Title: The Old West
1The Old West
- The most recognizable and popular period in US
history - Gave Americans that cowboy image throughout the
world - Buffalo Bills Wild West and Congress of
Roughriders of the World brought the stories and
lifestyles to audiences all over the world. - The dime novels and the film industry would play
the most important role in keeping the legends
and myths alive.
2Buffalo Bills Wild West
3The Pony Express
Rode in relay fashion 183 men employed (
100/month) Telegraph replaced in 1861
4Wild Bill Hickok
Billy The Kid
Jesse James
Gambler, cattle rustler, gunfighter Shot dead in
1881 by Pat Garrett
Robber , gang leader Shot dead in 1882 by Bob Ford
Gambler , lawman , gunfighter Shot dead during a
poker game in 1876 (Deadwood , South Dakota)
5The Earps and the OK Corral Tombstone , Arizona
Tom McLaury, Frank McLaury and Billy Clanton
deceased. (Ike Clanton and Billy Claiborne lived)
Morgan , Virgil , Wyatt , Doc Holliday