Title: The Centre for Active Lifestyle Management (CALM)
1The Centre for Active Lifestyle Management (CALM)
- Dr Stephanie Jarrett
- Consultant Clinical Psychologist
- Pain Management Unit
- University Hospital Lewisham
2Setting the scene
- Chronic pain - British Pain Society definition
- continuous, long-term pain of more than 12 weeks
or after the time that healing would have been
thought to have occurred after trauma or surgery - Diagnoses
- Osteoarthritis
- Degenerative changes/disease
- Spondylosis
- Wear and Tear
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
- Fibromyalgia
- Chronic widespread pain
3Setting the scene
- People living with chronic pain 7.8 million
- Prescriptions for pain 584 million
- The cost to the NHS of chronic (long-term) back
pain alone is estimated to be 12.3bn per year - The management of chronic pain in primary care
accounts for 4.6 million GP appointments, costing
around 69 million per year - Patients with chronic pain experiencing
depression 49
4Setting the scene
Comprehensive, multi-disciplinary group programme
is the most efficacious and cost-effective
treatment for patients with chronic pain
(Gatchel Okufuji, 2006 Guzmán et al
2001) Multidisciplinary group pain management
programmes (PMPs) are recommended for patients
with chronic non-malignant pain by The British
Pain Society European Guidelines The
International Association for the Study of
Pain Report by Dr Foster (2003) identified the
patchy provision of PMPs in the UK.
5Lack of PMPs in South-East London
Northwick Park
6Lack of PMPs in South-East London
Northwick Park
15k Diameter
20k diameter
- 2001 Recruitment of Clinical Psychologist to
Chronic Pain Service, University Hospital
Lewisham - 2002 Pilot Programme
- 2004 1st Business plan put forward
- 2009 Obtained 12 month funding
- 2010 6 month extension
- 2011 12 month extension until March 2012
- 2012 Mainstream funding
- The CALM team
- Consultant Clinical Psychologist
- Clinical Physiotherapist Specialist
- Pain Nurse Specialist
- Psychology Assistant
- Administrator
- All 0.4 wte
9The CALM Programme
- The CALM programme aims to help patients
- Develop strategies to reduce the distress
disability caused by pain - Decrease reliance on medical professionals
- Improve quality of life
- Referrers - secondary care pain related services
- Chronic Pain service
- Rheumatology
- Orthopaedics
- Musculoskeletal assessment and triage (MSK)
service - Physiotherapy
- Referral process
- Check patient is registered with Lewisham GP
- Check patient eligible for CALM programme
- No ongoing litigation
- No ongoing medical intervention (other than
medication) - No ongoing investigations
- No active psychosis
- Discuss referral with patient
- If patient in agreement send referral letter to
CALM team - Discharge patient to care of CALM team
11Referral letter received
Programme suitable - offered place
Patient phones to arrange individual assessment
Patient phones to arrange date for group
information meeting
Attends group information meeting. Invited to
contact CALM team to arrange date for individual
Seen individually by psychologist,
physiotherapist nurse for assessment
Patient sent letter inviting them to phone and
arrange a date to attend a group information
meeting about the CALM programme
DNA group information meeting
DNA assessment
Programme not suitable referred to more
appropriate service
No contact to arrange assessment appointment
within 28 days
No contact from patient within28 days
Discharged inform referrer and GP
12Weekly group sessions for 10 weeks
6 months later Second follow-up group session
Assessment offered place on programme
6 weeks later First follow-up group session
Open invitation to yearly booster session
13Outcome Data Quality of Life
- Distress
- Depression (Beck Depression Inventory II)
- Catastrophising (Pain Catastrophising Scale)
- Fear of movement (Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia)
- Disability
- Sit-to-stand (number per minute)
- Pain interference (British Pain Inventory)
- 96 patients reached 6 months follow-up
- Complete data available for 90 patients
- Bonferronis correction for multiple analyses
14Outcome Data Quality of Life
N 90 Patients who had completed programme and returned questionnaires Statistically significant improvement by end of 10 week programme Statistically significant improvement at 6 month follow-up
Distress p .008 p .008
Depression (BDI II) Yes Yes
Catastrophising (PCS) Yes Yes
Fear of movement (TSK) Yes Yes
Sit-to-stand (No. per minute) Yes Yes
Pain interference (BPI) Yes Yes
15Outcome Data Health Care Use
- Computerised appointment system
- Secondary care pain-related appointments
- Physiotherapy appointment s
- Contacted GPs to get data on primary care
pain-related appointments
16Outcome Data Health Care Use
Total number of appts (N55 patients who finished programme gt1 year ago) 12 months pre-programme 12 months post-programme Reduction
Secondary Care Pain Appointments 142 13 91
Physiotherapy Appointments 206 20 90
NHS Lewisham Target 80
Primary Care Pain-Related Appointments (N25) 156 66 58
17Outcome Data Health Care Costs
- Clinical coding department to get accurate costs
for - Secondary care pain-related outpatient
appointments - Physiotherapy appointments
- Interventions (e.g. Epidural, trigger point
injection etc.)
18Outcome Data Health Care Costs
Cost of appointments (N55 patients who completed the programme gt1 year ago) 12 months pre-programme 12 months post-programme Reduction
Secondary Care Pain appointments 21,115.46 2,328.20 89
Physiotherapy appointments 14,584.80 1,122.60 92
Secondary Care Pain Related Interventions 12,178.39 2,989.27 75
19Happily Ever After?
- Pilot phase ended and taken into mainstream
funding in April 2012 - But...
- Trust Special Administrators draft report
Securing Sustainable NHS Services -
Consultation on the future of South London
Healthcare NHS Trust and the NHS in South East
London (November 2012)
20Thank you
- The CALM Team
- Sarah MacNeil Clinical Physiotherapy Specialist
- Tamzin Bunton Pain Nurse Specialist
- Ajay Clare Psychology Assistant
- Reuben Richards Administrator
- Lewisham support
- Dr Tom Smith Consultant in Pain Management
- Ashley OShaughnessy Head of PBC and Services
Redesign, NHS Lewisham - Lewisham Practice Based Commissioners
- Hilary Rankin, Consultant Clinical Psychologist
and her team at COPE, Sutton Hospital - INPUT