Title: Human Growth and Development
1Human Growth and Development
- Lesson 2
- Fertilization to Birth
2Fertilization union of a sperm and egg is
called a zygote
As the cell divides, it is called a blastocyst
3Fertilized egg implants in the wall of the uterus
4Embryo an implanted fertilized egg4th week
heart begins to beat6th week internal organs
5(No Transcript)
6Fetus 8 weeks after fertilization
7Development in the womb
8First Trimester
- 4 weeks Heart begins to beat
- 10 weeks Functioning internal organs arms,
legs and feet have formed - 11 weeks Fetus can swallow, hiccup and make a
fist - 12 weeks Ultrasound can determine whether the
child is male or female
9Second Trimester
- 14 weeks movement is felt by the mother
- 18 weeks fetus reacts to sound
- 23 weeks taste buds are formed
- 24 weeks eyebrows, eyelashes are well formed
- After 24 weekssome fetuses born prematurely can
survive with special medical care
10Third Trimester
- 29 weeks fetus practices breathing
- 35 weeks organs are fully functional
- 37 weeks fully developed baby ready to be born
11End of 9th Month
- 18-20 inches long
- Weighs 7-9 pounds
- Organs have developed enough to function on their
own - Baby shifts to prepare for birth
12Things to Avoid During Pregnancy
13Dangers to the Fetus
- Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)Alcohol related
birth defects that includes physical mental
problems - Low birth weight, poor coordination, mental
retardation, impaired speech, stunted growth and
poor attention span - TobaccoCan affect growth, mental development and
behavior - Leads to low birth weight, heart and brain
abnormalities, and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
14- Medications DrugsPrescription and
non-prescription should be checked with doctor
first - Can cause birth defects, premature labor, or
miscarriage - Baby can be born addicted to the drug
- CaffeineSome studies prove that it can cause
health issues, best to avoid
15Toxic Substances
- Cat Litter
- Solvents
- Lead
- Mercury
- Insecticides
17- Pregnant women should eat a well balanced diet
they are eating for 2!!! - Take vitamins
- Go to the doctor regularly for check-ups
18Atypical Conditions During Pregnancy
- Twins
- Identical 1 egg 1 sperm divides
- Fraternal 2 separate eggs sperm
- Conjoined twins joined at birth
- Other Multiples
19Multiples twins, triplets, quads, quints,
sextuplets, septuplets, octuplets!