Micro Molecules and Macro Evolution - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Micro Molecules and Macro Evolution


3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, 4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Micro Molecules and Macro Evolution

II Peter 33-5 3 Knowing this first, that there
shall come in the last days scoffers, walking
after their own lusts, 4 And saying, Where is the
promise of his coming? For since the fathers fell
asleep, all things continue as they were from the
beginning of the creation. 5 For this they
willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of
God the heavens were of old, and the earth
standing out of the water and in the water
Theories OnThe Origin Of Life
  • Timothy G. Standish, Ph. D.

What Does Evolution Mean?
  • Evolution has at least three (3) distinct
  • The fact of evolution - Organisms were different
    in the past than they are today
  • Fossil record
  • Biblical record - Gods curse on Adam
  • Genesis 318 Thorns also and thistles shall it
    bring forth to thee and thou shalt eat the herb
    of the field
  • The theory of evolution - Natural selection
  • At least partially supported by population
    genetics accounting for changes in allelic
    frequencies within populations
  • The doctrine of evolution - All that we see can
    be accounted for by natural random events and
    thus a Designer is not necessary.

Arguments for a Designer
  • Organisms look designed for at least three (3)
  • Redundancy - A Designer can engineer redundancy
    into a system, but chance is unlikely to do this.
    An example of this is the presence of degeneracy
    in the genetic code and other features that
    minimize or negate the effects of many point
  • Excess potential - Organisms have potential that
    may never be used. For example, Wallace,
    co-discoverer of natural selection, pointed out
    that primitive people have the capacity to do
    calculus when trained. Natural selection is
    unlikely to select for capacity that is not used.
  • Complexity - Life is so complex that it is
    improbable it came about by chance.

The Likely and the Unlikely
  • In general arguments for a designer are arguments
    against the alternative. This does not mean
    these are just arguments against evolutionary
    theory. All arguments, by definition, are
    characterized by taking one side while arguing
    against another side.
  • Arguments against a theory are about eliminating
    possible explanations. There is nothing inferior
    about this, in fact, it is deductive reasoning
    which is used by scientists all the time in their
    quest for truth.
  • Arguments for a Designer generally revolve around
    probability. Meaningful complexity is unlikely
    to result from random events. Organisms are
    meaningfully complex. Some claim that natural
    selection overcomes much of this problem as,
    while change may be random, selection is not.
  • Science is about predicting what is likely and
    what is unlikely. Everyone is in agreement that
    the events leading to production of living
    organisms are unlikely.

What This Talk Is Actually About
  • In this talk we will look at the mechanisms
    proposed for the origin of living systems in the
    absence of a designer.
  • We will then look at one of the many biochemical
    systems that must be in place in all organisms.
  • Finally we will compare the information we have
    on organisms at the molecular level, and see
    whether it is best explained as the result of
    natural selection or design.

In a Long Time and Big Universe
  • It has been argued that given massive lengths of
    time and a universe to work in, the unlikely
    becomes likely
  • Given infinite time, or infinite opportunities,
    anything is possible. The large numbers
    proverbially furnished by astronomy, and the
    large time spans characteristic of geology,
    combine to turn topsy-turvy our everyday
    estimates of what is expected and what is
  • Richard Dawkins (1989) The Blind Watchmaker Why
    the evidence of evolution reveals a universe
    without design. W. W. Norton and Co. New York.

Understanding Complexity Allows Better Estimates
of Probability
  • At Darwins time, his explanation for the origin
    of organisms seemed reasonable as their
    complexity was not understood fully.
  • First simple monera are formed by spontaneous
    generation, and from these arise unicellular
    protists . . .
  • The Riddle of the Universe at the close of the
    Nineteenth Century by Ernst Haeckel, 1900.

Little or Big Changes?
  • Not all changes improve fitness, they may
  • Improve the fitness of an organism (very
  • Be neutral, having no effect on fitness
  • Be detrimental, decreasing an organisms fitness
    (most likely)
  • The bigger the change the more likely it is to be
    significantly detrimental
  • Darwin argued that evolution is the accumulation
    of many small changes that improve fitness, big
    changes are unlikely to result in improved
  • Many large groups of facts are intelligible only
    on the principle that species have been evolved
    by very small steps.
  • The Origin of Species Chapter VII under Reasons
    for disbelieving in great and abrupt

Behes Insight
  • Michael Behe contends that when we look at the
    protein machines that run cells, there is a point
    at which no parts can be removed and still have a
    functioning machine. He called these machines
    irreducibly complex.
  • We encounter irreducibly complex devices in
    everyday life. A simple mouse trap is an example
    of an irreducibly complex device

Irreducibly Complex Protein Machines
  • Cells are full of irreducibly complex devices -
    Little protein machines that will only work if
    all the parts (proteins) are present and arranged
    together correctly.
  • Natural selection does not provide a plausible
    mechanism to get from nothing to the collection
    of parts necessary to run a number of irreducibly
    complex protein machines needed to have a living
  • Evolution of these protein machines must occur in
    single steps, not gradually, as to be selected a
    protein must be functional in some way. Each
    protein machine is fairly complex, thus evolution
    in a single step seems unlikely.

How Can Irreducibly Complex Protein Machines be
  • The evolution model suggests two mechanisms
  • Mechanism 1
  • Random events produce proteins with some minimal
  • These minimally functional proteins mutate and
    less functional variants are removed by natural
  • Some of these proteins cooperate together to do
  • From this, emergent properties of the system come
    about, these only occur when all the components
    are present
  • This mechanism only works if each protein
    involved has individual properties conferring
    added fitness

What If Proteins Have No Independent Function?
  • Evolutionary Mechanism 2
  • If the function of each protein in an irreducibly
    complex protein machine is completely dependant
    on the other proteins, then the only way to
    select them would be if the machine was already
  • Getting a functional machine would require that
    all the components come together by chance
  • This would be a big step and seems unlikely

The Creation Model
  • The creation model postulates a Designer who
    first designed each component of the protein
    machine, then created them at the same moment in
    such a way that the machine could start working
  • Getting a functional machine in this model does
    not require that all the components come together
    by chance, but does require the existence of a

Chemical Evolution
Four Postulated Stages of Chemical Evolution
  • Chemical evolution is the spontaneous production
    of the molecular components of cells that had to
    be produced prior to evolution of the first cell
  • 1) Abiotic synthesis of organic monomers
  • 2) Abiotic synthesis of organic polymers
  • 3) Self assembly of protobionts
  • 4) Evolution of a genetic system
  • We will concentrate on the first two steps

Step 1 Abiotic Synthesis of Organic Monomers
  • The monomers that make up polymers in living
    cells are reduced carbon compounds
  • Cant happen in modern world due to oxidizing
  • 1920s A. I. Oparin (Russia) and J. B. S. Haldane
    (Great Britain) postulated that as spontaneous
    synthesis of reduced organic molecules is
    impossible in an oxidizing environment, the earth
    must have had a reducing atmosphere
  • 1953 Miller and Urey designed a device to test
    the hypothesis that given the right conditions,
    organic monomers could be produced

JBS Haldane
  • While Haldane was one of the founders of
    population genetics, it is worth mentioning that
    he was a screwball of the first order
  • Just before the 1925 signing of the Geneva
    protocol banning chemical weapons, Haldane came
    out as an advocate of chemical warfare
  • He was a racist who believed blacks were immune
    to chemical weapons and thus should be used as
    the frontline troops in wars (with white officers
    to lead them of course)
  • As England had access to black troops from the
    colonies, this would give them an advantage over
    Germany in future chemical wars

The Miller-Urey Device
Products of Miller and Ureys Device
  • After several days of operation, the Miller-Urey
    device produced a brown organic substance in
    which, either in this experiment or subsequent
    variations, was found many of the basic building
    blocks of
  • Proteins (amino acids)
  • Nucleic acids (ribose, purines and pyrimidines)
  • Polysaccharides (sugars)
  • Fats (fatty acids and glycerol)
  • Note that it was the building blocks that were
    found, not the actual macromolecules
  • Along with these building blocks, there were many
    other molecules not found in organisms

Did Miller and Urey Prove Chemical Evolution?
  • Six reasons that it does not prove chemical
  • Oparins reducing conditions were postulated
    because they are conditions allowing reduced
    organic molecule production, not because of
    compelling evidence these conditions ever existed
    on earth.
  • Reduced organic products were not the result of
    random chance, but of a device that had been
    carefully designed and constructed.
  • Products were not enriched in the chemicals that
    make up organisms. This is a particular problem
    when it comes to stereoisomers.
  • No organisms were actually made.
  • Even if organisms were made in this way, this
    would not prove it to be how things actually
    happened, it only shows it to be one possible
  • Accumulation of organic monomers is only the
    first step in chemical evolution.

Step 2 Abiotic Synthesis of Organic Polymers
  • It has been postulated that the monomer building
    blocks produced under conditions resembling those
    in the Miller-Urey experiment were joined
    together to make polymers
  • Experiments have been done that demonstrate this
    is possible in the absence of living cells or
    cell products like enzymes
  • The sequence in which monomers are joined
    together to make polymers is vital to the
    function of polymers like DNA and proteins.
  • No mechanism has been proposed for joining
    monomers in meaningful sequences, thus
    abiotically synthesized organic polymers are
    assumed to have been random in sequence.

A Polymerization ExperimentImai et al, 1999
Science 283831-883
  • Imai et als device simulated the pressure and
    temperature conditions of the hydrothermal
    circulation of water
  • However, there were still some large differences
    from real hydrothermal vents, for instance, in
    pH, CO2, Na and Cl contents.
  • 100 mM glycine in pure water was circulated in
    the system alternating temperature and pressure
    with each circuit
  • 2 mM diketopiperazine, 1mM triglycine and 0.4 mM
    diglycine resulted once close to steady state
    condtions were reached
  • In the presence of Cu and low pH, small 0.001
    mM concentrations of up to hexaglycine were

Imai et als Device
Sample removal
Random Sequences are Unlikely to be Meaningful or
  • Random sequences of amino acids are analogous to
    random sequences of letters
  • ldjfire vireahdftrfd
  • grvcnlkertpoildrirti
  • ugcrtrrtadhk jjkvhvf
  • jmvcbkvbkjhcguvdrttr
  • k jfvukvfkhjfvkhj he
  • Random sequences are unlikely to be meaningful

Meaningful Sequences are Unlikely
  • Even a short meaningful phrase is a very unlikely
    sequence of letters
  • For example, In the beginning God is only 20
    letters long, but is very unlikely to be produced
    by random typing of letters
  • Ignoring capitalization, and assuming each letter
    is equally probable, the probability that the
    first character will be I is 1/27 (26 letters
    in the alphabet plus the space makes 27)
  • The probability that the correct letter will be
    at each position is
  • This is 0.0000000000000000000000000000236
  • Or about 1 chance in 50,000 trillion trillion

Is this a Fair Estimate of Probability?
  • No!
  • There are a number of ways in which this phrase
    can have the same meaning
  • God, in the beginning
  • In the beginning was the Word
  • Before everything God
  • The same is true for proteins, in some areas of
    most proteins, there can be a small amount of
    variability, in other areas, there can be no
    change in the sequence of amino acid monomers

Does this Make Production of Functional Proteins
  • No!
  • Lets look at an example, the enzyme
    Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
  • The Mycoplasma genitalium G-3-P dehydrogenase
    protein sequence

Why Random Production of Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphat
e Dehydrogenase is Improbable
  • There are 337 amino acids strung together to make
    the Mycoplasma genitalium G-3-P dehydrogenase
  • At each position in the string there could be any
    one of 20 amino acids
  • Probability of making this protein using random
    synthesis is (1/20)337 3.5 x 10-439 or 1 chance
    in 2.9 x 10-438
  • Even if there are a trillion trillion ways of
    making G-3-P dehydrogenase, that only lowers the
    probability of making a functional protein to 3.5
    x 10-415

3.5 x 10-439 Is A Very Small Number
  • 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Where G-3-P Dehdrogenase Fits Into the Scheme of
  • All cells contain a biochemical pathway that
    converts sugar to energy
  • The first part of this pathway is called the
    glycolytic (sugar splitting) pathway
  • Sugar is taken in at the start of the pathway and
    the products are energy in the form of ATP, a
    chemical called pyruvate and another chemical
    called NADH.
  • Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehdrogenase is one of
    the enzymes in the glycolytic pathway.

The Glycolytic Pathway
  • Each step in the pathway represents a small
    change in the sugar molecule
  • As these small changes are made, the sugar is
    slowly turned into something different
  • Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase is found
    at step 6 in the glycolytic pathway

What Actually Happens At Step 6
  • By the time step 6 is reached, the 6 carbon sugar
    molecule has been split into two three carbon
    molecules called glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
  • In step 6 of glycolysis, glyceraldehyde-3-phospate
    is converted to 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate and
    oxidized nicotinomide adenine dinucleotide
    phosphate (NAD) is reduced

From G-3-P to 1,3-BPG In Four Easy Steps
  • To convert G-3-P to 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate all
    of the following components must be present
  • The enzyme - Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
  • NAD- Oxidized Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide
  • Phosphate
  • Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
  • This reaction would be pointless in the absence
    of the next step in the glycolytic pathway, the
    production of ATP catalyzed by phosphoglycerokinas
  • A separate set of reactions is necessary to
    regenerate the NAD from NADH

What Does This Mean?
  • The glycolytic pathway is central to life
  • The components needed for step 6 are unlikely to
    have all come about via chemical evolution
    (random processes) particularly
    glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
  • Natural selection could not work on the enzyme
    glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in the
    absence of the other enzymes in the glycolytic
    pathway as this reaction is pointless without the
    subsequent reactions
  • Chemical evolution combined with natural
    selection does not provide a convincing mechanism
    for the production of components needed for step
    6 in the glycolytic pathway
  • The same could be said for the other 9 steps in
    the glycolytic pathway

Yes, It Is Unlikely . . . But
  • The argument is not that the origin of life was
    an unlikely event, but that given sufficient time
    and resources chance events could produce the
    first organism that could then be acted on by the
    guiding hand of natural selection
  • So what are the resources available for the
    production of the first/simplest organism? Is it
    really the universe?
  • The Monera (for instance, chromacea and
    bacteria), which consist only of this primitive
    protoplasm, and which arise by spontaneous
    generation from these inorganic nitrocarbonates,
    may thus have entered upon the same course of
    evolution on many other planets . . .
  • The Riddle of the Universe at the close of the
    Nineteenth Century by Haeckel.

Space and Time
  • The conditions necessary to produce reduced
    carbon compounds like those produced in the
    Miller-Urey experiment have not, so far, been
    found elsewhere in the universe
  • In reality, the conditions needed for life seem
    to only be present in a tiny fraction of the
    universe and we happen to be living on it.
  • Time is the other element needed, and this is a
    real problem
  • Even if the conventional interpretation of the
    fossil record is used, life seems to have
    appeared very soon (a few million, not billions
    of years) after water appeared on earth

Conventional History Of The Earth
-First multicellular animal fossils
-First eukaryotic fossils
-Atmospheric Oxygen accumulation (from
-First fossil prokaryotes
-Crust forms
-Formation of the earth
When Was The Earth Sterile?
  • Recent explorations of the oldest known rocks of
    marine sedimentary origin from the southwestern
    coast of Greenland suggest that they preserve a
    biogeochemical record of early life. On the basis
    of the age of these rocks, the emergence of the
    biosphere appears to overlap with a period of
    intense global bombardment. This finding could
    also be consistent with evidence from molecular
    biology that places the ancestry of primitive
    bacteria living in extreme thermal environments
    near the last common ancestor of all known life.
  • Stephen J. Mojzsis, T. Mark Harrison. Vestiges of
    a Beginning Clues to the Emergent Biosphere
    Recorded in the Oldest Known Sedimentary Rocks.
    GSA Today, April 2000, 10(4), 1-??

Newer Ideas
  • Mars may have served as lifes incubator as it
    cooled before earth and had a moist environment.
  • Life, in the form of bacteria or bluegreen algae,
    was transferred to earth when chunks of Mars
    knocked off by collisions with comets etc. fell
    to earth.
  • This general idea is not new. Francis Crick
    called it panspermia in Life Itself where he
    says the earth was seeded with life from space
    (Hoyle may also have published something similar)
  • None of this makes explanations simpler, just
    more complex (should Ockhams Razor be invoked?)

But Theres MoreA Lot More
  • The organism Mycoplasma genitalium from which
    the G-3-P dehydrogenase we looked at came from is
    the simplest known free living organism
    (although it is a parasite)
  • M. genitalium has a genome of 580,070 bp (humans
    have about 3,000,000,000)
  • The calculated number of proteins (genes) in this
    the simplest known organism, is 470
  • The average size of M. genitalium proteins is
    about 350 amino acids (in the ball park of G-3-P
  • Even if enough time and space existed to generate
    a minimally functional G-3-P dehydrogenase, this
    is just the tip of the ice burg M. genitalium
    has to be close to irreducibly complex.
  • Conditions under which a less complex organism
    could exist are just about as improbable as
    generating the organism in the first place and
    present a host of other problems

  • Life is far more complicated than was anticipated
    by the originators and early defenders of natural
    selection as a mechanism for lifes origin
    independent of a Creator
  • Natural selection does not provide a convincing
    mechanism for the origin of biochemical pathways
    and other molecular machines basic to life
  • Claims that almost infinite amounts of time and
    space could account for the improbable origin of
    life seem less convincing in light of current
    exploration of space and understanding of the
    fossil record
  • Creationists can accept change over time and
    natural selection as a mechanism for small
    changes, but, in light of current knowledge faith
    in a Creator of life remains well founded

Psalms 83-6 3 When I consider thy heavens, the
work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars,
which thou hast ordained 4 What is man, that
thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that
thou visitest him? 5 For thou hast made him a
little lower than the angels, and hast crowned
him with glory and honour. 6 Thou madest him to
have dominion over the works of thy hands thou
hast put all things under his feet
The Information Catch 22
  • With only poor copying fidelity, a primitive
    system could carry little genetic information
    without L the mutation rate becoming unbearably
    large, and how a primitive system could then
    improve its fidelity and also evolve into a
    sexual system with crossover beggars the
  • Hoyle F., "Mathematics of Evolution", 1987,
    Acorn Enterprises Memphis TN, 1999, p20

Evolution . . . So 20th Century
  • "In the realm of science, scholars such as
    William Dembski and Michael Behe have been
    demonstrating how the order in the universe is
    evidence that it has been intelligently designed.
    'No!' say the Darwinists. 'Everything has to be
    random!' But the evolutionists are the ones who
    sound so outdated, so 20th century.
  • Veith, Gene E. Reality makes a comeback. World
    Magazine Feb. 12, 2000 Volume 15 Number 6

(No Transcript)
RNA World
  • The 'RNA world' scenario hinges on some rather
    far-fetched assumptions about the catalytic
    ability of RNA. For example, RNA polymerase
    ribozymes must have been responsible for
    replicating the ribozymes of the RNA world,
    including themselves (via their complementary
    sequences). RNA replication is a very
    challenging set of reactions -- far more
    challenging than those yet known to be catalyzed
    by RNA.
  • David P. Bartel and Peter J. Unrau, "Constructing
    an RNA World." Trends in Biochemical Sciences 24
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