Explaining behavior at the level of the neuron - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Explaining behavior at the level of the neuron


Explaining behavior at the level of the neuron Your brain and the rest of your nervous system is made up of neurons. Neurons are brain cells All neurons are separated ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Explaining behavior at the level of the neuron

Explaining behavior at the level of the neuron
  • Your brain and the rest of your nervous system is
    made up of neurons.
  • Neurons are brain cells
  • All neurons are separated from one another, but
    communicate electrochemically.

The neuron
  • The neuron consists of three parts
  • The cell body - contains the nucleus and much of
    the machinery that keeps a neuron alive and
  • The dendrites - widely branching structures that
    receive transmissions from other neurons.
  • The axon - a single, long, thin, straight fiber
    with branches near its tip

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Myelin sheath
  • The axon is coated in an insulating substance
    known as Myelin.
  • Myelin allows for faster transmission of impulses
    along an axon.
  • Myelin has breaks in it known as the Nodes of
  • Once an impulse reaches the end of an axon (the
    terminal buttons), molecules are released that
    can either excite or inhibit the receiving cell.

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Resting Potential
  • Normally there is an electrical polarization
    across the membrane of an axon.
  • This means that there is a negative charge on the
    inside of the cell and a positive charge on the
  • At resting potential the inside of the neuron is
    at -70 millivolts.

Four Factors Determine the Ionic Distribution
That Underlies the Resting Potential
  • Differential Permeability of the Membrane
  • The Sodium/Potassium Pump
  • Diffusion
  • Electrostatic Pressure

Differential Permeability of the Membrane
  • Ions pass through membrane at special pores
    called ion channels
  • When neurons are at rest, the membrane is
  • extremely resistant to the passage of Sodium
    (Na) ions
  • only slightly resistant to the passage of
    Potassium (K) ions and Chloride (Cl-) ions

The sodium potassium pump
  • There are little pumps that pump Sodium (NA) out
    of the cell, and potassium (K) in.
  • The pumps move 3 Sodium molecules out for every 2
    potassium molecules they move in
  • Sodium and potassium both have a 1 charge
  • more Sodium is being moved out than potassium is
    being moved in
  • the build up of Sodium on the outside of the
    membrane makes it positive and the inside

Diffusion also known as -Random Motion
  • Ions in solution are in random motion
  • Thus, any time that there is an accumulation of a
    particular class of ions in one area,
  • the probability is increased that random motion
    will move ions out of this area (because there
    are more ions available to leave)
  • the probability is decreased that random motion
    will move more ions into the area (because there
    are fewer ions available to come in)

Electrostatic Pressure
  • Like charges repel and opposite charges attract
  • Therefore electrostatic pressure disperses any
    accumulation of positive or negative charges in
    an area

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Generation of Action Potentials
  • action potentials (APs neuron firing) are
    triggered at the axon hillock when a neuron is
    depolarized to the point that the membrane
    potential at the axon hillock reaches about -65
  • this is the threshold of excitation for many
  • they are all-or-none (they occur full blown or
    not at all)

How does an impulse travel down an axon?
  • The action potential is an excitation that
    travels along an axon at a constant strength, no
    matter how far it must travel.
  • It is slower then a straight electrical impulse,
    but has the advantage of maintaining its
    strength no matter how far it must travel.

Travel of the action potential
  • When a neuron fires, certain gates open up that
    allow Sodium to flow in.
  • When sodium flows in the electrical charge is
    neutralized across the membrane.
  • Then the sodium channels close, and potassium
    channels open, allowing potassium to leave the
  • This returns the cell to its resting potential
    (-70 mv).

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Travel of the action potential.
  • The axon only has these Sodium gates at breaks in
    the myelin sheath called the Nodes of Ranvier.
  • The sodium gates are voltage dependent - that is
    they open up when the voltage across the membrane
  • Thus, the action potential moves like a wave
  • jumping from one Node of Ranvier to the next down
    to the end of the axon.
  • Saltatory Conduction

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What happens when an action potential reaches the
end of an axon?
  • The end of an axon has several branching areas
    called the terminal buttons
  • Each edge of the terminal button is called the
    presynaptic membrane.
  • The presynaptic membrane is separated from the
    other neuron by what is called the synaptic cleft.

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The Synapse
  • The axon that has fired releases a chemical into
    the synaptic cleft.
  • This chemical crosses the gap and binds to what
    is called the postsynaptic membrane.
  • The chemicals are called neurotransmitters.
  • They bind at the postsynaptic membrane at what
    are called receptors.

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  • There are many types of neurotransmitters
  • Acetylcholine
  • Serotonin
  • Dopamine

  • Dopamine is one neurotransmitter that has been
    associated with many neurological disorders
  • Parkinsons disease.
  • Muhammed Ali
  • Schizophrenia
  • Sometimes these diseases can be treated by
    increasing dopamine levels in the brain

Behavior and the Nervous System
  • Psychologists distinguish between the central
    nervous system and the peripheral nervous system.
  • Central nervous system consists of the brain and
    the spinal cord
  • Peripheral nervous system is composed of bundles
    of axons between the spinal cord and the rest of
    the body.

Peripheral nervous system
  • The peripheral system can be further divided
  • Somatic nervous system nerves that communicate
    with the skin and muscles.
  • Autonomic nervous system nerves that
    communicate with the heart, stomach, and other

Autonomic nervous system
  • The autonomic nervous system is a system that we
    do not have as much control over.
  • It largely controls things we wouldnt want to
    have to think about
  • breathing
  • heart rate

Divisions of the autonomic nervous system
  • The sympathetic system - controls fight or flight
    - increases heart and breathing rate.
  • The parasympathetic system - decreases heart
    rate, controls digestion, basically runs the body
    during normal functioning.

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Organization and functioning of the brain
  • The cerebral cortex - the outer surface of the
    brain. The wrinkled area.
  • Right and left hemisphere
  • crosses over - communicates via the corpus

The four lobes of the cerebral cortex
  • Frontal Lobe - thought to be involved in planning
    and working memory
  • primary motor cortex
  • Parietal Lobe - body sensations
  • primary somatosensory cortex
  • Occipital lobe - vision
  • Temporal lobe - hearing - advanced visual
    processing - emotion

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What if we cut the corpus callosum?
  • Travel from the eye to the brain is divided.
  • Information from the left side of each eye
    travels to the left hemisphere of the brain
  • Information from the right side of each eye
    travels to the right hemisphere of the brain.

Hemisphere division continued
  • The left hemisphere of the brain controls speech
    for most people
  • Most people are only able to describe information
    that reaches the left hemisphere.
  • However information that reaches the right
    hemisphere quickly crosses the corpus callosum
    to the left hemisphere, so that it can be
    described verbally.

What if the corpus callosum is cut
  • In one experiment researchers showed a woman with
    a severed corpus callosum a picture of a naked
    woman to the left field of vision to the right
    of her face
  • When asked what she had seen, she laughed and
    said a nude picture.

  • When the nude picture was shown only in her right
    field of vision (left of her face), she laughed
    and turned a little red in the face.
  • When asked why she was laughing, she said I dont
    know, oh that silly machine.
  • The right side of the brain knew what it saw and
    caused her to laugh, the left side of the brain
    heard the laughter, and tried to interpret why it

  • If she had been allowed to point at several
    alternatives with her left hand (controlled by
    the right hemisphere), she would have been able
    to correctly point at the picture she had seen,
    even though she would say that she didnt know
    what she had seen.

Unified consciousness?
  • We all experience a unified consciousness.
  • That is, we experience a single self.
  • The split brain experiments show that that
    unified consciousness depends on the two
    hemispheres being able to communicate.
  • If the corpus callosum is severed then each
    hemisphere begins to act and experience things
    independently of the other.
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