Title: Building Trainer Competency for Secondary/Tertiary Systems
1Building Trainer Competency for
Secondary/Tertiary Systems
- Don Kincaid, University of South Florida
- Kimberli Breen, Illinois PBIS Network
2Session Objectives
- This session will cover two state-wide models for
training trainers and assisting others in
becoming fluent TA providers. - Florida
- Illinois
- The Blueprint will be organized around four major
foci - Trainers
- Technical Assistance (coaching)
- Training Content and Delivery
- District/Region/State Implementation
/Professional Development Planning - Well also be discussing Evaluation
4Why is Training of Trainers Key?
5Challenges in TransformingTraining to Practice
- Training staff in content without district
support/agreement to change related
tools/practices/policy - Ex. Training in FBA/BIP but district doesnt have
a comprehensive FBA/BIP process that works - Only having access to audience for 1, 2, 3
sessions - Ex. Local coop/agency thinks their staff only
need to hear it once or twice and then they can
train - Training trainers who dont intend to
implement/use the tools/materials themselves, but
only to train others on them - Ex. Training on the Competing Behavior Pathway
when a person has never used the tool
6Past Practice
- Regional or state-level training
- Trainings titled as one-shot (ex. Day 1 Targeted,
Day 2 Targeted) - Primarily teachers/practitioners in attendance
- Great when principals came to training rarely
had Director of SpEd, Asst. Sups., Coaches
supervisors - TA provided at building-level with only some
district level TA - Coaching recommended (not required)
7Current Strategies Illinois
- District support necessary to change practice
- Memorandum of Agreement
- District Leadership Team
- Coaching required allocated FTE, especially for
Tier 2/3 support - In-district training TA
- Audiences of ALL Principals, ALL SWs/Psychs,
etc. - TOTs for our Trainers District Coaches
(in-training) - Trainings Regional, semi-regional, in-district,
go-to-mtgs. - TA thru on-going go-to-mtgs., conference calls,
network/coaches mtgs., scheduled in-district
regional TA sessions
8Current Strategies Florida
- Tier 2
- Must have District Action Plan
- Schools must identify readiness for Tier 2
- Tier 1 fidelity, student outcomes, classroom
implementation, etc. - Used to do local or giant annual training - 1
day, 1 strategy - Training team would include subset of Tier 1 team
- ToTs with experienced District Coordinators
- Moved to a web-based training format
- Tier 3
- Must have a separate District Action Planning
process for Tier 3 - Do not provide training initially
- Technical assistance provided to evaluate
- Process, Products, Practices, Outcomes, etc.
- Establish effective district system and process
to support evidence-based practice prior to
training. - Training is not didactic in nature
- Content, practice, systems, collaboration,
capacity to coach, etc. -
9Florida Structure for Training
- Most Tier 2 training and TA provided via Adobe
Connect - Modules are self-contained and result in
permanent product and action plan - Individuals or teams can go through module
- Initial module is open to any team or member
- Based on scores PBS staff permission to move to
next module
10Florida Curricula
- Are you ready for Tier 2?
- Assessment of current supports/decision points
- Providing Classroom Consultation now in Tier 1
- Identifying students who need Tier 2
- Progress monitoring
- Measuring the fidelity of implementation
- Making decisions and selecting interventions
- Introduction to BEP
11Illinois Structure for Training
- Training for schools
- Series of trainings that can be repeated (ex.
S100) - Standardized format so easier to teach all
trainings once fluent with one - Modeled for Coaches so they can train in future
- Training for district level personnel
- All SWs/Psychs in one district come together
- District Forums for District Leadership Teams
- Training designed for District Coaches
- Training Trainers and TA providers
12Structure for Coaching
- Internal to school (Internal Coaches)
- External Coaches provided by district (community
agencies or Cooperatives) - Requires allocated FTE
- Regional/state Trainers TA providers
- Transition from support to schools, to Internal
Coaches, to External Coaches - Alignment with blueprint/national center
- All of the above for coaching at
- Tier 1, 2 3
13Number of Illinois Districts Adopting PBIS and
Number of External Coachesas of June 30, 2009
14Developing Tier 3 Demo Districts Build Capacity
- FY05, only 28 of the data support for Tier 3
was led by district staff - FY09, 100 of the Tier 3 plans supported by the
online Tier 3 data system was provided by
district social workers and other district
15Tertiary Demos Sites Assume Responsibility for
16Structure for Evaluation
- School outcome process data
- District outcome process data
- State/network outcome process data
- Process data must be emphasized illustrates if
interventions are happening, effective etc. - Emphasis on USE and Ownership (schools/districts
must use their own data, collect it for internal
evaluation, value it)
17(No Transcript)
18Floridas Evaluation at Tiers 2 and 3
- Progress monitoring forms on website
- State-wide database that measures
- ODRs
- Minor incident reports
- Progress monitoring data (DPR, BRS)
- Screening/Nomination data
- Classroom Observation Form
- Data integrity
- Fidelity measures PIC, BOQ, BAT
- Academic data
19Florida Tier 3 Process
- Formation of a district leadership team
responsible for coordinating Tier 3 - Evaluation conducted by FLPBS-RTIB of the
districts current Tier 3 processes and products - An interview process is conducted with the Tier 3
leadership team to evaluate the districts
current Tier 3 process - The district agrees to submit five to ten
recently completed FBA/BIPs to be assessed for
technical adequacy - Meeting with PBS-RtIB and the Tier 3 district
leadership team to share results of process and
product evaluation - Facilitation of the development of a long-term
action plan with goals and activities to address
areas needing improvement. - Regularly scheduled follow-up meetings to
evaluate progress on action plan and determine
next steps
20Florida Tier 3 Training
- Will utilize newly developed and approved
district process and products - May have some web and didactic training
- Will involve direct coaching of district
personnel to implement process and use products - Evaluation of knowledge, consultation skills,
systems support, etc. - Evaluation of staff competencies will parallel
systems supports (student outcomes, fidelity of
impementation, etc.)
21ContactsNational Website www.pbis.org
- Floridas Positive Behavior Support Project
- Phone (813) 974-7684
- Fax (813) 974-6115
- Email flpbs_at_fmhi.usf.edu
- State Website http//flpbs.fmhi.usf.edu
- Phone (708) 482-4860
- Fax (708) 482-4875
- Email kim.breen_at_pbisillinois.com
- State Website
- www.PBISIllinois.org