Cauterization Catheter - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Cauterization Catheter


Introduction Conductive Polymers Conductivity is created when electrons not bound to atoms are free to move. For plastics or polymers to become conductive, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Cauterization Catheter

Cauterization Catheter An Advancement in
Conductive Biomaterials and Medicine C. Blyth1,
C. Fernandez1, S. Hittinger1, C. Jones1, B.
McGee1 Advisors B. Wood2, MD, T. Kam2,
MD 1Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 2NIH,
Bethesda, MD
Conductive Polymers
  • Conductivity is created when electrons not bound
    to atoms are free to move. For plastics or
    polymers to become conductive, they must have
    bonding that allows for the movement of
    electrons. Polyacetylene (shown below) has
    conjugated double bonds.
  • Prior to doping, this polymer has limited
    conductivity. Doping is the process of adding or
    removing electrons from the compound creating
    free electrons through the polymer. Running an
    electrical field through this new polymer enables
    free electrons to move. The doped polyacetylene
    consequently obtains a conductivity close to that
    of well known conductors such as silver and
    copper (see figure below).
  • The double bonds of the conductive polymers are
    responsible for free electron movement. S bonds
    are fixed and unable to move, but p bonds, though
    localized as well, are not bound as tightly .
    The conjugated bonds of polyacetylene contain
    many p bonds and the electrical current that runs
    through the chain, post-electron doping, creates
    movement of p electrons through the entire
    molecule which allows the conduction of
    electricity. Metal conductors have a conductivity
    range of 104-1010 S/m. By doping polyacetylene,
    it is possible to achieve a conductivity similar
    to that of metals (107 S/m).
  • The implanted end of the catheter has an exposed
    section of conductive polymer that acts as an
    electrode transmitting the RF waves to the
    surrounding tissue. The cylindrical shape
    ensures flush contact with the tissue. This
    cylindrical design provides an approximately even
    dissipation of power.
  • Catheter Use
  • It has become possible to create a catheter able
    to cauterize tissue in highly vascularized
    regions of the body utilizing flexible materials
    in a cost effective and practical manner to help
    minimize blood loss.
  • RF Cauterization
  • RF Cauterization is the process by which heat is
    applied to tissue, denaturing the proteins
    within, consequently preventing fluid loss at
    that site. Radio-frequency (RF) ablation is
    cauterization where high energy is administered
    in the form of radio waves by way of
    micro-electrodes. This energy creates frictional
    movement of ions which heats the tissue,
    denaturizing local proteins which causes

Conductive Polymer Electrode
  • The outer ring of the catheter, in cyan, is
    insulating polymer. The inner section of the
    filter opening, in red, is solely made of
    conducting polymer while the inner portion of the
    catheter body is surrounded by insulating polymer
    preventing transduction of RF through the
    catheter body. The inner insulation also
    prevents any contamination or buildup on the
    catheters conductive region (which could
    adversely affect the conduction).

Market Need/Problem Statement
  • Market Need
  • With nearly 100,000 radiofrequency ablations of
    tumors performed yearly and RF generators
    available in every operating room in the USA,
    there is a market need for cauterizing catheter
    systems in percutaneous image guided therapies by
    interventional radiologists. Current angio-seal
    devices which are used to close blood vessels
    after percutaneous access from catheterization
    are sold in the millions each year. The use of a
    cauterizing catheter would be more time and cost
    efficient. Patients taking anticoagulation
    medicines are at an increased risk using biliary
    and nephrostomy tubes because vessels might be
    struck during operation and pseudoaneurysm could
  • Problem Statement
  • A catheter must be designed that is capable of
    conducting an RF from the generator to the tissue
    enabling tissue cauterization, yet it must still
    provide its basic function. Flexibility and
    biocompatibility as well as an uncomplicated,
    efficient and cost effective method are important

Filter Opening of Catheter
  • The connecting joint is threaded so that it can
    establish a secure connection with the figures
    above and below. The piece is visualized in the
    complete structure in the far left performing its
    stabilizing operation.

Filter Connecting Joint
Heat Transfer
  • Power dissipates from the catheter radially in a
    1/r2 fashion (where r is distance), assuming
    homogenous tissue in the immediate surroundings.
  • Pennes Equation of Bioheat
  • This final section enables a secure connection of
    the conducting polymer to the RF generator
    source. The source has a male three prong
    connection that would closely mate with a female
    port on this bottom end of this piece. It is
    important to note only conducting polymer is
    exposed to maximize the amount of transmitted RF
  • Arrhenius Equation

? density of tissue or blood (kg/m3) ? tissue
state coefficient ? blood perfusion coefficient
(sec-1) ? probability of cell death at time
step t () C heat capacity ( J/ kg m) k heat
conduction coefficient ( W/ K m) Qm metabolic
heat source
Connecting Joint to RF source
Acknowledgement The authors wish to thank Dr.
Wood, Dr. Kam, and Dr. Guion at the NIH for their
support, advice and assistance. We would also
like to thank Dr. King at Vanderbilt for his
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