Title: Where are bacteriophages found?
1Where are bacteriophages found?
Source Phages counted Soil 104/gm River 103
- 109/ml Seawater 107/ml Feces -
human 109/gm
Estimated of phages in biosphere 1030
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3Lytic life cycle
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6Bacteriophage vectors are useful for cloning
larger DNA fragments
Bacteriophage Vectors
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10In vitro packaging Uso di batteri lisogeni
contenenti Differenti mutazioni nei geni
strutturali I batteri sono cresciuti a densitÃ
voluta E poi indotti al ciclo litico
11Screening of a DNA Library
12Genoteca Insieme di segmenti di DNA o cDNA
inseriti in vettori fagici o plasmidici
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14Filamentous phages
RF Replicative Form
15Filamentous phage life cycle