Title: The Business Plan
1The Business Plan
2What are the similarities of successful
entrepreneurs? Dont worry you can learn them!
- Persistence
- Desire for immediate feedback
- Inquisitiveness
- Strong drive to achieve
- High energy level
- Goal-oriented behavior
- Independent
- Demanding
- Self-confident
- Calculated risk taker
- Creative
- Innovative
- Vision
- Commitment
- Problem solving skills
- Tolerance for ambiguity
- Strong integrity
- Highly reliable
- Personal initiative
- Ability to consolidate resources
- Strong management and organizational skills
- Competitive
- Change agent
- Tolerance for failure
- Desire to work hard
3What is Creativity?
4Characteristics of Creative People
5Can you improve your creativity? YES! How?
6Is the solution reasonable?
7What is an Innovation?
8Where do innovative ideas come from
9Essential Elements of a Good Business Plan for
Growing Companies
- Executive Summary
- Market Analysis
- Company Description
- Organization Management
- Marketing Sales Management
- Service or Product Line
- Funding Request
- Financials Appendix
10Lets take a look at some videos to help deepen
our understanding of business plans!
- http//www.sba.gov/tools/audiovideo/deliveringsucc
11Part 1 The Executive Summary
12Contents of the Executive Summary
13Part 2 Market Analysis
14Industry Description and Outlook
15Identifying Your Target Market
16Lead Times
17Competitive Analysis
18Competitive Analysis
19Competitive Analysis
20Regulatory Restrictions
21Part 3 Company Description
22Part 4 Organization Management
23Organizational Structure
24Ownership Information
25Management Profiles
26Board of Directors' Qualifications
27Part 5 Marketing and Sales Strategies
28Your Overall Sales Strategy should include
29Part 6 Service or Product Line
30Part 7 Funding Request
- http//articles.bplans.com/financing-a-business
31Part 8 Financials
32Prospective Financial Data
33Part 9 The Appendix
34Lets review one more time all the sections of a
business plan!!!
- Executive Summary
- Market Analysis
- Company Description
- Organization Management
- Marketing Sales Management
- Service or Product Line
- Funding Request
- Financials Appendix
- For example business plans click on the below
link - http//www.bplans.com/sample_business_plans.cfm