Title: Reconstruction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Title: Reconstruction


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Title: Title: Reconstruction

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Title Reconstruction Johnsons Impeachment
Original Plans of Reconstruction
  • Lincolns Plan
  • The Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction,
    December 1863, gave forgiveness to those who
    pledged Union loyalty and support for
  • When 10 of voters had taken the oath, a new
    state government could be organized. The new
    government was required to ban slavery.
  • This plan for readmission was known as the Ten
    Percent Plan.
  • Opposition
  • Wade-Davis Bill
  • In 1864, Congress wrote its own plan.
  • Majority of white male citizens would be required
    to take a loyalty oath before elections could be
  • Lincoln killed the bill using a pocket veto (it
    passed in the last 10 days of the legislative

Lincolns Assassination
  • The president did not live long enough to test
    his wartime popularity against Congress for
    control of Reconstruction plans.
  • Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth at Fords
    Theater on April 14, 1865, and died the next
  • John Wilkes Booth was part of a conspiracy, and
    others were supposed to kill Vice President
    Andrew Johnson and Secretary of State William
  • A grief stricken nation mourned Lincolns death.
  • White southerners were concerned. Lincolns death
    meant a change in Reconstruction plans and a new
    president. Some disliked Andrew Johnson and felt
    he was a traitor.

At wars end, two major questions faced the
reunited nation.
  • 1) What would be the status of blacks in the
    postwar nation?
  • 2) Under what conditions would the Southern
    states be readmitted to the Union?
  • The newly liberated slaves, called freedmen, were
    primarily interested in the chance to earn wages
    and own property.
  • Black leaders hoped that their service in the
    military would earn blacks equal rights.

Vice-president Andrew Johnson assumed the
  • Johnson, a Southern Democrat, had opposed
    secession and strongly supported Lincoln during
    his first term
  • In return, Lincoln rewarded Johnson with the
  • When the war ended, Congress was in recess and
    would not reconvene for 8 months.
  • That left the early stages of Reconstruction
    entirely in Johnsons hands.

Johnsons Reconstruction plan called for the
creation of provisional military governments to
run the states until they were readmitted to the
  • The states would have to write new constitutions
    eliminating slavery and renouncing secession.
  • Required all Southern citizens to swear a loyalty
    oath before receiving amnesty for the rebellion
  • Many of the former Southern elite (including
    plantation owners, Confederate officers, and
    government officials) were barred from taking
    that vow, thus prohibiting their participation in
    the new governments.
  • Johnson did not require the states to enfranchise
    African Americans

The plan did not work because Johnson pardoned
many of the Southern elite who were supposed to
have been excluded from the reunification process
  • After the states drafted new constitutions and
    elected new governments, former Confederate
    officials were again in positions of great power
  • Furthermore, many of their new constitutions were
    only slight revisions of previous constitutions

Southern legislators also passed a series of laws
defining the status of freedmen.
  • These laws, called black codes, which
  • Limited freedmens rights to assemble and travel
  • Restricted their access to public institutions
  • Instituted curfew laws
  • Passed laws requiring blacks to carry special
  • In the most instances, state legislatures simply
    took their old slave codes and replaced the word
    slaves with freedmen

When Congress reconvened in Dec 1865, the new
Southern senators included the vice-president of
the Confederacy and other Confederate officials.
  • Northern Congressmen were not pleased
  • Invoking its constitutional right to examine the
    credentials of new members, Congress voted not to
    seat the new Southern delegation
  • In many Southern states at the time, all
    Republicans agreed that Johnsons Reconstruction
    needed some modification.

Congress was divided into three Republican
  • Conservative Republicans Generally agreed with
    Johnsons plan
  • Radical Republicans Wanted to set up a
    Reconstruction that punished the South
  • Confiscate land from the rich and redistributed
    it among the poor (including the freedman)
  • Extend democratic rights in the South
  • Moderates Large enough contingent to swing a
    vote in one or the other direction

Johnson refused to work with the Radicals and
vetoed a compromise package that would have
extending the life of the Freedmans Bureau and
enforced a uniform civil rights code on the South.
  • Freedmans Bureau Government program established
    in 1865 to help newly liberated African Americans
    establish a place in postwar society
  • Helped with immediate problems of survival (food,
    housing) and developed social institutions, such
    as schools

In response, the Radicals drew up the plan that
came to be known as Congressional Reconstruction,
which included the 14th Amendment.
  • The amendment
  • (1) prohibited states from depriving any citizen
    of life, liberty, or property, without due
  • meant to override the effect of the black codes
  • (2) gave states the choice either to give
    freedmen the right to vote or to stop counting
    them among their voting population for the
    purpose of Congressional apportionment
  • aimed to force states to either extend suffrage
    to black men or lose power in Congress
  • (3) barred prominent Confederates from holding
    political office
  • (4) excused the Confederacys war debt.

(No Transcript)
In the Congressional election of 1866, the North
voted for a Congress more heavily weighted toward
the radical end of the political spectrum.
  • The new Congress quickly passed the Military
    Reconstruction Act of 1867.
  • It imposed martial law on the South
  • Called for new state constitutional conventions
  • Forced states to allow blacks to vote for
    convention delegates
  • Required each state to ratify the 14th Amendment
    and to send its new constitution to Congress for

Aware that Johnson would oppose the new
Reconstruction, Congress then passed a number of
laws designed to limit presidents power.
  • Conflict reached its climax when the House
    Judiciary Committee initiated impeachment
    proceedings against Johnson
  • When he fired the Sec. of War (Edwin Stanton),
    they accused him of violating the Tenure of
    Office Act
  • They stated that the President had to secure the
    consent of the Senate before removing his
    appointees once theyd been approved by that body
  • Real reason for impeachment He was getting in
    the way of Reconstruction.

Although impeachment failed (by one vote), the
trial revealed that the power of impeachment
could not be abused, and he served the last few
months of his presidency and retired.
  • With a new president, Ulysses S. Grant, in
    office, Congress forged ahead in its efforts to
    remake the South.
  • The 15th Amendment, proposed in 1869, finally
    required states to enfranchise black men
  • Ironically, the 15th Amendment passed only
    because Southern states were required to ratify
    it as a condition of reentry into the Union
  • A number of Northern states opposed the amendment
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