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Advanced Syntax


... invisibility of negation Another possible analysis Another possible analysis Another possible analysis Another possible analysis Another possible ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Advanced Syntax

Advanced Syntax
  • Lecture 7 Tense and Negation

Introduction clause structure
  • The clause is made up of distinct structural
    areas with different semantic purposes
  • The VP
  • One or more verbal head introducing arguments
  • The IP
  • An inflectional head introducing finiteness
  • The CP
  • A complementiser introducing force

The non-thematic VP
  • Between the thematic VP and the IP there can be
    other elements which are verbal but not thematic
  • They dont introduce arguments
  • These elements are to do with voice and aspect
  • ... That John has been being
  • perfect
    progressive passive
  • We have argued that these elements are
    represented by the bound morphemes
  • The verb moves to support the nearest one of
  • Auxiliaries are inserted to support the rest
  • -s -en -ing

The non-thematic VP
  • We will distinguish these non-thematic verbal
    elements by denoting them as v (as opposed to
  • This is commonly called little v
  • While little v is clearly verbal and
    non-thematic, we cannot say that it is functional
    either, as that would make it indistinguishable
    from inflection
  • Verb -F, V, -N
  • Inflection F, V, -N
  • We dont want to add another categorial feature
    as that would predict an extra 8 more distinct
  • The solution is to allow categories to be
    undefined on certain features
  • Little v V, -N

The non-thematic VP structure position
  • The inflection seems to be able to have a VP or a
    vP complement, depending on whether there are
    aspectual morphemes
  • He may VP win the race
  • He had vP been winning the race
  • I selects for -F, V, -N complements
  • This covers thematic VPs which have exactly these
  • And vPs, which are not defined for the F feature

The problem
  • Auxiliary verbs are inserted to support verbal
    morphemes which cannot be supported by the verb
  • The verb can support at most one overt morpheme
  • He -ed VP
  • He -ed -en VP the paper
  • He -ed -ing VP the paper

The problem
  • Auxiliary verbs which follow modals and the
    infinitive to, do not appear to support any
  • They are always in their base form
  • He may be winning
  • ... for him to have won
  • If there is no morpheme here, there is no
    explanation as to why the auxiliary is present

A possible solution
  • By this reasoning, there must be a morpheme
    present in these cases
  • This morpheme is phonologically null
  • He may be-? winning
  • ... for him to have-? won

What is this morpheme
  • It is apparently absent in the presence of a
    tense inflection
  • He beed (was) winning
  • He was be-? winning
  • This might suggest that the morpheme has
    something to do with tense

Tense and modals
  • Modals and the tense morphemes are in
    complementary distribution
  • He smiled
  • He will smile
  • he will smiled
  • But this is not completely true

Modal forms
  • Most modals have two forms
  • can could
  • may might
  • shall should
  • will would
  • Historically these are tense forms
  • In modern English these forms are not usually
    used to express tense distinctions
  • He might come ? he may come (in the past)
  • But in some cases they are
  • When I was young, I could play the piano

Modal forms
  • Modals in subordinate clauses are used to match
    the tense of the main clause
  • I think he will come
  • I thought he would come
  • I thought he will come
  • This is called tense sequencing

Modal forms
  • This suggests that tense is not absent with

Infinitives and tense
  • One might have thought that tense and infinitives
    are mutually exclusive
  • However, again the situation is not so
  • Infinitives are always subordinate
  • Like tense sequencing in finite clauses, the time
    reference of the infinitive is often dependent on
    the main clause
  • Different types of infinitive have different time

Control clauses and Tense
  • The temporal interpretation of a control clause
    is co-temporal with the main clause
  • He tried PRO to start the car
  • He is trying PRO to start the car
  • He will try PRO to start the car
  • Clearly the trying and the starting are
    happening at the same time (regardless of whether
    it is successful)

Raising clauses and tense
  • Raising clauses are like control clauses in that
    their temporal interpretation is co-temporal with
    the main clause
  • The door1 seemed t1 to close by itself
  • The door1 seems t1 to be closing by itself
  • The door1 seems t1 to close by itself
  • Like tensed clauses
  • the use of the progressive indicates present time
  • the use of the plain verb indicates the habitual

Exceptional Clauses and tense
  • Exceptional clauses often refer to an event which
    takes place at some point after that referred to
    by the exceptional verb
  • I expected the door to open
  • I expect the door to open
  • The door opening (or not) happens at some time
    after the expectation is formed
  • I expected the door to open, but when I tried it,
    it was locked

Tense in infinitives - conclusion
  • If time reference is mediated through a tense
    element, it seems that a tense element is present
    in the infinitive
  • Though not of the same nature as that in finite
  • In infinitives the tense element is similar to a
    pronoun in that its reference is linked to its
  • i.e. The tense of the main clause
  • We might refer to this as anaphoric tense

Tense and Inflection
  • This all suggests that tense and inflection are
    not the same element in a structure
  • Therefore we would expect them to have different
  • It could be that tense is the phonologically null
    morpheme that follows modals and the infinitival
  • He may be-?pres singing
  • ... for him to be-?ana singing

The structural position of tense
  • Clearly the tense element follows the inflection
  • So it must head a phrase that sits in the
    complement position of the inflection

The category of tense
  • We know that inflection subcategorises for a V,
    -N complement
  • Therefore tense must be of the category little v

Tense in tensed clauses
  • Tensed clauses are still IPs
  • So there must be an inflection when there is a
    morphological tense
  • The most obvious suggestion would be that the
    inflection is a null morpheme in this case
  • IP He ? vP -ed VP smile
  • This is what was assumed in BESE

Tense in tensed clauses
  • But this raises the question of why inflection
    must be null when tense is overt and tense must
    be null when inflection is overt
  • There seems to be a conspiracy to make it look
    like tense and inflection are in complementary
    distribution when they are not!

Tense in tensed clauses
  • Another possibility is that the tense morphemes
    ARE inflections
  • Therefore they cannot be tense
  • They would get their tense interpretations from
    the null tense element that accompanies them
  • IP He ed vP -? VP smile
  • In this way the tense morpheme is exactly like a
  • Though it carries no modal meaning

Tense in tensed clauses
  • This allows a very uniform analysis
  • Tense in English is always null
  • Some inflections select present tense
  • will, can, shall, may, -s/-?
  • Some inflections select past tense
  • would, could, should, might, must, -ed
  • One inflection select anaphoric tense
  • to

Tense as a bound morpheme
  • The fact that an auxiliary must be inserted after
    a modal and an infinitive in cases where the verb
    is supporting an aspectual morpheme shows that
    tense is a bound morpheme
  • He will -? -ing VP

Tense as a bound morpheme
  • The fact that no auxiliary is inserted when there
    is no aspectual morpheme shows that the verb can
    move to support tense
  • He will -? VP

Tense as a bound morpheme
  • When there is a bound inflection (-ed or s) and
    the verb cannot support it, we can assume that
    the auxiliary is inserted into tense and then
    moves to support the inflection
  • A verb can support only one OVERT morpheme, but
    any number of covert ones
  • He will -ed -ing VP

Tense as a bound morpheme
  • When there is a bound inflection (-ed or s) and
    there is no other over morpheme, the verb can
    move to support both tense and the inflection
  • He -ed VP

Tense Summary
  • Tense is always null
  • It heads a vP which is the complement of the
  • Different inflections select for different tenses
  • Tense is a bound morpheme which needs supporting
  • When the verb cannot do this, an auxiliary is
  • Whatever supports tense will support the bound
    inflection by moving from v to I

  • Negation in English is typically marked by the
    use of not
  • This sits behind the inflection and in front of
    the main verb
  • You shall not pass
  • It can sit anywhere between these two (with
    meaning differences), but not in front of I or
    behind V
  • He not will have been being followed
  • He will not have been being followed
  • He will have not been being followed
  • He will have been not being followed
  • He will have been being not followed
  • He will have been being followed not

The status of the negative particle
  • It has been argued that not must be a head of a
    phrase which sits in the non-thematic verbal part
    of the structure
  • This is because it blocks V movement to I
  • He d VP smile gt he smile-d VP t

The status of the negative particle
  • Normally the verb can move to I (via tense)
  • He smile1-?2-ed vP t2 VP t1

The status of the negative particle
  • But when the negative particle is present, this
    movement is blocked
  • he smile1-?2-ed not vP t2 VP t1
  • This can be explained by Relativised Minimality
  • A head must move to its nearest head position
  • But this only works if the negative is a head

The status of the negative particle
  • In this case, the verb can support the tense
  • But do has to be inserted to support the
  • He do-ed not smile1-? t1

The category of negation
  • If this analysis is correct, the category of the
    negative particle must be little v
  • Because
  • I selects for a vP complement
  • The phrase headed by the negative can be the
    complement of I

Evidence for the verbal status of negation
  • Although not does not have many verbal qualities
    in English, in other languages the negative
    particle can behave like a verb
  • Finnish
  • tiedän en tiedäI-know I-not know
  • tiedät et tiedäyou-know you-not know

Problems contracted negation
  • The head status of the negative seems to be
    supported by negative contraction
  • I havent seen him
  • He isnt here
  • This might be treated in the same way that bound
    morphemes are
  • The auxiliary moves into the negative head before
    moving to I
  • He s nt be-? here
  • As heads can only move to head positions, this
    seems to show that negation is a head

Problems contracted negation
  • But this predicts the wrong morpheme order as the
    negation should be closer to the verb than the
  • He be-nt-s here
  • It also isnt clear why main verbs cannot do the
    same thing
  • He read-nt the book

Problems contracted negation
  • Modal auxiliaries can also bear the contracted
  • I wouldnt know
  • But modals cannot move through the negation as
    they are higher in the structure
  • The contracted modals sometimes have a different
    base form
  • Cant wont shant
  • Some modals cannot appear with the contracted
    negation at all
  • maynt

Problems contracted negation
  • Such observations argue that the contracted
    negation is better seen as a form of auxiliaries
    rather than as an independent morpheme

Problems invisibility of negation
  • When a bound morpheme cannot be supported by the
    main verb, an auxiliary is inserted
  • Which auxiliary is used depends on the following
    verbal morpheme
  • Main verb ? do
  • -ed you know ? did you know
  • Perfect ? have
  • He ed en see ? he had seen
  • Everything else ? be
  • He ed ing run ? he was running
  • He ed en beat ? he was beaten

Problems invisibility of negation
  • However, the choice of the auxiliary is never
    dependent on the presence of the negation
  • He did not know me
  • He had not seen me
  • He is not running
  • He was not beaten
  • In these cases, the negation behaves as though it
    is invisible
  • It is the verbal element following the negation
    that determines which auxiliary to use
  • But this is unexpected if negation is a verbal

Another possible analysis
  • In general, modifiers do not interfere with
    syntactic processes
  • Did he always know the answers?
  • He has sometimes watched the news
  • He is often running
  • This might suggest that the negative particle is
    an adverbial modifier rather than a verbal head
  • So why does it block head movement?

Another possible analysis
  • Negative adverbial modifiers have a restricted
    position with respect to the verb
  • I never win
  • I win never
  • This is not so for all adverbial modifiers
  • I sometimes win
  • I win sometimes

Another possible analysis
  • We know that the negative particle never follows
    the verb
  • he smiled not
  • When the negative adverb precedes the finite
    verb, it must precede the inflection which the
    verb is supporting
  • He never win-s

Another possible analysis
  • Negative adverbs can precede inflections (with
    special emphasis)
  • He never will find out
  • The negative particle cannot precede the
    inflection even with special emphasis
  • he not will find out

Another possible analysis
  • It seems that there are two ordering conditions
  • The negative particle must precede the main verb
  • The negative particle must follow the inflection
  • These two together will prevent the main verb
    from moving to I
  • he not smiled
  • he smiled not
  • The only option left is for the verb to stay
    below the inflection and for the inflection to be
    supported by do
  • He did not smile

Summary negation
  • Possibly the best analysis for the negative
    particle is as an adverbial modifier
  • There are two conditions on its placement
  • It cannot follow the verb
  • It cannot precede the inflection
  • Otherwise it can go anywhere between the two
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