Title: Stream Four
1- Stream Four
- Information Workshop
- Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute
- Professor Nicholas Glasgow and Dr Beverly
Sibthorpe - July 2005
- Overview of APHCRI
- Who we are
- How we are constituted
- Mission and aims
- Stream Four
- Aim
- Seven topic areas and APHCRIs focus
- APHCRI hub staff role in Stream Four
- Information for applicants
- Application and Assessment processes
- Contract matters
- Timelines
3Overview of APHCRI
4Four Elements of PHC RED Strategy
- Research priority setting process
- Awards, grants, scholarships and bursaries
- University departments of general practice and
rural health capacity building - Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute
5Mission and Aims
- APHCRIs mission is to provide national
leadership in improving the quality and
effectiveness of primary health care through the
conduct of high quality priority-driven research
and the support and promotion of best practice - APHCRI has four aims
- To strengthen the knowledge base of primary
health care by conducting and supporting
research - To facilitate the uptake of research evidence in
primary health care policy and practice - To enhance research capacity in primary health
care through strategic partnerships with other
relevant national and international groups - To ensure that the Institute operates to the
highest standards by developing and improving its
organisational capacity to lead the national
primary health care research network through
appropriate staffing, resources, infrastructure,
management practices and governance and
accountability processes.
6APHCRI a virtual institute
- Hub and Spoke model
- Hub based at ANU
- Spokes - programs of research commissioned by
Institutes Research Advisory Board (RAB) - Hub and Spokes form Institute
7Hub and Spoke Model
8Key Stakeholders
Providers of Primary Health Care services and
their organisations
Australian Government Policy and Decision Makers
APHCRI Hub and Spokes
Consumers of Primary Health Care Services and
their organisations
Research Community
9Not a grants program
- to contribute to Institutes work program
- Working together
- Communicating often
- Participating in activities as they arise
- Publications
- Policy forums and debates
- Media activities
- Capacity building activities
- Visiting fellowships
10APHCRI Declared Priorities
- Innovation in State/Commonwealth relationships
- Innovation in funding arrangements for new or
existing services/models - Innovation in organisation and linkages within
Primary Health Care sector - All relevant to Stream Four
11Stream Four
- (Refer to Information for Applicants document)
12Aim for Stream Four
- to systematically identify, review, and
synthesise knowledge about primary health care
organisation, funding, delivery and performance
and then consider how this knowledge might be
applied in the Australian context
13Seven Topic Areas
- Chronic disease management
- Integration, co-ordination and multidisciplinary
care - Prevention and early intervention
- Innovative models for comprehensive primary
health care delivery - Innovative models for the management of mental
health in primary health care settings - Older Australians and health promotion,
prevention and post-acute care - Children and young Australians, health promotion
and prevention
14Topics overlap!
- Overlap intentional
- Different facets
- Workshops to manage the overlaps
Image from http//www.diamond-engagement-rings-gui
15Questions within topics
- Questions of two general types
- What do we know about.?
- What are the possible options?
- System level
- Organisation (including governance)
- Funding arrangements (existing and alternative)
- Models/approaches to service delivery
- Monitoring and performance assessment
16APHCRIs questions
- Commissioned not investigator driven
- APHCRI has set parameters
- APHCRI has developed broad questions
- Applicants propose specific questions
- Question refinement through research process
- Focus on system issues
17Intended Outcomes
- Systematic processing of knowledge will provide
- Strong basis on which national primary health
care policy can be informed - Clear insights into important knowledge gaps
- Foundation on which APHCRI can build subsequent
streams of activity - Process for Stream Four will
- Strengthen the hub and spoke model we mean it!
- Build capacity in policy and research communities
18Hub staff roles
- General leadership and oversight
- Develop overall approach
- Develop unifying and/or complementary methods
- Assist in identifying relevant grey literature
- Provide advice on synthesis and policy
applications - Promote linkages and synergies
- Addressing the Workforce topic
- Separate (designated) funding for Hub staff
participation -
19Eligibility to Participate (1)
- 2 - 4 CIs supported by research assistants
- CIs will have
- Relevant content knowledge
- Skills and experience in
- undertaking systematic reviews
- provision of primary health care services
- contributing to development of national health
policy - economic analysis
- One CI may have multiple skills/experience
20Eligibility to Participate (2)
- CIs commit to participation
- Single administering institution must be
identified for each proposal - (See http//www.anu.edu.au/aphcri/General/aphcri_c
ommresearch.php for APHCRI's approach to
Administering Institutions) - Spoke and hub staff work collaboratively
21Funding for Stream Four
- Each spoke will receive a fixed amount of lt
155,000 over one year to cover costs associated
with - personnel (e.g. RA, CI time)
- accessing key informants and grey literature
- participation in research workshops (including
travel) - production of the final reports
- University overheads not paid
- Number of spokes will depend on quality, will not
exceed 12 - If none of sufficient quality, none will be funded
22Rural/remote Participation Costs
- Additional costs because of rural locations or
locations remote from Canberra - Additional funds not to exceed 20,000 per spoke
- Request plus justification included in proposal
- State capitals in eastern mainland States and
South Australia not remote from Canberra
23Australian Competitive Grants Register
- APHCRI research activities listed on the
Australian Competitive Grants Register (ACGR) in
the section titled Non-Commonwealth Schemes - http//www.dest.gov.au/NR/rdonlyres/0508FE6D-DDEB-
24Application and Assessment Processes
- Refer to Information for Applicants document
Proposal application form and ERC Assessment Form - http//www.anu.edu.au/aphcri/Spokes_Research_Progr
25Application and Assessment
- Complete application form
- Submit according to instructions
- Must meet all six criteria
- Criteria 2 6 dichotomous
- Criteria 1,3, 4, 5 assigned score 1-10
- Criteria 1 half the weighting of 3, 4, and 5
- ERC recommendations to RAB for decisions
- See Information for Applicants page 11 of 12
- Identify Chief Investigators (C1)
- Identify the topic area (C2)
- Succinct statement of specific research questions
relevant to your topic (C3) - Briefly summarise relevant databases and grey
literature sources (C4) - Identify key informants (C4)
- Demonstrate capacity to undertake the task (C5)
- Signed statement of intention to participate (C6)
27Assessment Criteria
- The proposal identifies a chief investigating
team with relevant content knowledge in the topic
area, and includes individuals with skills and
experience in systematic reviews, provision of
primary health care services, national health
policy formulation and economic analysis - The proposal clearly identifies one topic area
- The proposal succinctly states key research
questions relevant to the chosen topic area - The proposal identifies relevant databases that
will be examined and key informant organisations
/ individuals that will be part of the
information synthesis processes
28Assessment Criteria (cont)
- Demonstrated capacity to undertake the work by
showing that in addition to relevant content
knowledge the team has - skills and experience in systematic reviews
- Skills and experience in the organisation and
provision of primary health care services - Skills and experience in contributing to national
health policy formulation And - skills and experience in economic analysis.
- Signed statement from each chief investigator
confirming that they have the time available to
give to the task, and that at least one of the
named chief investigators will participate in all
the research workshops
29Decision making
- Clear aims
- Transparent assessment processes
- Careful management of conflicts of interest
- Separate assessment and decision making
- Expert Review Committee recommendations
- Research Advisory Board decisions
- Feedback
30Stream Four Activities
- Further refine the research questions
- Participate in research workshops in Canberra
- Participate in meetings with DoHA (policy
analysts and advisors) - Participate, as part of APHCRI, in responding to
issues of the day - Deliver outcomes in a timely fashion
31Proposal Application Form
- Eligibility checklist (Page 2)
- Lodgment (Page 2)
- Section 1
- Identify ONE topic (separate application for
second topic) - Identify CIA
- Identify Administering Institution
- Section 2
- Briefly, clearly and coherently address criteria
3 5 - No more than four pages
- Section 3
- Name all Chief investigators each needs to sign
- Identify Associate Investigators (could be RA)
32Proposal Application Form (cont)
- Section 4 (Page 12)
- Budget will total 155K (or less!)
- Rural/Remote applicants can claim lt 20K more on
line by line basis - No University overheads (e.g. 20 levy)
- No capital items (e.g. laptops, desks etc)
- Section 5 (Page 14)
- Clearances Ethics committee involvement
- Statement about requirements/rulings
- Appropriate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
clearances (if relevant) - Section 6 (Page 15)
- Signatures of appropriate authority in
Administering Institution CIA - Checklist
- http//www.anu.edu.au/aphcri/Spokes_Research_Progr
34Contract Issues
- Typical contract on website
- Timeframe extremely tight
- Mirrors ANU contract with Australian Government
- Limited capacity to revise
- University Project Provider for IGS
Closing date for proposals 27 July
RAB announces Spoke funding
Research Workshop 1
Research Workshop 2
Contracts executed
ERC assesses proposals
RAB Meeting