Feb 7 - Feb 15 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Feb 7 - Feb 15


Please do not talk at this time Feb. 7 HW: Read your WWII Leader bio and collect evidence that he was/was not a great leader. Best of Class Cornell Notes and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Feb 7 - Feb 15

Please do not talk at this time Feb. 7
HW Read your WWII Leader bio and collect
evidence that he was/was not a great leader.
Best of Class Cornell Notes and Churchill
Please get out your MacArthur Bio
Please turn in Chapter 16.2 Cornell Notes to the
Turn In Box
What ARE some qualities of a great leader?
  • What does GREAT mean?
  • How is Great different than effective, successful
    or important?
  • Put some characteristics from your MacArthur
    paper on the board.

What ARE some qualities of a great leader?
  • What does GREAT mean?
  • How is Great different than effective, successful
    or important?
  • Put some characteristics from your MacArthur
    paper on the board.

Intelligent Independent Successful
Became a 5 star general
High Academic scores at West Point
Worked to modernize US army
Ultimately beat Japan in the Pacific
Defied his Commander in Chief
Said, I will Return!
Rebuilt Japan and helped them write a new
Returned to the Philippines
Issued his own policy statements about Korean War
Abandoned the Philippines and left his men behind
Recaptured many islands from the Japanese
Was fired for insisting on nuking China
Here are three characteristics of a great leader
and some data from the reading Get a quarter
sheet of your ownPg. 26B
Land reform
Started reforms in Japan
New Guinea
Political Reform
Intelligent Independent Successful
Became a 5 star general
High Academic scores at West Point
Worked to modernize US army
Ultimately beat Japan in the Pacific
Defied his Commander in Chief
Said, I will Return!
Rebuilt Japan and helped them write a new
Returned to the Philippines
Issued his own policy statements about Korean War
Abandoned the Philippines and left his men behind
Recaptured many islands from the Japanese
Was fired for insisting on nuking China
Now make Bubble Graphs out of what goes together
These will make up the Evidence for the Body of
your essay outline.
Land reform
Started reforms in Japan
New Guinea
Political Reform
Outline Form- Back on pg. 24B
  • I. ___________________
  • A. ___________________
  • B. ___________________
  • 1. ___________________
  • C. ___________________
  • 1. ___________________
  • 2. ___________________
  • 3. ___________________
  • D. Explanation
  • Make an outline like this on the back of Pg. 24

On a piece of binder paper, use the Bubble Graph
to Outline Model, turn this bubble graph into an
outline. (Add I, A, etc.)
High Academic scores at West Point
Rebuilt Japan and helped them write a new
Still use Constitution today
Secured Votes for women
Land reform
Started reforms in Japan
Political Reform
Outline Form
  • Fill in the outline with the information from
  • I. Intelligent
  • A. Graduated with high honors from West Point
  • B. Rebuilt Japan by helping them write a new
  • 1. Still in use today.
  • C. Started reforms in Japan
  • 1. Land reform
  • 2. Political reform
  • 3. Womens right to vote
  • D. Explanation This part comes from you, not
    the evidence or the prompt. Well do this Later.

  • To use complete sentences in preparation for your
  • I. MacArthur was very intelligent. (claim)
  • A. He earned some of the highest academic
    scores ever recorded at West Point Academy.
  • B. He rebuilt Japan and helped write their
    constitution. (evidence)
  • 1. The Japanese still use this Constitution
  • C. He started important reforms. (evidence)
  • 1. He started land reform.
  • 2. He started political reforms.
  • 3. He secured voting writes for women in the
    new democracy.
  • D. Commentary/Explanation...

Great! You only have one more piece to add...
the Explanation. This piece is Vital in any essay
outline or essay. This is where you say HOW your
evidence proves your claim. Our Claim is that
MacArthur was intelligent. Our evidence is below
that. Now say how the evidence proves he was
intelligent. Write your How answer under your
Outline Example.
Outline Example
  • I. Quality 1
  • A. Evidence he had/ did not have quality 1
  • 1. Specific detail
  • B. Explanation of how evidence proves he
    had/did not have quality 1
  • Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • I. Perseverance
  • A. Evidence When MLK faced hardships and
    violence in the fight for civil rights, he did
    not stop, but persisted in trying to overturn
    unjust laws.
  • 1. Detail MLK led marches in
    Birmingham, Detroit Washington DC.
  • B. Explanation MLK showed perseverance in his
    life because he continued to lead his followers
    in the use of civil disobedience, even when he
    was thrown in jail and threats were made to his

It is acceptable to label your outline with
Evidence, Detail, Explanation if you want to.
Who should you do?
Reading level gets harder
  • You have 4 choices
  • Stalin- Russia
  • Churchill- England
  • FDR- USA
  • De Gaulle- France

You will need to print your own WWII Leader
Biography. They are all in a file called
WWIILeadersAll on the documents page. I have a
few copies of each for people who cant print
their own or use the library to print. Just see
me after class.
Pg. 26 A/B WWII Leader Outline Assignment
  • Now you will repeat this process on your own with
    a leader of WWII.
  • You will use an outline to prove that your leader
    Was or Was Not a Great leader. You MUST choose
  • Lets review the assignment to see exactly what
    you need to do for each grade.
  • Tomorrow we will work on writing Thesis
    Statements and putting it all together. Bring
    your WWII Leader bio already read and highlighted
    for great or not great characteristics.

Please do not talk at this time Feb. 8
HW WWII Leader Outline due Feb 15th
Please get out your WWII Leader Bio
Please staple and turn in your Best of Cornell
Notes and your Churchill APPARTS. Make sure your
name is on them!
Notebook Pg. 27A Writing great Thesis
Statements- Three Levels of Thesis Statements
Once you have your Evidence, it is time to write
your thesis statement. It is actually easier to
do this once you know what you are going to say
and what you have evidence for.
  • There are three levels of thesis statements.
  • Level one- restate the prompt as a statement.
  • Prompt Was MacArthur a great leader?
  • Level 1 MacArthur was a great leader.
  • Level two- restate the prompt as a statement but
    include the word because and say why.
  • Level 2 MacArthur was a great leader because
    he was intelligent, independent and a winner.
  • Level 2 thesis statements are so useful because
    the three things you include after your because
    as the answer to your why become the three body
    sections of our essay or outline. This kind of
    thesis gives you a clear road map for where the
    essay and your reasoning are going.

Ultimate Thesis of Ultimate Destiny
  • Level three- rephrase the prompt in a new way and
    include your own philosophy when you address the
    why aspect of your answer.
  • Level 3 Greatness in leadership comes from
    serving ones own people and improving their
    lives. MacArthur used his intelligence, his
    ability to think independently and his drive to
    be a winner to get the American people through
    their darkest hours during WWII.

What makes a Thesis a Level Three Thesis?
  • Level three- rephrase the prompt in a new way and
    include your own philosophy when you address the
    why aspect of your answer.
  • Many of you asked how you know you have included
    your own philosophy, in order to get a Level 3
    thesis statement and I was not able to articulate
    it, but after school I asked the head of the
    English Department and this is what she said
  • Level three thesis statements include three
    pieces of evidence to prove the thesis statement,
    just like a typical Level 2. However, in a level
    3 thesis, there is a deeper, underlining (below
    the surface) connection between the three pieces
    of evidence.

You may have the rest of this period to work on
  • These handouts are a class set, so please do not
    take them.
  • You finished Typed OUTLINE is due Feb. 15th

Please do not talk at this time Feb 11
HW WWII Leaders Outline due Feb. 15
Please get WWII Middle Cornell Notes, Pg. 29A
  • As we watch the video on the Civilian Experience
    in WWII, Please record notes on pg. 32A Title
    Civilian Experience in WWII
  • How did Civilians suffer during WWII? In what
    ways were they harmed?
  • How did civilians react to this suffering? How
    did they deal with being a Part of the war even
    though they were civilians?
  • Consider these questions and record your notes in
    the Civilians and WWII box.

Please do not talk at this time Feb 12
HW WWII Leaders Outline due Feb. 15 Chapter
16.4 Cornell Notes (pg. 31A) Due
Wed/Thurs Chapter 16.5 Cornell Notes due Friday
Please get WWII Middle Cornell Notes, Pg. 29A
Operation BarbarossaHitlers Biggest Mistake
Operation Barbarossa June 22, 1941
  • 3,000,000 German soldiers.
  • 3,400 tanks.

The Russians Respond Russian Scorch Earth
If we cant have it. No one will..
They burn the grain in the fields, poison the
wells, tear down the houses, kill the farm
animals. There will be nothing left for Hitler
to use.
ASQ What one Russian resource stopped Genghis
Kahn and Napoleon both?
The Deadly Russian Winter Only Russians Can
Minimum temperatures for the Moscow area in late
1941 December, --20F. The lowest Temperature
recorded that exceptionally cold winter was
Still, Russians are Bitter. Stalin fought alone
against Hitler in Europe from 1941 1944.
Russia loses more soldiers and civilians holding
the line than any other nation.
Battle of StalingradWinter of 1942-1943
German losses at Stalingrad were staggering. The
Sixth Army, under the command of Field Marshal
Friedrich Paulus, began its campaign with 600,000
soldiers. On Jan. 31, 1943, Paulus disobeyed
Hitler and surrendered. On February 2 the last of
his remaining 91,000 troops turned themselves
over to the Soviets. The Soviets recovered
250,000 German and Romanian corpses in and around
Stalingrad and total Axis losses (Germans,
Romanians, Italians, and Hungarians) are
estimated to have been 800,000 dead. Of those
taken captive, only 6,000 lived to return to
their homeland. Official Russian military
historians estimate that 1,100,000 Soviet
soldiers lost their lives in the campaign to
defend the city, all this in a span of six
The North African Campaign
  • Fought in North Africa
  • Axis Powers led by Erwin Rommel
  • Allies led by Bernard Montgomery
  • Both groups trying to seize oil in the Middle
    East and access to Italy (the back door of Europe)

(No Transcript)
The Pacific Theater
Remember this?
Japans Expanding Empire- Only other countries
have the resources they need!
Pearl Harbor Attacked - Dec. 7, 1941
  • Japan wanted the natural resources like tin,
    iron and gasoline that the Americans had stopped
    selling them when the USA found out about what
    was happening in China.
  • Japan saw American neutrality as a sign of
  • They believed America would give up right away
    if attacked brutally enough.

A date which will live in infamy!
Pearl Harbor from the Cockpit of a Japanese Pilot
(No Transcript)
USS Arizona, Pearl Harbor
The only American ships to survive the attack
untouched were looking for the Japanese in the
Pacific Ocean. Japan had reason to think the
Americans could be intimidated into staying out
of the War. Americans were not known for their
great military prowess. Most people thought they
chose not to fight because they werent any good
at it.
President Roosevelt Signs the US Declaration of
BSQ Why were the Japanese so surprised that the
USA declared war on them?
Awesome Battles of WWII Flash Animation!
Please do not talk at this time Feb 12
  • HW WWII Leader Outline due Feb 15
  • Chapter 16.5 Cornell Notes (pg. 31A) Due Fri
  • Bring your WWI Review on Friday!

Please Get out your WWII Middle Cornell Notes
Japan had already captured large sections of
China and South Asia before WWII started but
Japan needed the resources of the Dutch East
Indies and geographic access of the American
controlled Philippines. Japans strategy called
for simultaneous attacks on Malaya, Thailand,
American-held Guam and Wake, Hong Kong,
Singapore, the Philippines, and Hawaii.
When the USA joined WWII, the areas in red were
under the control of American enemies, the Axis
Powers. Americans werent very ready for such a
massive undertaking.
Comparing Naval Power
We make more...
Japan Can't...
BSQ Why would Singapore be a valuable location
to control?
Military Techniques
Back to Pacific War Notes!
Japanese Kamikaze PlanesThe Scourge of the
South Pacific
Kamikaze Pilots
Suicide Bombers
BSQ What is the connection between the Kamikazi
pilots, Japans views on surrender and Japans
access to resources?
Death before dishonor. Death before
surrender. Death before defeat.
Japanese Moto
Allied Counter-OffensiveIsland-Hopping
Test Question Alert!
Take only the lightly defended islands and skip
the rest. Japan still has to spend soldiers and
supplies on the others.
Turning Point in the Pacific
Battle of Midway IslandJune 4-6, 1942
  • The Battle of Midway was fought over and near the
    tiny U.S. mid-Pacific base at Midway atoll
    (island). (June 1942)?
  • After Midway, the two opposing fleets were
    essentially equals, and the United States soon
    took the offensive.
  • With the battle of Midway, the US stops the
    Japanese expansion. From here the Japanese lose
    territory until the end of the war.

What strategic advantage is there to stopping the
Japanese at Midway?
Battle of GuadalcanalAugust 7, 1942, and
February 7, 1943
  • Stopped the Japanese from getting the resources
    of Australia

The US uses Island Hopping to advance toward
Japan. They need to get close enough to bomb
Japan directly.
US Marines on Mt. Surbachi,Iwo Jima Feb. 19,
Iwo Jima is striking distance from Japan.
Americans can easily fly bombing missions to
Japans civilian centers from here.
ASQ What advantage would attacking Japanese
civilians give the Americans? Think
strategically and emotionally.
Coffee House Chat
  • You and your partner are two soldiers from WWII
    having a cup of coffee in the afterlife at a café
    in heaven.
  • As you sip your latte, tell your partner about
    some of the battles of WWII that you know about.
    Be as specific as possible. Talk especially
    about the battle you are doing for the project.
  • Talk about your battles as if you were one of the
    soldiers who fought in them. Try to impress your
    partner with all the dangerous things you have
    lived through! Whatever your partner says, try
    to beat it with an even more dangerous (but
    accurate!) battle experience.

Please get a WWII End Cornell Note Guide This is
pg. 32A
European Theater of Operations
Allies from the South, having taken North
Africa. Allies from the East, having won in
Russia Allies from the West, jumping off from
Britain Germany is Surrounded!
Gen. Eisenhower Gives the Orders for D-Day
Operation Overlord
D-Day (June 6, 1944)
Normandy Landing (June
6, 1944)
German Prisoners
Higgins Landing Crafts
Index so far
  • Outline Practice Pg. 24A
  • MacArthur Bio- Pg 25A
  • Characteristics of a Great Leader Pg. 26B
  • Pg. 27 A/B WWII Leader Outline Assignment
  • Pg. 28A Writing great Thesis Statements-
  • WWII Middle Cornell Notes- Pg. 29A
  • Chapter 16.4 Cornell Notes (pg. 30A)
  • Chapter 16.5 Cornell Notes (pg 31A)
  • pg. 31A Title Civilian Experience in WWII
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