Title: Disseminatind statistics: Internet and Publications
1Conclusion Maria Jesus Vinuesa
2Why are the Dissemination of statistics so
MOTTO If you dont use statistics, they dont
exist Only used statistical information is
useful statistical information What it means is
that dissemination is vital to the statistical
process. (Petteri Baer . UNECE)
3 Where are we going?
4 Where are we going? - Where the
technology takes us - Paying special
attention to users - Following the code
of practice
5 But, there are limitations - Human
resources - Economic resources
6 Internet - not only one
solution - It depends on each INE and
every moment
7 Publications - not only PDF on the
website - extra value books
8Users Dissemination cycle (I. Felegui)
Robust reputation
9 Objectives, Goals 1.- XML 2.- Mapping 3.-
Historical publications on the website 4.-
Statistics for the wider public 5.- a
Methodology database (data metadata
integrated) 6.- Microdata on the website
10 More Objectives of particular NSOs 1.- making
website more interactive 2.- link print to
internet 3.- Website more attractive,
user-friendly 4.- Enrich publications 5.-
RSS 6.- Bilingual website
11 More Objectives of particular NSOs 7.- Longer
time series , regional breakdown 8.- improve
design 9.- better use of technology 10.-
better search engine 11.- FAQs
12 Limitations, restrictions 1.- Human
resources 2.- Economic resources 3.-
Traditions, reluctance to changes 4.-
Commitment from top-management 5.- Training
13 Limitations of particul NSOs 1.- Emigration
of specialists from eastern and central Europe
to western 2.- Poor response rates for surveys
14 Thank you for your attention