Ms. Forster - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ms. Forster


Windows LCD Screen Rachel Karngbaye Merima Hamzic Closet Angela Kobayashi Nikki Kapany Daniel Welch Mia Gvirtsman Sailee Vishnubhatt Leah Kidd John Jarrell – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ms. Forster

LCD Screen
1st Period
Rachel Karngbaye
Merima Hamzic
Angela Kobayashi
Mia Gvirtsman
Nikki Kapany
Sailee Vishnubhatt
Daniel Welch
Leah Kidd
John Jarrell
David Tran
Nicolas Fricker
Rachel Ward
Kaye Yap
Marissa Freitas
Adriana Hardwicke
Varsha Suresh Kumar
Alysia Wang
Corrina Yanagawa
Alec Flowers
White Board
Madison Fiorentino
Justine Fanget
Begimay Samykbaeva
Glenda Chavez
Nico Mayoral
Melissa Reed
Jeffrey Cao
Megan Robinson
Madelyn Cook
Samuel Marks
Travon Newsome
Computer Desk
Alvin Lu
Ashley Avery
Neha Cheemalavagu
Natasha Kothari
Rishma Mandhekar
White Board
LCD Screen
2nd Period
Timothy Heselton
Yasmin Ghalambor
Marie Johansen
Allie Dong
Laurel Haspert
Ankit Sharma
Jonathan Sorensen
Dylan Hoefling
Lexi Greenberg
Laura Rutner
Elena DeAngelis
Tyler Smith
Karlwillie Wilson
Diego De La Torre
Jolie Goolish
Margaux Roth
Nicole Silva
Eric Theil
Maggie Costales
White Board
Kira Cattell
Tram-anh Cao
Alesandra Rau
Alex Caber
Andrew McCormick
Erica Moy
Lauren Burns
Lili Raghian
Kate Camacho
Hannah Lau
Oren Merry
Computer Desk
Kyung-Hoon Park
Katherine Allen
Adam Call
Andrea Koch
Spencer McKean
White Board
LCD Screen
Tarun Nair
4th Period
Anne Lee
Kareena Hirani
Mirko Mostaghimi
Luke Dickey
Marissa Klazura
Liam Sidebottom
Andrew Thornberry
Lindsey Marent
Celeste Ingersoll
Sam Sevely
Simran Dhalla
Run Thapanangkun
Nicole Worthy
Jasper Deng
Taylor Houston
Lauren Scott
Hansmeet Singh
Bethany Tinklenberg
Arielle De Chavez
White Board
Dana Camin
Tania Gres
Haley Sawamura
Max Blumenstein
Margarita Patio
Erin Rempola
Kiana Ariyama
Skyler Russert
Sophie Brotzel
Juan Nava
Anjalee Raman
Computer Desk
Adriane Rowe
Sarah Alkadri
Sarah Brotzel
Nicole Hakahama
Mihajlo Radonjic
White Board
Homework for the Week
  • Monday 8/19
  • Notes Prologue pgs. 1-5
  • Personal Statement Due Friday
  • Signed CIS due tomorrow
  • Optional decorated 3x5 card due tomorrow
  • Tuesday 8/20
  • Notes Prologue pgs. 6-14
  • Improve Your Retention section is optional (but
    helpful ?)
  • Block Day 8/21 8/22
  • Notes Chapter 1 pgs. 16-23
  • Friday 8/23
  • Notes Chapter 1 pgs. 24-30

Agenda Monday 8/19/13
  1. Seats
  2. Introduction and brief overview of class
  3. Rules Class Structure
  4. Expectations
  5. Personal Statement
  6. Homework
  7. Reading Notes Prologue pgs 1-5
  8. Personal Statement
  9. CIS
  10. Optional 3x5 card decoration

Mrs. Gabriels Class
  • Welcome Introduction

Class Schedule Help/Makeup Work
  • 1st Period- AP Psych
  • 2nd Period- AP Psych
  • 3rd Period- Prep
  • 4th Period- AP Psych
  • 5th Period- US History
  • 6th Period- US History
  • 7th Period- Prep
  • Make an appointment
  • Revisions are encouraged
  • Test Corrections
  • There will be ½ credit test corrections
    available. However, they must be completed in my
    classroom on specifically designated days. We
    will talk about this more later.

  • Food and drinks are okay as long as you clean up
    after yourself!

  • on time, one at a time
  • Participation and class work is essential for
    success in this course.
  • If you are tardy or absent, you obviously cannot

Cell Phones Music?
  • Texting in class
  • Phone goes to the office
  • Phone rings in class
  • Treats to the class
  • -or-
  • Phone goes to the office
  • Your headphones should never be in your ears.
    Once in awhile we will have quiet work time, I
    will explicitly give you permission to listen to
    music on such rare occasions.

Bathroom Policy
  • Quietly, leave your phone in the box by the door.
  • One at a time
  • If you forgot your phone or do not have one,
    please tell me.
  • You have 5 minutes to use the restroom

Course Information Sheet due tomorrow
Help, Homework, Miscellaneous?
  • http//
  • https//

Organizational Tips
  • Binder
  • You may share this with another class, but please
    have dividers for the following
  • Handouts
  • Class Notes/Work
  • Completed work this will be returned to you
    after its been graded. Keep this work because
    the information in class is cumulative and you
    will want it to study later.
  • Bring your agenda planner to school everyday.
  • Leave your textbooks at home ?
  • Vocabulary See Handout for terms (also available
  • Biweekly oral vocabulary quizzes will occur
  • Definition a content specific real world
    example is required for credit.

Reading Calendar
  • Also available online.
  • https//
  • The reading is due the following day from when it
    is assigned on the calendar (this is different
    from USHAP but not regular US)
  • Do not fall behind.
  • No reading on Thursday, Saturday, or Sunday and
    every other Wednesday.
  • How are your notes assessed?
  • Although I will not have notebook checks at the
    beginning of the year, you are expected to take
    notes in pen nightly and if necessary, I will
    also implement random notebook checks at my
  • Daily class discussions
  • Bring your notes to class daily they will be
    annotated during class activities
  • You may use your notes during these discussions
  • Biweekly vocab quizzes
  • Biweekly tests.
  • There may be additional HW added to the calendar
    that you are responsible for.
  • Example Personal Statement
  • Agenda Planner! ?

3x5 Cards Optional You may take the card home
to decorate the back, due tomorrow.
First Name (your preferred name) Last Name Email Address
Vocabulary Comprehensive Content Quarter 1 Critical Thinking Quarter 2 Critical Thinking
Advanced (Correct information)
Basic (Attempted information)
Far Below Basic (Did not attempt to answer the question)
Mandated Reporting
  • As your teacher, I am required to report the
  • Abuse/Harm
  • Types of harm
  • Physical
  • Mental
  • Substance Abuse
  • When is it reported?
  • Someone harming you
  • You harming yourself
  • You harming someone else
  • Neglect
  • Incest

Expectations for the Class
  • G.R.O.W.
  • G Growth Mindset
  • R Respect the Process
  • O Own your
  • W Work!

Personal Statement due Friday
  • Motivation In order to get to know you better, I
    would like to learn what I can about how you view
    yourself and the world in which you live.
  • This information is confidential (except for
    mandated reporting criteria)
  • Write in complete sentences (use a pen or type)

Personal Statement due Friday
  1. What kind of person are you? Qualities, talents,
    abilities, etc.
  2. What kind of family and friends do you have and
    how have they affected your life?
  3. How has your gender, race/ethnicity, religious
    beliefs, and/or socioeconomic status affected
    your attitude(s) and life?
  4. What are two of your greatest achievements?
  5. What have been or are your greatest
    problems/struggles? Describe any unusual
    circumstances or challenges that you have faced
    and the way(s) in which you have responded.
  6. What do you plan for yourself after high school,
    after college, or whatever?
  7. What are your interests? List as many areas that
    come to mind, i.e. academic, sports, hobbies,
    leisure activities, etc.
  8. What subjects, issues, questions in psychology
    would you like us to discuss in depth?
  9. What question(s) do you have for me as your

Agenda Tuesday 8/20/13
  1. Turn in the following
  2. Decorated 3x5 Cards
  3. Signed CIS
  4. Reading discussion
  5. Myths stereotypes in Psychology
  6. Homework
  7. Reading Notes Prologue pgs 6-14
  8. Personal Statement due Friday

Reading Discussion Prologue pgs. 1-5
  • What is the purpose of psychology?
  • What is structuralism?
  • What is functionalism?
  • Why are these two early psychological principles
    easily dismissed today?
  • Who are considered the fathers of modern

Vocabulary Cards
  • Term
  • Structuralism
  • Chapter Pg
  • Prologue, Pg. 3
  • Definition
  • Edward Titchener, late 1800s
  • Titcheners goal of looking to discover the
    minds structure. Used introspection to help
    people report their feelings as they experienced
    various things (i.e. immediate sensations,
    images, etc).
  • Example
  • Although unreliable, the idea of understanding
    the working of the mind will evolve into the
    field of cognitive psychology.

Vocabulary Cards
  • Term
  • Functionalism
  • Chapter Pg
  • Prologue, Pg 3
  • Definition
  • William James, late 1800s
  • The adaptive behavior of thinking was used for
    human survival therefore, it has evolved over
    time. Understanding consciousness will help us to
    consider our past, adjust to our present, and
    plan our future.
  • Example
  • James and his student Mary Calkins will serve to
    introduce psychology to the educated public. This
    will inspire future modern psychologists such
    as Skinner, Watson, and Freud.

Pre assessment!
Agenda Block Day 8/21 8/22
  • Go over pre assessment (if necessary)
  • Why people believe weird things?
  • http//
  • Discuss
  • Discuss HW
  • Improve your retention
  • Careers in Psychology Advertisement Activity
  • Homework
  • Notes Chapter 1 pgs. 16-23
  • Finish personal statement

Discuss HW (Prologue pgs. 6-14)
  • What is the biggest and most persistent issue in
  • What are the levels of analysis in psychology?
  • Why are they important?
  • What is the difference between basic research and
    applied research?

Improve Your Retention
  • How will the testing effect be implemented in
    this class?
  • Do you think SQ3R is useful? What are some
    drawbacks to this approach?
  • S- Survey
  • Q- Question
  • 3R- Read, Retrieve, Review
  • What other tips form this section will you use
    moving forward?

Careers in Psychology Job Advertisement
  • Why would someone want to be a psychologist and
    what type of psychologist would he/she want to
    be? You will research this and create a job
    advertisement that will have the following
  • Job Description
  • Level of Education
  • Salary (if available)
  • Where are these jobs located?
  • Resources Pages10-11, Appendix A, The Laptop
  1. Counseling Psychologist
  2. Clinical Psychologist
  3. Psychiatrist
  4. Forensic Psychologist
  5. Industrial-Organizational Psychologist
  6. School Psychologist
  7. Sport Psychologist

Agenda Friday 8/23/13
  • Collect personal statement
  • Finish Presentations (if necessary)
  • Homework
  • Notes Chapter 1 pgs. 24-30

The Need for Psychological Science
  • Using Psychological research, we have found out
    some interesting things. For each of the
    following research results, please generate an
  • Study shows females are more tolerant of same-sex
  • Relative harmlessness the effects of bullying
    only last until the early twenties for most
  • Individuals with clean desks are found to be more
    creative than their messy desk counterparts.

  • Coin Flipping Activity
  • Does it really work?
  • Why do we gamble? Have superstitions
  • The Psychic Octopus? http//
  • Remember Hindsight Bias, overconfidence, and our
    tendency to perceive patterns in random events
    often lead us to overestimate our intuition.
    Scientific inquiry can help us sift reality from

Curious, Skeptical, and Humble
  • Why are these qualities necessary in psychology?
    Give examples
  • Curious
  • Skeptical
  • Humble
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