Why people went west - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Why people went west


Why people went west Who was there! EQ - How integral were the Indian Wars to the settlement of the west? iRespond Question Master A.) Response A B.) Response B C ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Why people went west

Why people went west
  • Who was there!

Standards and EQ
  • SSUSH11 The student will describe the growth of
    big business and technological innovations after
  • SSUSH12 The student will analyze important
    consequences of American industrial growth.
  • Enduring Understanding Explain how territorial
    and economic growth causes change in politics and

Origins of Westward expansion
Forty Niners
Migrating west
  • As 49ers migrate to CA and settlers take the
    overland trails to the Oregon Territory, the
    middle of the country is left wide open and
    unsettled except for the Indians living there.

(No Transcript)
W/hat you need to know and have in your notes
  • The 3 land acts that helped to settle the west
    were the Pacific Railway Act, Homestead Act and
    the Morril Land grant.
  • Ven Diagram the Similarities and Diff. and
    designate the diff. with the appropriate letter.

Difficulties and Big Business
  • What is a bonanza farm?
  • How would difficulties in private farming lead to
    the rise of bonanza farms?
  • What years were bonanza farms prevalent?
  • Bonanza farms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Rise of Cities and their demands for beef!
  • Meatpacking

Cattle Drives and Cowboys
  • http//www.youtube.com/watch?vPaHQ2vrt0ak long
  • Texas Ranching Frontier
  • Cattle Trails and Chicago
  • What effect did homesteads and bonanza farms have
    on the cattle industry?

The open range period
Open Range period
  • http//www.historyonthenet.com/American_West/cattl
  • What are the reasons for the rise of the cattle

  • Cattle Drive America's Dinner Sent North
    History.com Video

  • Based on the provided reading..PBS - THE WEST -
  • 1. What was the average age of cowboys?
  • 2. What was pay like for Cowboys?
  • 3. Why were Cowtowns notorious places?
  • 4. How long was a cattle drive on average?
  • 5. Describe a typical day for a cowboy (meals,
    work, shower, clothing, recreation, etc)

(No Transcript)
Cities of the Old West
  • Most cities of the west were founded for 1 of two
  • 1. Boom town city would spring up for a decade
    or so around reported gold or silver sites.
  • 2. Cow Town City would be created near a
    railroad center where cattle would be shipped to
    the east.

Life in the Wild West
  • New code of the west new code of behavior was
    becoming acceptable in the West. People no longer
    had a duty to retreat when threatened. This was a
    departure from British common law that required
    citizens to have their back to the wall before
    they could protect themselves with deadly
    force.139 In 1876 an Ohio court held if
    attacked a citizen was not "obligated to fly".
    The Indiana Supreme Court upheld the legality of
    "no duty to retreat".140 The code of the West
    dictated that a man did not have to back away
    from a fight, needing to retreat no further than
    "the air at his back", and could pursue an
    adversary even if it resulted in death

Law Men in the west
  • Law Men In reality, the main activity of law
    enforcement in cattle towns was knocking down
    drunks and hauling them away before they hurt
    themselves or others. They also disarmed cowboys
    who violated gun control edicts, tried to prevent
    dueling, and dealt with flagrant breaches of
    gambling and prostitution ordinances.144 When
    the cattle were not in town, Wyatt Earp and other
    lawmen might be heading up street repair projects
    or doing other civic chores, or tending to their
    own business interests.135
  • Most justices of the peace were poorly schooled
    in law, politically corrupt, and depended on
    assessing fees and fines to make a living. The
    better ones ruled by common sense and experience,
    but could be inconsistent as they did not refer
    to statutes to guide their rulings. Federal
    judges tended to have better qualifications and
    were more inclined to follow written law.
    However, the West also inherited the
    Anglo-American system of jury trials for serious
    cases in spite of the fact that most potential
    jurors were biased by their personal
    relationships and acquaintances and/or struggling
    to make ends meet, a combination which made
    honest and impartial jurors difficult to find in
    the best of circumstances.145

  • The west is known for traveling Variety shows
    that would traipse from town to town
  • The most famous was Buffalo Bills Wild West Show
  • http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wild_West_Shows
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