Community Ecology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Community Ecology


Title: NON-NATIVE SPECIES Author: Maria Brown Last modified by: user Created Date: 12/13/2005 11:07:16 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Community Ecology

Community Ecology
  • Each species has a particular ecological niche or
    role that it plays in an ecosystem.

r-Selected Species
Many small offspring Little or no parental care
and protection of offspring Early reproductive
age Most offspring die before reaching
reproductive age Small adults Adapted to
unstable climate and environmental
conditions High population growth rate
(r) Population size fluctuates wildly above and
below carrying capacity (K) Generalist
niche Low ability to compete Early successional
Characteristics of Successful Invader Species
Characteristics of Ecosystems Vulnerable to
Invader Species
  • High reproductive rate, short generation time
    (r-selected species)
  • Pioneer species
  • Long lived
  • High dispersal rate
  • Release growth- inhibiting chemicals into soil
  • Generalists
  • High genetic variability
  • Similar climate to habitat of invader
  • Absence of predators on invading species
  • Early successional systems
  • Low diversity of native species
  • Absence of fire
  • Disturbed by human activities

Cockroaches Natures Ultimate Survivor
  • Appeared in the geologic record 350 million years
  • Classic r-strategist generalist
  • Eat almost anything including algae, dead
    insects, salts in tennis shoes, electrical cords,
    glue, paper, soap, and weaker cockroaches.
  • Some species can go for months without food, last
    a month without water, withstand massive doses of
    radiation, one species can even survive being
    frozen for 48 hours.
  • High reproductive rates (1 female can produce 10
    million offspring in one year)
  • Carry viruses that cause hepatitis, polio,
    typhoid, and salmonella.
  • 60 of the 12 million Americans suffer from
    asthma are allergic to cockroaches, dead or

K-Selected Species
Fewer, larger offspring High parental care and
protection of offspring Later reproductive
age Most offspring survive to reproductive
age Larger adults Adapted to stable climate and
environmental conditions Lower population growth
rate (r) Population size fairly stable and
usually close to carrying capacity
(K) Specialist niche High ability to
compete Late successional species
The Giant Panda Specialized and Endangered
  • Classic k-strategist specialist
  • Feeds exclusively on bamboo (1/3 of body weight)
  • Habitat fragmentation has created habitat
    islands of bamboo in southwestern China due to
    human encroachment.
  • 12 protected reserves in China.

Why Are Panda Faced With Extinction?
  • Illegal poaching (pelt brings in 40,000-60,000).
  • Only one cub per female survives each year.
  • Gestation period 22 months
  • Picky about mates. Find each other through
    scent, become isolated due to habitat
  • Habitat islands interrupt natural migration to
    adjacent areas when bamboo population crashes in
    local areas.
  • Approximately 700 panda left between zoos and the

Panda Babies
  • Five giant panda cubs were born in captivity in
    2005 one at Washington, D.C.'s National Zoo and
    two pairs of twins (one of which is pictured
    above) at China's Wolong panda reserve.
  • US pays 1 million/year to China to have Mei Xiang
    on exhibit for a ten year period. All offspring
    will be sent back to China.

What Are Indicator Species?
  • Indicator species serve as early warnings of
    damage to a community.
  • Birds and butterflies are migratory and are
    excellent indicators of the environment. They do
    not return to areas along their migratory routes
    where deforestation has occurred or where broad
    spectrum pesticides have been applied.
  • Amphibians are also a universal indicator of
    environmental degradation as they respire through
    their skin.

Why Are Amphibians Vanishing?
  • Appeared in the fossil record about 350 million
    years ago.
  • Frogs and toads have been around for 150 million
    years (indicates adaptability)
  • Last 20 years nearly 3,000 species of frogs and
    toads have disappeared.

Reasons for Global Amphibian Declines
  • Global climate change (Costa Rican golden toads)
  • Dehydration weakens amphibians, susceptible to
    fatal diseases.
  • Introduction of non-native predatory fish into
    aquatic habitats.
  • Pollution (air, water, soil) respire through
  • Consume insects that take up pesticides
  • Eggs sensitive to increases in UV radiation
    endocrine blockers)
  • Consumption of frog legs (delicacy).
  • Loss of habitat.

Indicator Species
  • As indicator species, amphibians may be sending
    us an important message about the health of the
    global environment.
  • They dont need us, but we and other species need

Golden toads once prevalent in Costa Ricas
cloud forest have disappeared.
Indicator Species on Long Island
Why Should We Care About Indicator Species?
  • They give clues that the environmental health is
    deteriorating in parts of the world such as
    habitat loss and degradation, pollution, UV
    exposure, and climate change.
  • They provide ecological services (niche) in
    biological communities. ie. Amphibians eat more
    insects including mosquitoes than birds. They
    provide a food source for higher trophic levels.
  • Amphibians especially provide a storehouse of
    pharmaceutical products waiting to be discivered
    (economic goods and services).

What Are Keystone Species?
  • A keystone species holds a community together,
    when it disappears, so does the biological
    community. Elimination of a keystone species
    dramatically alters the structure and function of
    a community.

American Alligator a Keystone Species
  • Largest North American reptile only humans are
    their predator.
  • Hunted nearly to extinction for exotic meat, and
    leather to make shoes and pocketbooks, and for

Ecological Niche of American Alligator
  • Dig gator holes that collect freshwater during
    the dry season which serve as refuges for aquatic
    life, and supply freshwater and food for many

Ecological Niche of American Alligator
  • Alligator nesting mounds serve as nesting and
    feeding sites for herons and egrets

Ecological Niche of American Alligator
  • Alligator eat large numbers of predatory gar fish
    and help maintain healthy numbers of game fish
    such as bass and bream.

Ecological Niche of American Alligator
  • As alligators move from gator holes to nesting
    sites, they keep areas of open water free of
    invading vegetation. This helps to maintain
    healthy ecosystems with flowing water.

American Alligator Protection
  • In 1967, the US Government placed the American
    alligator on the Endangered Species List, which
    protected it from hunting.
  • By 1975, the American alligator populations
    rebounded successfully.

Status of the American Alligator.
  • In 1977, the US Fish and Wildlife Service (DOI),
    down-listed the American alligator to a
    threatened species in Florida, Louisiana, and
  • Limited kills with a license are permitted.
    Recreational lotteries are held in the Florida
    Everglades each year by FWS.
  • Alligator farms established to fulfill the market
    for alligator goods.

Why Should We Protect keystone Species?
  • They play critical roles in the cross pollination
    of angiosperms (bees, hummingbirds, bats).
  • Top predator keystone species help regulate the
    population numbers of other species.
  • The loss of keystone species can lead to
    population crashes and extinctions of other
    species that depend on it for ecological

E.O. Wilson
  • The loss of a keystone species is like a drill
    accidentally striking a power line. It causes
    lights to go out all over

The Good News Is
  • Conservation Efforts on the rise
  • President Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909) the
    Golden Age of Conservation
  • 1903 he established the first federal refuge at
    Pelican Island off the east coast of Florida to
    protect the endangered brown pelican.

  • T. Roosevelt also tripled the size of the forest
    reserves and transferred administration from
    Department of the Interior (USDOI) to Department
    of Agriculture (USDA.
  • 1905, Congress created the US Forest Service to
    manage and protect forest reserves. Roosevelt
    appointed Gifford Pinchot as its first chief.
  • 1907, Roosevelt reserved 16 million acres of
    land. Congress was trying to ban Executive
    orders for forest reservation. Roosevelt did
    this defiantly the day before Congress ban
    became law!

  • (1905) Pinchot pioneered scientific management of
    forest resources on public lands, using the
    principles of sustainable yield and multiple use.
  • This same year, the Audubon Society was founded
    to preserve the nations bird species.

Conservation Split
  • Conservationists became the wise-use movement
    and believed that all public lands should be
    managed wisely and scientifically to provide
    needed goods and services for the country.
  • Preservationists lead by John Muir (founder of
    Sierra Club) believed that remaining wilderness
    areas on public lands should be left untouched.

  • Aldo Leopold began the Wilderness Society in
  • Leopold helped draft the Wilderness Act of 1964
    and lobbied Congress for its passage.

University of Idaho Department of
Philosophy Environmental Philosophy
Wilderness Act of 1964
  • Wilderness Act of 1964 directed the Secretary of
    the Interior, within 10 years, to review every
    roadless area of 5,000 or more acres and every
    roadless island (regardless of size) within
    National Wildlife Refuge and National Park
    Systems and to recommend to the President the
    suitability of each such area or island for
    inclusion in the National Wilderness Preservation
    System, with final decisions made by Congress.
    The Secretary of Agriculture was directed to
    study and recommend suitable areas in the
    National Forest System.

US National Park Service
  • 1912, Congress created the US National Park
  • 1916, Congress passed the National park System
    Organic Act declared that the parks were to be
    maintained in a manner that leaves them
    unimpaired for future generations and established
    the National Park Service (DOI).
  • Stephen Mather was the first Director of NPS. He
    began establishing grand hotels and other tourist
    facilities in parks with spectacular scenery to
    encourage tourism by allowing private
    concessionaires to operate facilities within the

Long Islands National Parks and National
Wildlife Refuges
  • Fire Island National Seashore
  • Floyd Bennett Field
  • Jamaica Bay
  • Wortheim
  • Amagansett
  • Oyster Bay (JFK Bird Sanctuary)
  • Lido Beach
  • Elizabeth Morton
  • Target Rock (Caumsett State Park)
  • Seatuck
  • Conscience Point

Aldo Leopold
  • We abuse land because we regard it as a
    commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a
    community to which we belong, we may begin to use
    it with love and respect
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