Title: Child Welfare Agreement
1Child Welfare Agreement
- Working with the State for the best outcomes for
Indian Children and Families
2Child Welfare Agreement
History and Background
- Draws from the framework of a similar agreement
between Minnesota and the Tribes based there. - Negotiated with the State as part of the mediated
settlement of the Tribes boundary litigation. - Agreement is binding on the State of Michigans
DHS, including all of its county level
sub-divisions and the Tribe.
3State Law and the I.C.W.A
How does this agreement help clarify child
protection standards?
- The Agreement specifically acknowledges that
different standards apply to Indian children
involved in child protection proceedings and that
the Indian Child Welfare Act trumps state law
regarding child protection for Indian children. - The Agreement specifically acknowledges that
Indian Children are to benefit from other state
and federal child protection laws if the
standards are more protective than the ICWA, but
any law providing for lower standards is
overruled by ICWA.
4Purpose of the Agreement
- Indian Children should be kept with their
families - Indian Children who must be removed from their
homes should be placed with their own Extended
Families and tribe(s) and - The Department will follow the tribal order of
placement preferences consistent with 25 U.S.C.
1915. - Requires any ambiguity to be resolved in favor of
a result most consistent with the above three
5Important Definitions
- The agreement specifically sets out that an unwed
father does not need to establish paternity
pursuant to Michigan law. Any act of the unwed
father to hold himself out as the Indian Childs
father, or any paternity determined by tribal
custom is sufficient. - The agreement defines Active Efforts as a
rigorous and concerted level of case work that
uses prevailing social and cultural values,
conditions, and way of life of the Indian Childs
Tribe to preseve the family, or return the child
home at the earliest possible time.
6Active Efforts Defined
- Active Efforts require a higher, more intensive
and prolonged standard of effort than the
reasonable efforts standard Michigan requires.
Reasonable Efforts are merely those rationally
calculated to prevent removal, and are not
required in every case. - Active Efforts are required in every single
Indian Child Custody Proceeding unlike Michigan
law, there are no acceptable excuses for not
providing Active Efforts. - Active Efforts are required by any case
involving DHS, and where a non-voluntary case not
involving DHS occurs, (guardianship, contested
stepparent adoption etc.,) the party seeking to
effect the out of home placement must make and
pay for the Active Efforts.
7Examples of Active Efforts
- Notification of SCIT as early as possible.
- Have SCIT expert assist in evaluating the family
and determining a case plan. - Provide family with both SCIT and non-SCIT
resources, including financial assistance, food,
housing, health care and transportation when
needed. - Visitation is to take place outside an
institutional setting whenever possible, and DHS
will work with SCIT to ensure supervised
visitation in a natural setting. Arrange regular
visitation with extended family, siblings
regardless of age and parents. - Provide transportation assistance such as bus
8Active Efforts Examples Continued...
- Consulting with SCIT regarding available family
support services, prevention and reunification
services, and possible referral to other tribes
for available services - Consulting with extended family for help,
guidance and resources. If family is difficult
to work with, consult with ACFS on working with
Indian families.
9Active Efforts Examples Continued
- Using all available appropriate resources from
state, SCIT or other Indian agency to aid the
family. - Providing services to help extended family
members qualify as a placement for the child. - If the Michigan Court rules conflict with this
agreement in the future, this agreement prevails.
10Important Definitions Continued...
- Agreement Compliance Contact person designated
by SCIT or DHS to represent each entity as a
liasion to implement this agreement. - Best Interests Best interests of Indian Child
are interwoven with the childs tribe. They
support childs sense of belonging to family,
extended family, clan and tribe. State best
interests standards do not control either this
agreement or child custody proceedings.
- Child Custody Proceeding Foster Care Placement
where the child is removed from his home,
including a guardianship or conservatorship where
the parent/custodian cannot have the child
returned upon demand. - Termination of parental rights action resulting
in termination of the parent-child relationship.
12Important Definitions Continued...
- Pre-adoptive Placement placement of an Indian
Child into foster care or an institution after
termination of parental rights before adoption or
in lieu of adoption. - Adoptive Placement permanent placement for
adoption, including an action resulting in
adoption decree. - Descendant Child child with Indian ancestry who
is not eligble for enrollment, or whose
eligibility for enrollment cannot be determined.
13Definitions Continued
- Emergency condition caused by action or inaction
of a parent or custodian that puts the child at
risk of imminent physical damage or harm.
Emergency ends after the immediate risk has
passed. Removal must terminate when the
emergency ends. The parties agree to follow BIA
Guidelines on emergency removals. - Extended family is defined as law or custom of
the tribe, or adult grandparent, aunt, uncle,
brother, sister (in-laws) niece, nephew, first or
second cousins.
14Good Cause Not to Follow Placement Preferences
Examples of Acceptable and Unacceptable Reasons
- A competent biological parent or child age 13 or
older requests the placements not be followed,
unless the request is an attempt to defeat the
application of the Act. - Expert testimony establishes the childs
extraordinary physical or emotional needs require
highly specialized treatments. - A diligent search in conjunction with Active
Efforts, discloses no placement appropriate
family. In such a case, SCIT will assist DHS to
locate a family. - Bonding or attachment to a foster family alone is
NOT good cause to keep an Indian Child in a lower
preference or non- preference placement.
15Existing Indian Family Doctrine is Expressly
- The Indian Child is afforded ICWA protections
regardless of which parent they live with, or
what level of contact, including none, they have
had with their tribe to date. - A non-Indian parent of an Indian Child receives
the same protections in an ICWA proceeding that
an Indian parent or Indian Custodian receives. - A Tribes determination that a child is eligible
for membership or a member is conclusive, and not
subject to state appeal.
16Adoption Placement Preferences
- If an Indian child cannot return home, where
should the child be placed for adoption? - 1. With a member of the childs extended family
- 2. With other members of the Indian childs
tribe - 3. Other Indian families
- Good Cause must be shown to deviate from this,
and bonding alone is not good cause. To prevent
additional disruption and heartache, foster care
placements should conform to ICWA as soon as
possible, to prepare for the possibility the
child will not be able to return home.
17Foster Care Placement Preferences
Appropriate Placements and Criteria
- Child should be placed in a setting approximating
a family, where any special needs, if any, can be
met, within reasonable proximity to the childs
home. - 1. Placement with a member of the extended
family. - 2. A foster home licensed, approved or specified
by the Indian Childs tribe. - 3. An Indian Foster home licensed by a state or
other non- Indian agency. - 4. An institution approved by an Indian tribe or
operated by an Indian organization that has a
program suitable to meet the childs needs.
18What makes a home an Indian home?
The presence of siblings or half-siblings is NOT
- Placement with extended family does NOT mean
placing an Indian child with his or her siblings
or half siblings. Kinship relationships are
calculated by reference to the parents or Indian
custodians. The extended family placement refers
only to the responsible adults in the home. Those
adults must be extended family to the child or
the childs parents, or Indian custodian.
19Examples of Placements that Fail to Qualify
Placement with Siblings is not enough to
disregard ICWA
- An Indian child placed with his half-siblings in
a home with his half-siblings paternal
grandmother, where they dont share a common
father is NOT an extended family placement. - Two Indian children placed together in a
non-Indian state licensed home does NOT satisfy
the ICWA placement criteria, whether or not the
children are related to each other. - The Parents in the home must be extended family
of the Indian child, not fictive kin via a
half-sibling of the child.
20DHS and the Lack of Indian Foster Homes
- For SCIT children, their half-siblings and
descendants, ACFS can suggest DHS use a borrowed
bed agreement to use one of our Tribal licensed
foster homes. Borrowed bed agreements are
specifically endorsed in the settlement
agreement. - ACFS can also suggest DHS contact other Tribes in
Michigan and inquire about borrowing a bed from
one of them. - Expect to need creative solutions to keep Indian
children and their non-Indian half-siblings
together in an ICWA qualified placement.
21Cooperation, Placement and Protocol
- The parties will work together to provide
services to prevent child removal. - DHS must work with its county subdivisions to
ensure they take advantage of all the resources
SCIT has to offer SCIT and SCIT descendant
children. - County DHS must immediately notify SCIT about an
investigation involving a SCIT child, or child
with indications of SCIT heritage. SCIT will
have full access to all files permitted by law. - Collaborative approach will allow DHS and SCIT to
provide more services to SCIT descendant children
and their families even if ICWA does not apply.
22SCIT Descendants and DHS
Working together even when ICWA does not apply
- For SCIT descendant children, DHS must consult
with SCIT and carefully consider SCIT comments
for issues including appropriate potential
placements, sibling visits, and extended family
visits. - Where allowed by law, coordinate with SCIT
authorities to investigate and assess allegations
of maltreatment and neglect of SCIT descendants
domiciled on the Reservation. - DHS must consider joint investigations for SCIT
descendant children domiciled outside the
23DHS Central Registry and ACFS History Mutual
Information Sharing
Procedure for sharing information for
- DHS will continue to share information contained
in its Central Registry of Child Abuse and
Neglect upon request of ACFS. - SCIT establishes the following two part system
for information sharing with the State - 1. If DHS personnel have reason to believe that
a person they contact as part of an active
investigation may have been involved with an ACFS
protection investigation they may verbally ask
ACFS to confirm that information. ACFS will
review their files and respond yes or no. - 2. IF ACFS responds yes, DHS may submit a
written request for the case/contact history
involving the person. ACFS will use its best
efforts to locate and promptly produce a copy of
the case/contact history for DHS.
24Notices of Child Custody Proceedings and
Emergency Placements
- DHS must send SCIT a notice of proceeding if one
is generated, and if not, a writting with enough
information to determine the status of the case
and the status of the SCIT child, so SCIT may
participate in planning and hearings, or assert
jurisdiction puruant to ICWA. - DHS must send notices to the Department of
Interior when it lacks sufficient information to
determine tribal status. - If DHS effects an emergency removal of a SCIT
child, it shall notify SCIT via telephone or
facsimile of the date, time and place of the
emergency protective hearing. - All other notice provisions in the Court rules
also apply.
25Obligation to respond to eligibility notices
- SCIT will respond to eligibility determination
requests as soon as possible. When a childs
eligibility status is not immediately clear, but
the child is at least a descendant of the SCIT,
SCIT shall so notify DHS so they can prepare ICWA
case planning from the earliest stage of the
proceedings, as well as collaborate with ACFS on
services and possible placement options.
26Transfer to Tribal Court is Required in Some
Examples of when cases must be transferred to
tribal court
- Any proceeding involving an Indian child who is
already a Tribal Court ward. - All proceedings involving a SCIT child residing
or domiciled on the reservation, including a
newborn who may never have been to the
27Continuity of State Services
- DHS recognizes the need to make all services
available to any family available to any Indian
family, regardless of what programs the Tribe may
have to offer. - DHS cannot eliminate the provision of services
after SCIT has transferred a child from State
custody. - The State must give full faith and credit to all
placement and other orders of the Tribal Court,
for example termination of parental rights or
foster care placements.
28Transfer to Tribal Court
- Any parent, Indian Custodian, or SCIT can
petition to have any child custody proceeding
involving a SCIT child not residing or domiciled
on the reservation transferred to Tribal Court. - This transfer must be granted absent good cause.
Good cause can never be the perceived inadequacy
of the ACFS or Tribal Court, or reference to
social conditions of the reservation. - The party who opposes tranfer bears the burden of
proof. - If DHS opposes transfer, they must provide SCIT a
copy of materials filed with the Court in support
of any opposition to transfer.
29DHS Manual, Compliance Contact and Sub-
- This Agreement prevails if the DHS manual and
this agreement are in conflict. - Each party agrees to update the agreement
compliance contact information as needed. - This Agreement covers the work of DHS
subcontractors providing services and placements
for court wards. - DHS agrees to provide training on ICWA and this
agreement to its staff and private agency sub-
30Minimum Training for DHS
- Tribal values, belief, religion, customs, ways of
being, and family recognition system of the
childs tribe. - Behaviors and responses stemming from traditional
ways of life through assimilated ways of life. - Socioeconomic context of the care and condition
of the family home and children. - Importance of sharing with extended family.
- Reality of negative historical experience of
Indian people with non-Indian governmental
systems - Different cultural requirements for social
interaction, such as lack of eye contact or
reticence in speaking.
31Concepts Continued...
Who should be trained, and how to pay for
- Recognizing traditional disciplinary methods and
clan support. - Parenting skills affected by historic isolation
and abuse. - Judges, GALs, lawyers, probation officers, and
law enforcement who work with Indian children
should be offered trainings. - DHS will seek reimbursements for training under
Title I-V E, and other federal programs.
32Recruiting Indian Foster Care Families and the
Master List
- DHS and SCIT will develop a recruitment plan
together, using media, social media, door to
door, and mailing to Indian organizations. DHS
and SCIT will work to train new recruits to
license them. - The Master List is a list of SCIT foster homes
available for accepting placement of SCIT
children, descendants, siblings or minor parents
of the above. - Shall include any preconditions to acceptance, or
state no preconditions. - SCIT retains right to deny state placement in
SCIT licensed homes.
33Master List Continued...
- DHS agrees to make a copy of the Master List
available to all county level DHS offices as a
guide for acceptable placements for SCIT
connected children. - A borrowed bed agreement must be signed before
any state ward can be placed in a SCIT home. - DHS will generate a protocol to identify and list
which of its foster homes have a tribal
affiliation, and what that affiliation is.
34Tracking SCIT Children
- DHS must create a report on all SCIT or SCIT
descendant children in state custody, or placed
out of Michigan or into Michigan through the
interstate compact, and remedy any placements
which do not conform to the placement
35Other Federal Child Protection Laws and their
- Interstate Compact DHS must follow ICWA
placement preferences if the paperwork shows an
Indian child. If the placement doesnt comport
with ICWA, DHS should deny the transfer absent a
letter from the childs Tribe approving the
placment for good cause. - If the child is a SCIT child or descendant DHS
must consider SCITs opinion before making a
final decision.
36Other laws continued...
- The Adoption and Safe Families Act does not
preempt ICWA. - The Interethnic Adoption Act does not affect the
placement preferences in ICWA. - The Parties reserve the right to enter into a
Title IV-E agreement in the future.
37Points to Remember
- Nothing replaces good working relationships with
our counterparts. - Ongoing education will be paramount, given the
DHS hiring of over 500 new social workers and
chronic turnover. - Tribe needs to create a Master List of foster
care homes and get it to DHS. DHS needs to do a
summary report on SCIT children in its custody. - Borrowed beds are approved, no state litigation
withstanding. - The Master List may grow to include other Tribes
licensed foster homes with their permission.
38Saginaw Chippewa Indian TribeTribal Contacts
- Jodie Garner Office 989.775.4901
jodiegarnerc_at_sagchip.org - Tracey Defeyter
- tdefeyeter_at_sagchip.org
- Fax 989.775.4912
39DHSNative American Affairs (NAA)
- Stacey M. Tadgerson, Director
- TadgersonS_at_michigan.gov
- Phone 517.335.7782