Title: GCIS%20Budget%20
1GCIS Budget Strategy
18 May 2005
Programmes for 2005-06 are a continuation of what
was embarked on, sharpened by the communication
experience of the past year.
3Popularising the Programme of Action - Feb 2005
Promoting access to information about govts
programme of action with focus on implementation
Review Plans for the coming financial year
- Published
- New programme for 2005 as soon as finalised by
Cabinet - Final update of 2004 programme, making govts
record open to all - Mostly implemented within broad framework set
- New programme addressing delays
- Published
- Update in May on progress in 2005 prog. after
1st cycle of cluster reports to Cabinet.
4Review Plans for the coming financial year
Promoting access to information about govts
programme of action with focus on implementation
Popularising the Programme of Action - Feb 2005
- Multi-media communication campaign using all
languages in progress - Widest dissemination possible of programme of
action for 2005-06
Innovation Publication in photo-story format,
serialised in papers reaching poorer segments of
newspaper readership. Soon appearing as a
magazine with further information on the
5Review Plans for the coming financial year
Promoting partnership and participatory democracy
The themes of participation and partnership are
increasingly finding strong public response,
reflected in increased impact of some of the
major communication campaigns
- Ongoing Ten Year celebrations
- Womens Month
- 16 days of Activism Â
Recognition of the importance of this campaign
for the realisation of rights is reflected in
additional funding for it in 2005/06 budget.
6Review Plans for the coming financial year
Promoting partnership and participatory democracy
- The Imbizo campaign continues to reach new
heights, with visits to provinces by President
and Deputy President and each focus week larger
than before
- This interactive style of communication is
becoming increasingly part of the fabric of our
democracy, including at provincial and municipal
level - In May this year the President initiated a new
phase of imbizo, focusing in deepening democracy
and improving service delivery in municipalities.
It is aligned with project Consolidate
 The challenge is to retain its participatory
character as a platform that builds partnership
for growth and development.
7Review Plans for the coming financial year
Promoting partnership and participatory democracy
Imbizo as participatory Democracy National
Focus Weeks
Nov 01 Apr 02 Oct 02 Apr 03 Oct 03 Sep 04 Apr 05
Events 170 300 320 365 410 427 487
Ministers 14 18 9 23 13 16 23
Deputy Ministers 4 4 3 5 3 5 7
Premiers 7 7 8 7 8 8 8
MECs 40 53 70 73 84 16 103
Loc Gov Reps 107 50 155 71 263 361 381
3 provinces still to report no. of events in
which they took part
8Review Plans for the coming financial year
Promoting partnership and participatory democracy
- Together with the International Marketing
Council, work is being done to consolidate a
national communication partnership around the
communication challenges of hosting the 2010
World Cup
- The focus will shift towards South Africa when
formal structures are formed this year and more
intensely at the end of the 2006 World Cup.
9Review Plans for the coming financial year
Promoting partnership and participatory democracy
- Difficulties with regard to the transformation of
the marketing and advertising industry which
featured last year, have been overcome - The sectors belonging to the process are working
together in the development of an overarching
scorecard within the framework of the Broad-Based
Black Economic Empowerments Act and Strategy.
10Review Plans for the coming financial year
Broadening access to information about
The mass campaign to promote access to economic
opportunities has completed its first phase
- 800 000 copies, in all languages, distributed
mainly through 90 workshops run as part of the
project - Response has been enthusiastic in many
instances practical action has followed - Many stakeholders NGOs, churches, local
authorities, etc. initiated own processes using
the publication
- Agreement with public broadcaster to serialise
the publication in 13 parts for broadcast from
October - Some financial and development institutions
private and public discussing how to help
promote sustainability of this campaign.
11Review Plans for the coming financial year
Broadening access to information about
Economic Opportunities Campaign workshops
12Review Plans for the coming financial year
Broadening access to information about
The information people want from government
What people most want to hear about from
government is information about creating jobs and
reducing poverty.
GCIS Tracker
13Review Plans for the coming financial year
Broadening access to information about
Need for Government information
The poor especially feel they do not have enough
information about governments programmes and
GCIS Tracker
14Review Plans for the coming financial year
Broadening access to information about
Awareness of government campaigns
Awareness of Second Economy programmes beginning
to show significant increase with more intense
GCIS Tracker
15Review Plans for the coming financial year
Broadening access to information about
Preferred ways of receiving govt information
Peoples preferences for receiving government
information underline the need for a multimedia
GCIS Tracker
16Review Plans for the coming financial year
Broadening access to information about
Platforms and products to enhance communication
about socio-economic opportunities
A critical element in assisting those in the
Second Economy is provision of information,
particularly regarding how they can access
economic opportunities. In this regard, the
targeted communication campaign on economic
opportunities occupies a central place. State of
the Nation Address
- Context
- Media usage patterns trends
- Response to start of economic opportunities
campaign - Critical role of information in enabling people
to improve their lives
- Response
- Sustain and build on economic opportunities
campaign - government wide campaign on accessing
socio-economic opportunities - Assess communication implications of changing
media landscape - New products including a popular magazine,
provided for in 2005 budget.
17Review Plans for the coming financial year
Broadening access to information about
A bi-monthly popular magazine will fill a gap to
meet a need for information about government
- Core function to meet need for public information
about socioeconomic opportunities - Will use all languages in several editions
- 32 pages
- Distributed free
LSM 1-3 3-6 7-8 9-10
Read a newspaper 14 44 68 80
Gov Mag good idea 74 82 70 67
- Challenges
- First edition August/September
- Dissemination beyond current reach of media
- Quality product that sustains interest.
18Review Plans for the coming financial year
Broadening access to information about
Fragmentation and lack of awareness in some
implementing structures
Need to complement communication with the public
where much progress has been made with a
major campaign of internal communication to
inform and mobilise all public servants to play
their part
As much emphasis on the content of government
programmes as on the Batho Pele ethic required.
19Review Plans for the coming financial year
Broadening access to information about
1st Generation
Funding mechanisms for this programme are
currently under discussion between GCIS and other
20Review Plans for the coming financial year
Broadening access to information about
Research partnerships with business and tertiary
institutions will improve monitoring of impact
and learning from experience
Emphasis will be on ensuring linkage of new MPCCs
with Municipal Integrated Development Plans (IDPs)
21Review Plans for the coming financial year
Broadening access to information about
- Practical access to services by the public
depends on - integrated service delivery
- integrated provision of information
- GCIS responsibility for the Batho Pele e-Gateway
portal reflected in additional funds in this
budget - New GCIS Unit to ensure comprehensive and
up-to-date portal information in time in all
languages - Partnership with USA and DPSA to see Batho Pele
General Service Counters in all MPCCs.
22Review Plans for the coming financial year
Broadening access to information about
74 projects (national projects located by head
14 6 14 7 5 4 9 10 5
MDDA is working with MPCCs and others in
provinces with least media to identify potential
projects for support
Projects by Category
Print Print Radio Radio
Community Commercial Community Commercial Training Research
15 15 29 - 12 3
23Review Plans for the coming financial year
Improving performance of the govt communication
Strengthening the system
- Regularisation of situation where communication
components for Ministry Dept still separate
- Appropriate structures personnel to be
introduced by the one-third not headed by Chief
- Planned alignment of strategies resource
allocation by the few with no dedicated
communication budget
- Sustain enhance keen involvement of top
management in communication work
- Enhanced participation by communicators in
coordinating structures
24Review Plans for the coming financial year
Improving performance of the govt communication
Skills and professionalism
Established by GCIS, Unilever, the University of
Witwatersrand Postgraduate School of Public
Development Management
An important medium to long-term intervention to
enhance the standard of government communication
Having successfully graduated its first intake in
2004, the first class for 2005 is under way.
25Review Plans for the coming financial year
Improving performance of the govt communication
Provincial local government communication
- Work to assist provinces and local govt in
building their communication capacity is being
systematically pursued - Work with SALGA DPLG in this regard is
- Provincial and local workshops are being held
across the country to ensure a common approach to
the communication function among municipalities.
26Review Plans for the coming financial year
Improving performance of the govt communication
Provincial local government communication
Over 115 municipal communication officers from 25
District Municipalities have taken part in
training to date
- 5 provincial workshops held to strengthen
provincial and municipal communication
remaining 4 pending - National workshop in June will consolidate 9
provincial core teams led from Premiers Offices
as local training hubs
- Towards more integrated communication
- Identification of a municipal communication cycle
that is informed by IDP cycle will promote
integration with provincial and national cycles - Establishment of District Communication Forums is
promoting an integrated approach across spheres.
27Review Plans for the coming financial year
Improving performance of the govt communication
Unmediated communication
Unmediated communication
- The shift towards speedy unmediated communication
needs to be sustained as well as the use of
advertising in a way that ensures widest reach of
the information citizens need
- The statistics of advertising expenditure by
national govt reflect adherence to these
principles - There is clear need to improve coherence in govt
advertising and in some instances
28Review Plans for the coming financial year
Improving performance of the govt communication
- The shift of government adspend handled by GCIS
towards media reaching more people continued
during 2004 - Radio up from 33 in the first half to 51.79
in the second - Print down from 48 in the first half to 29 by
year end - Television ad spend ranks third at 7.8
- Outdoor and direct media received 5.4 of
adspend - Community radio increased to 13.09 of radio
adspend during 2004. A new policy now keeps it
averaging 15-25.
29Review Plans for the coming financial year
Improving performance of the govt communication
International marketing
GCIS is working with the IMC as it moves into a
new phase of its campaign, to ensure the
requisite support from government.
30Budget and Establishment
There has been a substantial increase in the GCIS
Budget 2004/05 R203,149 million
MTEF Period 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08
TOTAL 249 130 251 053 261 681
Additions to baseline R40,0m R28,5m R28,0m
MDDA R7,0m R7,4m R7,8m
IMC R69,3m R73,4m R77,1m
- Implementing a learnership programme
- A national directory of Information Officers
under the Public Access to Information Act and
e-Gateway - Additional personnel operational costs of
communication officers esp. in local offices to
programmes constrained by resource limitations - Communication around the 16 days of activism
campaign - Popular magazine which is currently being
31Budget and Establishment
Human Resource Development
Human resource development involves both GCIS and
Short courses
3 of personnel budget
Financial year 2004/05 R1 959 480m
Requirement 1 of personnel budgets for
training of staff
- 30 interns completed placement with GCIS
- 20 interns are about to complete internship
during 2005 - A minimum of 10 interns at any time are aimed for
Learnership Programme
- On 1 April 2005 GCIS embarks on the Marketing and
Communication Learnership - 10 learners per
intake for the annual programme. This is also a
contribution to the transformation of the
Advertising Marketing industry.
32Budget and Establishment
Representivity on 1 May 2005
Positive factors - Strong growth and employment
- Business confidence at record highs
- Reasonably strong job creation unemployment
rate moving down.
Positive factors - Impact of social programmes
- Public mood at 1994 levels and cyclical decline
much slower - From May 2004 programme 72 with deadlines have
been or being fulfilled and 86 without deadlines
in hand.
Positive factors - Progress dealing with crime
Aggravated robbery and child abuse show an
Reduction in crime rates in 2003/04
- Murder reduced by 8
- Theft of motor vehicles/cycles reduced by 5.4
- Common robbery reduced by 57.5
- Cash-in-transit heists reduced by 48.7
- Bank robberies reduced by 57,5
Reduction in crime rates in 2003/04
Target to reduce the rate of contact crimes by
7-10 per year
Security agencies have set up Task Teams to
identify, apprehend and convict gang leaders of
organised crime and other perpetrators of serious
crime. Arrest of 168 of Top 200 identified
Perpetrators Arrested
Those involved in organised crime 67 out of 96 identified
Commercial crimes involving cases above R5 million and projects valued at R50 million 40 out of 42 identified
Violent crime incl. cash-in-transit, other robberies serial murder and serial rape. 61 of the 62 identified
Specific challenge in the current unprecedented
environment of positive factors and confidence in
the future How to contribute to translation of
this confluence of encouraging possibilities into
national unity behind shared developmental goals,
encouraging all of society to take part in
building a South Africa that truly belongs to all!
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