Title: Background to Gilgamesh
1Background to Gilgamesh
2Types of Epics
- Folk epicsstories about heroes recited or sung
- Literary Epicsborrow same characteristics of
folk epics usually written down by one author
some based on well-known characters or stories
from oral tradition.
3Elements of the Epic
- Epic Hero
- Epic Conflict
- Heroic Quest
- Divine Intervention
4Epic Conventions-Invocation-in medias
res-serious tone-contain epic similes
(elaborated comparisons) and epithets
(poetic renamings. For exampleloud-sounding
sea)-Archetypes (recurring plot, character,
symbol, idea)
5Elevated language or elevated style
- formal, dignified language it often uses more
elaborate figures of speech. - Purpose
- to give dignity to a hero (note the speeches of
heroes like Achilles or Agamemnon in the Iliad), - to express the superiority of God and religious
matters generally (as in prayers or in the King
James version of the Bible), - to indicate the importance of certain events (the
ritual language of the traditional marriage
ceremony), etc. - It can also be used to reveal a self-important or
a pretentious character, for humor and/or for
6Example of Elevated Style
- Now Come! Let us go forward together. Be of
good courage! When we come face to face with
Humbaba, if we are afraid, we will conquer our
fear! - (Come on lets go kill Humbaba! I know youre
scared out of your mind, but well deal with it
when we get there!)
7Mythology/ Epics timeline
8From the Prologue we learn that Gilgamesh is the
King of Uruk, a city in ancient
Mesopotamia--modern day Iraq.Earliest
Civilization (Sumer, Egypt, Akkad) from 3200 to
2052 BC
9Gilgamesh Background
- Both MYTH and LEGEND
- Supernatural 2/3 god 1/3 man based on a real
king - Story is 4,000 years oldancient Sumeria (modern
Iraq) - Written on 12 clay tablets in Cuneiform.
- Mesopotamia (Greek for between two
rivers)between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers - One of the earliest URBAN civilizations we know
of. This culture enjoyed a very sophisticated
lifestyle over 4,000 years ago.
- Good vs. Evil
- Spirituality
- Immortalitywhy do we have to die? How do we
attain everlasting life? - Friendship
- What makes a good leader?
- Responsibility
- Balance/Harmony
Cuneiform tablet