Title: Introducing the Courageous Captains
1Introducing the Courageous Captains
2John Cabot1497
3John Cabot was born in Italy, but moved to
4Cabot sailed to Canada and claimed land for
5Possibly Cabot landed near Newfoundland. He
explored the Canadian coastline and named many
islands and capes.
6(No Transcript)
7John Cabot was searching for the Northwest
Passage across North America to Asia.
8He was unsuccessful in reaching Asia, even though
he thought he had. Cabots expeditions were
England/Britains first claims to Canada.
9Jacques Cartier1534
10Jacques Cartier was a French explorer who led 3
expeditions to Canada.
11Cartier was looking for the Northwest Passage
through North America to Asia.
12Cartier sailed up the St. Lawrence River and
started a settlement/town in Quebec.
13(No Transcript)
14Cartier was given directions by the Iroquois
Indians to a village near Quebec. The Iroquois
word for a village is kanata. So Cartier named
the area, Canada and claimed it for the French.
15These are the Courageous Captains to Canada.