heart, and to have
named the tricuspid valve in the heart.
43Galenos (131-201 a.d.)
- Greek physician.
- He studied medicine at Pergamum, Smyrna, Corinth,
and Alexandria, and later lived in Rome. - He was a voluminous writer on medical and
philosophical subjects, and gathered up all the
medical knowledge of his time, thus becoming the
authority used by subsequent Greek and Roman
medical writers. - The authority for 1500 years.
44Vesalius (151464)
- Advanced dissection of the human body
- De humani corporis fabrica libri septem (1543,
Seven Books on the Structure of the Human Body)
45William Harvey (15781657)
- De motu cordis et sanguinis in animalibus (On the
Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals), in
which the circulation of the blood was first
described, was published in 1628.
46Malpighi(162894) Pisa
- The founder of microscopic anatomy, he described
the major types of plant and animal structures - Capillaries 1661