Title: Automatic registration, seamless mosaicking and applications
1Automatic registration,seamless mosaickingand
- D. Fedorov, B. Sumengen, B. S. Manjunath
- 2005, Vision Research Lab, UCSB
- This research was supported by NSF ITR 0331697
2 Robust registration and seamless mosaicking
Seamless mosaic of 12 confocal images with
variable depth in each image through the sample
of human fovea.
14 confocal 3D images of 2XKO10 mouse retina
3 Robust registration and seamless mosaicking
Original mosaic of 9 confocal images of 7 day
detached cat retina stained with TOPRO
enhanced mosaic
4Registration for multi-channel imaging
Z Ch
Novel technique for acquisition of multispectral
images using automatic and high quality
registration of images acquired with variable
depth position and staining. Automatic
registration dramatically increases the speed and
quality of obtained results. Images provided by
Robert E. Marc and Bryan W. Jones from John
Morgan Eye Center, Utah.
5Local enhancement - confocal images
Histogram equalization
Original image
Local enhancement
6Local enhancement - confocal images
Original image with non-uniform TOPRO staining in
the ONL layer
Enhanced image ready for cell counter and texture
7Dynamic range compression
Local enhancement
Original 12 bit image
Microtubule Stacks Dynamic range compression -
space and time enhancement. Spatial luminance
decay is corrected.
8Microtubule Stack Enhancement
The photo-bleaching effect responsible for
gradual fluorescence decay was corrected for the
entire stack (30 frames) globally and locally
region of interest
Entire image
9Multi-focus with optical microscope
Three of 9 images of radioleria
multi-focus result
depth map
High Resolution Through-Focus Movie of 40 frames
through the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus
in-focus result
11Multi-exposure imaging
gradient domain, Fattal...
mosaic based, our result
tone mapping, Ward Larson...