Second Language Learning theories Prof. Abdulrahman Alabdan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Second Language Learning theories Prof. Abdulrahman Alabdan


... in relation to second language development Competence vs. Performance Krashen s ... The Sociocultural Perspective Vygotsky s sociocultural theory Language ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Second Language Learning theories Prof. Abdulrahman Alabdan

Second Language Learning theories Prof.
Abdulrahman Alabdan
Second Language Learning Theories
  • Contexts for Language Learning
  • SLA theories need to account for language
    acquisition by learners with a variety of
    characteristics and learning in a variety of
  • Behaviorism
  • Innatism
  • Cognitive/developmental perspective
  • Information Processing
  • Connectionism
  • The Competition Model
  • The Sociocultural Perspective

Contexts for Language Learning
  • SLA theories need to account for language
    acquisition by learners with a variety of
    characteristics and learning in a variety of

Differences in Learning L1 L2Contexts
for Language Learning
  • Learner Characteristics
  • 1. Knowledge of another language
  • 2. Cognitive maturity
  • 3. Metalinguistic awareness
  • 4. World Knowledge
  • 5. Anxiety about speaking

L1 L2 L2 L2
Child Child (informal) Adolescent (formal) Adult (informal)
- ?
- -
- ?
- -
- -
Differences in Learning L1 L2
  • Learning Conditions
  • 6. Freedom to be silent
  • 7. Ample time contact
  • 8. Corrective feedback (grammar and
  • 9. Corrective feedback (meaning, word choice,
  • 10. Modified input

L1 L2 L2 L2
Child Child (informal) Adolescent (formal) Adult (informal)
- -
- ?
- - -

Child-directed speech Foreigner talk or Teacher talk
1- Behaviorism / summary
  • imitation practice
    reinforcement habit formation
  • A person learning an L2 starts off with the
    habits formed in the L1 and these habits would
    interfere with the new ones needed for the L2.
  • Behaviorism was often linked to the Contrastive
    Analysis Hypothesis (CAH) It predicts that
    where there are similarities between the L1 and
    the target language, the learner will acquire
    target-language structures with ease where there
    are differences, the learner will have difficulty.

Behaviorism/ summary
  • Criticisms about the CAH
  • Though a learners L1 influences the acquisition
    of an L2, researchers have found that L2 learners
    do not make all the errors predicted by the CAH.
  • Many of their errors are not predictable on the
    basis of their L1 (e.g. putted cooker
    meaning a person who cooks badder than)
  • Some errors are similar across learners from a
    variety of L1 backgrounds (e.g. he/she th
    sound the use of the past tense the relative

Behaviorism/ summary
  • The L1 influence may not simply be a matter of
    the transfer of habits, but a more subtle and
    complex process of
  • - identifying points of similarity,
  • - weighing the evidence in support of some
    particular feature, and
  • - reflecting (though not necessarily
    consciously) about whether a certain feature
    seems to belong in the L2.
  • By the 1970s, many researchers were convinced
    that behaviorism and the CAH were inadequate
    explanations for SLA.

2- Innatism
  • Universal Grammar (UG) in relation to second
    language development
  • Competence vs. Performance
  • Krashens monitor model

Innatism Universal Grammar
  • UG and SLA
  • Chomsky has not made specific claims about the
    implications of his theory for second language
  • Linguists working within the innatist theory have
    argued that UG offers the best perspective to
    understand SLA. UG can explain why L2 learners
    eventually know more about the language than they
    could reasonably have learned (i.e. UG can
    explain L2 learners creativity and
    generalization ability).
  • Other linguists argue that UG is not a good
    explanation for SLA, especially by learners who
    have passed the critical period (i.e. CPH does
    not work in SLA).

Innatism Competence vs. Performance
  • Competence
  • It refers to the knowledge which underlies our
    ability to use language.
  • Performance
  • It refers to the way a person actually uses
    language in listening, speaking, reading, and
    writing. Performance is subject to variations due
    to inattention, anxiety, or fatigue whereas
    competence (at least for the mature native
    speaker) is more stable

2- Cognitive/developmental perspectiveA-
Information processing
  1. Attention-processing
  2. Skill learning
  3. Restructuring
  4. Transfer appropriate processing

A- Information processing
  • Attention-processing
  • This model suggests that learners have to pay
    attention at first to any aspect of the language
    that they are trying to understand or produce.

A- Information processing
  • Skill Learning
  • Some researchers regard SLA as skill learning.
    They suggest that most learning, including
    language learning, starts with declarative
    knowledge (knowledge that).
  • Through practice, declarative knowledge may
    become procedural knowledge (knowledge how).
  • Once skills become procedualized and automatized,
    thinking about the declarative knowledge while
    trying to perform the skill disrupts the smooth
    performance of it.
  • In SLA, the path from declarative to procedural
    knowledge is often like classroom learning where
    rule learning is followed by practice.

A- Information processing
  • . Restructuring
  • Sometimes changes in language behavior do not
    seem to be explainable in terms of a gradual
    build-up of fluency through practice.
  • Restructuring may account for what appear to be
    sudden bursts of progress and apparent
  • It may result from the interaction of knowledge
    we already have and the acquisition of new
    knowledge (without extensive practice).
  • e.g. I saw ? I seed or I sawed
  • overapplying the general rule

B- Connectionism (I)
  • Connectionists attribute greater importance to
    the role of the environment than to any specific
    innate knowledge.
  • They argue that what is innate is simply the
    ability to learn, not any specifically linguistic
  • They emphasize the frequency with which learners
    encounter specific linguistic features in the
    input and the frequency with which features occur

C- The Competition Model
  • The competition model is closely related to the
    connectionist perspective. It is based on the
    hypothesis that language acquisition occurs
    without the necessity of a learner's focused
    attention or the need for any innate capacity
    specifically for language.
  • This model takes into account not only language
    form but also language meaning and language use.
  • Through exposure to thousands of examples of
    language associated with particular meanings,
    learners come to understand how to use the cues
    with which a language signals specific function.
  • Most languages make use of multiple cues, but
    they differ in the primacy of each. Therefore,
    SLA requires that learners learn the relative
    importance of the different cues appropriate in
    the language they are learning.

The Sociocultural Perspective
  • Vygotskys sociocultural theory
  • Language development takes place in the social
    interactions between individuals.
  • Speaking (and writing) mediate thinking.
  • Zone of proximal development (ZPD) when there is
    support from interaction with an interlocutor,
    the learner is capable of performing at a higher
  • L2 learners advance to higher levels of
    linguistic knowledge when they collaborate and
    interact with speakers of the L2 who are more
    knowledgeable than they are.

The Sociocultural Perspective
  • The difference between Vygotskys socialcultural
    theory and the interaction hypothesis

Vygotsky Interaction hypothesis
Language acquisition takes place in the interactions of learner and interlocutor. Greater importance is attached to the conversations, with learning occurring through the social interaction. - Interaction needs to be modified and through negotiation for meaning. - Emphasis is on the individual cognitive processes in the mind of the learner.
  • There is no agreement on a complete theory of
    second language acquisition yet.
  • Each theoretical framework has a different focus
    and its limitations.
  • Behaviorism emphasizing stimuli and responses,
    but ignoring the mental processes that are
    involved in learning.
  • Innatism innate LAD, based on intuitions
  • Information processing and connectionism
    involving controlled laboratory experiments
    where human learning is similar to computer
  • Interactionist position modification of
    interaction promotes language acquisition and

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