Title: Audra Johnston
1Audra Johnston
That OTHER Government Agency Immigration
Procedures When Inviting International Researchers
- Office of International Students Scholars
By PresenterMedia.com
2The Five Ws of Immigration
- is an international scholar?
- immigration categories exist for international
- do I go for help with all this?
- should I contact someone for assistance?
- is all this so important?
3So whos the other agency?
- United States Immigration Customs Enforcement
- aka ICE
- Regulates the presence of international students
and scholars in the United States
4Who Is An International Scholar?
- Non-immigrant
- Academically admitted to the University of
Arkansas - Enrolled in courses at the University of Arkansas
- May be degree- seeking, non-degree, visiting,
- exchange, etc.
- Non-immigrant
- Employed by the University of Arkansas as
faculty, staff, or researcher - OR
- Invited to the University of Arkansas for
research or similar activity
5Immigration Status Categories for Scholars
- These are the most common categories you will
find at the University of Arkansas
6Where To Go For Help
- We can assist you with facilitating the
invitation and arrival of international visitors
and/or employees
7When To Contact ISS
- As soon as you know you will invite or hire an
international scholar - As early as possible!
- Time for visas, etc.
- Whenever you have a question or concern
- Whenever your scholars situation changes
As soon as your scholar arrives in
Fayetteville Notify us if your scholar will be
8Why Is All This So Important?
- There are many reasons here are just a few
9Export Controls and Immigration
- H-1B Petitions
- Hiring department must make an attestation
regarding need for export control license(s) - Department needs to know the basics of export
control issues to make the attestation correctly
- Other Scholar Categories
- Export control license(s) may still be required
for certain international scholars - Department needs to know the basics of export
control issues to maintain compliance with the
applicable laws/regulations
10Who Does What?
- Export Control Questions/Concerns
- Office of Research Compliance
- Immigration Questions/Concerns
- International Students and Scholars
To contact ISS iss_at_uark.edu http//iss.uark.edu
575-5003 To contact Audra directly