Title: Pesticides and Pest Control
1Pesticides and Pest Control
Brian Kaestner Saint Marys Hall
Thanks to Miller and Clements
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4Orange - groundwater contamination Pink - nitrate
contamination Red - arsenic contamination
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- Compete with humans for food
- May be controlled by natural enemies
7Pesticides Types
- Chemicals that kill undesirable organisms
See Table 20-1 p. 504
8Fig. 20.2a, p. 505
9Fig. 20.2b, p. 505
10ranges overlap
Fig. 20.2c, p. 505
11Fig. 20.3, p. 506
12Fig. 20.11 , p. 514
13Boll weevil
Gypsy moth cateripllar
Insects and mites
Plant diseases
Fig. 20.4, p. 507
14First Generation Pesticides
- Primarily natural substances
- Sulfur, lead, arsenic, mercury
- Plant extracts nicotine, pyrethrum
- Plant extracts are degradable
Refer to Appendix 6 p. A8
15Second Generation Pesticides
- Primarily synthetic organic compounds
- 630 biologically-active compounds
See Table 20-1 p. 504
16Characteristics of an Ideal Pesticide
- Not cause genetic resistance
- Be more cost-effective than doing nothing
Fig. 20.12, p. 514
18The Case for Pesticides
- Increase supplies and lower cost of food
- Work better and faster than alternatives
- Health risks may be insignificant compared to
- Newer pesticides are becoming safer
- New pesticides are used at lower rates
19The Case Against Pesticides
- Can kill nontarget and natural control species
- Can cause an increase in other pest species
- Pesticides do not stay put
- Potential human health threats
20Fig. 20.5, p. 507
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24Pesticide Regulation in the United States
- Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide
- EPA Evaluation of chemicals
- Inadequate and poorly enforced
- Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA)
25Other Ways to Control Pests
- Adjusting cultivation practices
- Use genetically-resistant plants
26Integrated Pest Management
- Ecological system approach
- Reduce pest populations to economic threshold
- Field monitoring of pest populations
- Chemical pesticides are last resort
27Effects of IPM
Fig. 20.7, p. 507