Title: 1 of 17
1(Title) Concept Design Review (CDR)
Update logo from /View/Master/Slide Master
Date of Review First Use Acknowledgements Image
of diagnostic
Establish Key Contacts
(name) PI (name) PA
LLE Will Complete after the review
Update Date from /View/Master/Slide Master
Enter number of pages required for PDM submittal
2Overview - Motivation
-Summarize Scope-Summarize Motivation
Campaign DetailsEP or Omega Or Joint
Shot?Campaign Type? Side Lighter/ Back
Lighter?What TIMs or Fixed?
List RequirementsMechanical - PositioningPerform
4Target Diagnostic Check List (Diagnostics Only)
Disclose Equipment Requirements
Double Click and Edit Items marked Y should
show up on a slide in the presentation
5Design Concepts
Approaches Issues Options Trade offs Target
Diagnostic Check List Items
6P ID Tutorial Located on LLE Web Site
7Cabling/Connection Overview
15Vdc Power
Cu Foil
Omega Laser Pulse
527 nm
Green Fiducial
8Space Claim Floor Plan
Temporary Scopes and PSs
9Viewing/Editing SRA
1) Click on your project from the project status
summary to get to the LLE Project Milestones page
3)Edit page, then Select Save Print
4)This button allows the SRA to be
viewed/printed/saved Save the SRA
5)Take a screen shot of the SRA and place in
2) Select SRA
11FMEA Each Entry on SRA requires an Entry on
FMEA additional entries can be made
Enter the Line s into the SRA Form (Associated
There must be a change in one of these two
columns (Before vs After)
Double Click Edit
12Viewing EQC
1) Click on your project from the project status
summary to get to the LLE Project Milestones page
3) Select Save Print Landscape Take a screen
shot of each page and put in presentation (two
2) Select EQC
15Issues - Risks
Who does What - Assignments
17Budget (LLE Reviews Only)