Title: Kick off meeting mission
1HITEC Hebron Innovation TechnoparkFeasibility
study index
- Kick off meeting mission
- from the12th to the 15th May 14
2HITEC Feasibility study index
1 - Context analysis
- Legislative framework Palestine Innovation
Policies - Law on the Encouragement of Investment (Law No.
1 of 1998 and amendments) - Innovation policies PIPA (Palestine Investment
Promotion Agency) - Hebron economy context statistics in Hebron
about - Activity sectors,
- Companies,
- Human resources,
- Graduate people
- Municipality of Hebron, PCBS - Palestinian
Central Bureau of Statistics
3HITEC Feasibility study index
1 - Context analysis
- Palestine Innovation actors futures and
on-going initiatives - Main innovative sectors, actors and initiatives
in Palestine - Palestine Polytechnic University (Hebron)
- Youth Development Resource Center (Hebron)
- EnterVentures (Birzeit University)
- Palestine Information and Communication
Technology Incubator PICTI and - Palestine Business and Innovation Center - PBIC
(Ramallah) - Al Qattan Center (Gaza)
- Palestine for a New Beginning
- Business Development Centre in Palestine
- Technology Incubator at An-Najah
- Korean Palestinian IT Institute of Excellence
KPITIE - Palestinian IT Association - PITA
- External stakeholders International donors
operating in research and innovation - Local economic, innovation and business needs
Chamber of Commerce PPU - local companies
4HITEC Feasibility study index
2 - Analysis of the Italian experience
- Evolution of the Technopark business model
- Description of the technoparks model and
evolution in Italy - Best practices in Innovation-related local
policies - Presentation of some best practices developed to
foster innovation at local level
5HITEC Feasibility study index
3 - Roles of the main local stakeholders
- Brief description of the local stakeholders and
of their role in the project - Hebron Municipality
- National Government
- Hebron Chamber of Commerce
- Universities
6HITEC Feasibility study index
4 - HITEC Concept
- Main functions
- Incubator to foster business creation
- Companies settlement physical concentration of
technology based business - Network/cluster creation to support measures for
innovation - Target/market sectors, companies,...
- Services for the different functions Incubator,
Companies settlement and Network/cluster - General business model description
Proposals to be defined with the local partners
7HITEC Feasibility study index
5 - HITEC Governance
- Definition of the involved actors who? In what
way? - Role of the different actors
- Management of the HITEC Description of the
management system of the HITEC - Legal form
Proposals to be defined with the local partners
8HITEC Feasibility study index
6 - Business Plan
- Economic and financial analysis related to the
implementation of the HITEC in order to - Support the decision-making process
- Understand the economic and financial frame that
the operation involves
9HITEC Feasibility study index
7 - Infrastructure plan
- The site
- Location description of the potential site/s
proposed by the local partners (may 2014) - Access infrastructures (roads, rails and
airports) - Main characteristics (surface, geometry, zone,
security procedure,...) - Spaces organization
- Functions
- Logistics
10HITEC Feasibility study index
8 - HITEC implementation
- General indications and best practices for HITEC
implementation, regarding -
- Fundraising
- Attraction of investors
- Realisation steps
- Marketing
11HITEC Feasibility study index
9 - HITEC brochure
- Davide Damosso
- davide.damosso_at_envipark.com
- 39.011.2257224 / 39.349.0799803
- envipark.com