Title: Cell Biology Overview
1Cell Biology Overview
- The Cell Theory
- Microscopes
- Cell Membranes
- Energy Conversion
- (aka cellular respiration)
- Cell Growth and Division
- Cell Movement
- Cell Organization / Protein Synthesis
- Cell Specialization
2Cell Biology
3Robert Hooke18 July 1635 3 March 1703
- Greatest experimental scientist of 17th century
- Inventor
- Contemporary of Newton
- Member of the Royal Society
4Mr Hookes Cells
5Anton LeeuwenhoekOctober 24, 1632 - August 26,
"Whenever I found out anything remarkable, I have
thought it my duty to put down my discovery on
paper, so that all ingenious people might be
informed thereof."
6First peek
7Animicule Drawings
8Anton Leeuwenhoek
9Matthias Schleiden 5 April 1804 - 23 June 1881
- botanist
- used microscope in his studies
- proposed that all plants are made up of cells
10Theodore Schwann 7 December 1810 - January 1882
- physiologist
- defined metabolism
- discovered pepsin
- studied nervous system
- proposed that all animals are made up of cells
11Rudolf Virchow 1821-1902
- physician
- father of pathology
- disease occurred in cells
- extended cell theory -
"Omnis cellula e cellula"... All cells only
arise from pre-existing cells".
12Classic Cell Theory
3. Cells come from cells
2. All animals are made up of cells
1. All plants are made up of cells
Rudolf Virchow
Theodore Schwann
Matthias Schleiden
13Invasion of the Organelles!!
- Lynn Margulis
- 1938 2011
- attended U Chicago at age 14
- UMass Professor
- proposed Endosymbiotic Theory
- one of the greatest advances in the theory of
evolutionary biology
14The Appearance of Eukaryotes
15Modern Cell Theory
- Same biomolecules in organisms of similar species
. - Some organisms are made up of only one cell -
unicellular organisms. - Others are multicellular organisms.
- The activity of an organism depends on the
activity of its cells.
- Fundamental unit of structure and function in
plants and animals. - Arise from pre-existing cells by cell division.
- Energy flow (chemical reactions) occurs within.
- Contain hereditary information, passed from cell
to cell during cell division.
17Current Thinking . . .
- Abiogenesis (RNA or polypeptides 1st)
- Chem autotrophs (bacteria and archaea)
- use CO2 and chemical energy
- Bacteria develop primitive photosynthesis
- Cyanobacteria split water to form oxygen gas as
a waste product - Endosymbiosis
18Cell Biology
19Microscopes - I
- Phase Contrast Microscope
20Microscopes - 2
- Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)
21Microscopes - 3
22Compound Microscope Partslets sketch!