- New models for training and care in rural
communities and their evaluation - Critical strategies for improving health
outcomes for Rural Australians
- The Western Alliance initiative
- Deakin University November 2014
2Basic Principles
- Health Care is a right not a privilege
- Health, Happiness and Productivity are
inextricably linked - The broad social determinants of health
(education, workplace issues, transport, housing,
law and order, etc) must be integrated with our
Health System.
3Health Care Reform
- Our goal
- A system focused on the individual that
emphasises prevention is demonstrably equitable,
sustainable and provides quality care in a timely
manner available on the basis of need not
personal financial wellbeing. - Inequity increasingly problematic
4What about Rural Health Care?
- More than 33 of Australians live in Rural or
Remote communities - They produce 65 of the Nations wealth
- There numbers are growing and feature many
- What did the recent report from the Senate
inquiry conclude about health care equity in
rural Australia?
6Unacceptable Health Outcomes
- Australians living in rural and remote areas
have much poorer access to local health services - 2 billion dollar Medicare gap
- Significantly worse health outcomes
- A significantly shorter life expectancy than
Australians living in metropolitan areas
7The Chronic Disease burden
- The prevalence of chronic disease is troubling
- data shows the incidence of cancer is about 4
per cent higher than in major cities - Significantly higher incidence rates for
preventable cancers - .
8Disease burden
- Lifestyle risk factors or health determining
behaviours contribute to the burden of disease
in these communities - People in remote areas found to engage in more
behaviours that carry risks - Mental health problems common and have unique
rural precipitants
9Disease Burden
- Compared with their city counterparts rural
residents tend to exhibit - 10 percent higher levels of mortality
- 20 percent higher rates of injury and
disability - 32 percent higher rates of risky alcohol
consumption and - 1070 percent higher rates of peri-natal death.
10Health Workforce shortage serious and worsening
- In rural communities not uncommon to wait 6 weeks
for an appointment with your GP - We have an ageing workforce,
- and inadequate numbers of GPs and other health
professionals choosing rural practice.
11Current situation
- Extremely dependent on Overseas Trained Doctors
and the Bonded medical student program. - About 47 of rural GPs are OTDs
- Deloiite Access Economics reported to government
that to have significantly more rural GPs the
number of OTDs would have to significantly
12Overseas Trained Doctors
- Use of so many OTDs problematic
- Ethics? Needed at home
- Developing countries want them back, the tap may
be turned of - Many only in rural towns as they cannot work
elsewhere - Problems with supervision and communication
13Reasonable Expectations
- Rural communities deserve and need to be cared
for by Australian doctors who want to work in
their community, love rural life and have been
trained as generalists with a rural specific
curriculum that included procedural skills and
equipped them to handle the rural specific needs
of their communities.
14Government strategies.
- Riding the OTD bonanza- cost effective
- Bond medical students
- Provide cash incentives for metro doctors to move
to the country - Area of need payments
- Double the number of Medical student places and
market forces will take them to the country
15Current Government Policies
- Medical Education-----
- 25 medical students Rural
- Have lived in a rural post code for five years
!!! - Establishment of Rural Clinical Schools
- All students spend a minimum of 4 weeks in a
rural clinical setting.
16Policy failure noted in reports
- Need at least 1800 more rural GPs
- Financial incentives are not working
- 13 of final year medical students planning
careers as GPs and only 13 of them are thinking
of a rural based career! - On average 5 of graduates practice in rural
17Turning the ship around
- Is there an evidence based logic to introducing
new policies for a new approach? - Telling observation---70-80 of non-medical rural
health students trained in the country stay in
the country. SO--------
- What policies to improve the availability of
doctors to rural communities are now advocated by
------- - The WHO. An international conference of medical
educators, the recent Australian Senate inquiry,
the standing committee on rural health of AHMAC,
HWA 2025 and many others?
19What does the evidence suggest?
- Training many more rural medical students
- A return of the GP proceduralist
- Selected Rural students should have an
intention to practice in the country - Rural students to be trained in rural
universities with a rural specific curriculum
featuring Inter-professional learning - Inter-professional learning
20Inter-Professional Learning?
- Silo mentality in the delivery of health care.
Team Medicine much better. - Patients referred to professionals in
geographically dispersed facilities - Insufficient mutual respect and knowledge of what
other health professionals can offer - Very Dr centric system (Super-GP clinics etc).
- World wide shift
- Team medicine Practice team consists of
doctors, nurses and allied health professionals
(including dentists) with team funded by
extension of MBS - Team learning to prepare for IPC practice.
22Contemporary Primary Care?
- Enrolled patients
- Personalised medicine to prevent illness
- Early intervention strategies
- Team Management of C C disease
- Hub and Spoke models for better clinical,
business and quality outcomes - Care in the community for many currently sent to
23Primary Care?
- Once we have settled on a clear vision for the
model of care desired we must train/assemble the
clinicians who can provide it -
24Evidence based reforms
- Rurality not postcode all important
- Affirmative action selection
- Six year undergraduate program
- Problem based learning featuring IPL
- Rural specific curriculum
- Early and extended acquisition of procedural
25Evidence based reforms
- Balanced hospital and community training
- Create IPC Clinics for care and teaching
- Positive small town experiences.
- Hub and Spoke model
- Final year a sub-intern year
- Rural internship / accelerated vocational
training - Health Services research unit
26 The Way Forward
- Suggestions for discussion and further analysis
- The definition of a rural student should be
changed for next years intake - The quota for rural students should increase to
30 - Universities that do not meet the required quota
for two consecutive years to lose unused rural
places - Mandatory rural rotations for all students to
27 The Way Forward
- The number of full fee paying students should be
capped at present levels with planned expansion
of this program diverted to rural students.
28 The Way Forward
- New rural based medical programs should develop
clinical services for the public and in so doing
provide new clinical training opportunities. - Recognising rural educational disadvantage, rural
based programs should use an affirmative action
approach to enroll best suited students
29 The Way Forward
- Rural based, whole of course education for
students with a genuine rural identity will
provide many more doctors for rural communities. - Graduates from such programs must be able to
continue with rural based vocational training. - New initiative should facilitate the re-emergence
of more GPs with procedural skills at the same
time as we continue efforts to attract more
specialists to rural practice
30The Way Forward
- Medical Schools , particularly any new rural
based schools, should do more to improve the
professional satisfaction of small town
clinicians increasing the likelihood of students
being attracted to such settings. - There is more than enough data for it to be
unreasonable to ask rural communities to wait a
few more years to better assess current programs
before trying new initiatives.
31 The Way Forward
- The Dangerous Dilemma
- General acceptance that we need more rural based
medical education for rural students - At least seven Universities interested in
starting whole of course rural based programs. A
clear recognition of dissatisfaction with the
status quo. - BUT------
32 The Way Forward
- Universities and their medical schools struggling
financially - They would be very reluctant to give up any
current student places - They warn that clinical training opportunities
are saturated with more than 16000 students in
training - They are struggling with the mandatory
requirement for rural rotations and would not
want to donate them to a new program
33Community and University Advocacy
- No vision or commitment to these structural
reforms in Canberra. - Minister Crean advised-------
- We listen to proposals that enjoy really strong
community support - Dont be whiners, bring us solutions to your
problems - Rural apathy must be reversed
34Western Alliance Leadership
- Working to improve the impact, quality and
quantity of research in the region through
strategies that promote - Translation of research evidence into practice to
improve quality of care and health outcomes for
regional and rural communities - Utilisation of multidisciplinary,
cross-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary
35Western Alliance Leadership
- Recruitment, training and up skilling our best
junior and mid-career researchers and clinicians
to help ensure the future leadership of health
research in the region - Enhancement of advisory and quality assurance
36Western Alliance Initiatives
- Advocacy for structural reforms
- Establish and assess proof of concept IPC
- Champion Rurality of students / IPL learning
- Facilitate procedural training for GPs
- Hub and Spoke model IT,CPD,TeleHealth, small
town assistance / documenting outcomes - Health research unit assessing and sharing
- Status quo unacceptable, 4600 Australians dying
each year because they live in the bush! - Rural Australians deserve efficient access to
Australian doctors who have the special skills
they need and love rural life. - Current programs will not deliver this outcome,
new approaches must be tried. Good policy not
politics should drive innovation. - A Continuing passionate partnership between
community and university (e.g. The Western
Alliance) needed to win the day