Tri-3 Benchmark REVIEW - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Tri-3 Benchmark REVIEW


Tri-3 Benchmark REVIEW – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Tri-3 Benchmark REVIEW

Tri-3 BenchmarkREVIEW
-Which states were considered Confederate
States during the Civil War?
South Carolina Mississippi Florida Alabama
Georgia Louisiana Texas
Virginia Arkansas Tennessee North Carolina
In the famous Webster-Hayne Debate of 1830, which
sides did Webster Hayne take on the States
Rights debate?
Webster the Federal government had more
authority than the states, and that the people,
not the states, made the Union. Hayne defended
nullification states rights, and stated that
it gave the states a lawful way to protest and
maintain their freedom
what state was created when it seceded from the
South and became a part of the Union?
West Virginia
This super-hero made Narcissis look humble...
(No Transcript)
When Lincoln gave his Gettysburg Address, he said
that, Four score and seven years ago our fathers
brought forth on this continent a new nation,
conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the
proposition that what?
all men are created equal.
Who was the Souths BEST general?
Gen. Robert E. Lee
John C. Calhoun advocated for the Doctrine of
Nullification and States Rights through an
unsigned document called the
South Carolina Exposition and Protest
He was the Union general that beat Lee. After
the war, in 1868, he became Americas 18th
President .
Ulysses S. Grant
This guy LOVED his spinach and yams.
Lees Confederate army invaded Pennsylvania in
June of 1863. He ran into a huge Union army on
July 1, 1863. He fought this Union army for
three (3) days and eventually lost the battle,
and one third of his army this battle was known
as _______________________ .
What did the Doctrine of Nullification
basically. mean?
That a state had the right to nullify, or reject,
a federal law that it (the state) considered
Since Jefferson Davis was elected as President of
the Confederate States of America, what was his
view on Federal sovereignty v. States rights?
the Constitution upheld that the States were
independent of the Federal government and had the
right to leave the Union if they wanted
In Lincolns Second Inaugural Address (1865), he
ends his address with a plea not to place blame
or seek revenge on one another, and urged
citizens to care for one another and work for a
just and lasting peace quote what he
said (read it aloud)
With malice towards none, with charity for all,
with firmness in the right as God gives us to see
the right, let us strive on to finish the work we
are in, to bind up the nations wounds, to care
for him who shall have borne the battle and for
his widow and his orphan, to do all which may
achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace
among ourselves and with all nations.
White Northerners who had rushed to the South
after the war and were accused (by Southerners)
of seeking only to get rich, and/or gain
political power
As part of his plan for Reconstruction, Lincoln
established a Federal agency that set up schools
and hospitals for Blacks, and distributed
clothes, food and fuel throughout the Southwho
was this agency?
Freedmens Bureau
Jim Crow laws were later extensions of the
Black Codes of the South during
Reconstruction. These laws were meant to enforce
segregation, or separation, of White Black
folks in public places. This included separate
schools, restrooms, drinking fountains, and
restaurants, just to name a few
The Ku Klux Klan was a product of violent racism
in the South after the Civil War. Their primary
goal was to restore ______ control to the South,
and rid themselves of ______ control, as well as
keep former slaves ______less .
Democratic, Republican, powerless
What does the 14th Amendment state?
It states that all people born in the
U.S. are citizens
After Lincolns death, Vice President Andrew
Johnson assumed the Presidency, and the job of
Reconstruction of the South. He ran into
opposition with Congressmen who wanted the
Federal govt to play an active role in remaking
Southern politics and society
these Congressmen were known as?
the Radical Republicans
Before the 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868,
Congress passed a bill promoting civil rights to
all citizens. This bill, or act, declared that
all persons born in the USA (except Indians) were
citizens, and were entitled to equal rights
regardless of their race what was this Act
Civil Rights Act of 1866
In 1887, Congress passed the Dawes Act,
which was intended to encourage Indians to give
up their traditional ways and become farmers.
SoWhat did the Dawes Act actually do?
The Dawes Act divided reservations into
individual plots of land for each family, then
sold the leftover land to White settlers
The Emancipation Proclamation only freed slaves
in the South, or those states in rebellion
against the Union. So, on December 6, 1865
(after President Lincolns death), what was
ratified by the states, that outlawed slavery
throughout the entire USA?
13th Amendment
What does the 15th Amendment state?
That citizens can not be stopped from voting, on
account of race, color, or previous condition of
Why did Whites and Indians have so much conflict
on the Great Plains?
Farmers, ranchers, settlers, and
prospectors often violated peace treaties and
moved onto Indian land without permission.
President Lincoln issued the Emancipation
Proclamation on January 1, 1863. But, before he
issued this proclamation, he needed to issue it
from a position of strength. He first needed a
major victory what
was this victory?
The Battle of Antietam
John D. Rockefeller had a monopoly on what
oil industry
Andrew Carnegie had a monopoly on which industry?
STEEL industry
I sometimes wipe out my competitors and take
total control of an industry what am I?

In 1858, Lincoln challenged Stephen A. Douglas
for his U.S. Senate seat, and he gave a speech
known as his House Divided speech. In that
speech he mentions that, a house divided against
itself cannot stand What did he mean by a
house divided.. .what house?
the United States
When it came to dirty dealing, dishonest tactics,
and just plain old being ruthless against their
competitors these robber barons took the
cake name a couple
John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie
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