Title: FVSPS Sail Course, Class 4
1FVSPS Sail Course, Class 4
2What Are We Doing Today?
- In Class Today
- - 1000 OTW Today Briefing (Brian)
- - 1010 Last Weeks OTW, Discuss (Brian)
- - 1020 Questions/Clarification, Sec. 3-5
(Leslie) - - 1050 Section 12, Tuning the Rig(Brian)
- - 1100 Section 7, Stability (Brian)
- - 1120 Section 8, Balance (Leslie)
- - 1140 True vs. Apparent Wind Implications
(Brian) - - 1155 OTW Assignment (Brian)
- - 1200 Lunch, then OTW
3Yacht Club Bar Song, Chorus
- I love to sit around the yacht club bar
- and talk about the things were going to do.
- I love to sit around the yacht club bar
- because it doesnt move.
- The swells are big and the winds are high
- but that dont bother me.
- Cause I never get lost and my tummy doesnt toss
- Its a wonderful life on the sea.
4Yacht Club Bar Song, Verse 4
- My sailing days are over, cause of that great
scare. - You others take a warning, and dont you go out
there. - Theres winds and seas and swells so high, how
can you stay afloat. - Be like me and drink to the sea and dont untie
your boat.
5Yacht Club Bar Song, Chorus
- I love to sit around the yacht club bar
- and talk about the things were going to do.
- I love to sit around the yacht club bar
- because it doesnt move.
- The swells are big and the winds are high
- but that dont bother me.
- Cause I never get lost and my tummy doesnt toss
- Its a wonderful life on the sea.
6OTW TodayBriefing
7Prior OTW, Discuss
- 1. What did you learn?
- 2. What went right?
- 3. What went wrong?
8Questions/ClarificationsSections 3-5
9FVSPS Sail CourseSail Book, Section 12
Tuning the Rig (Section 12, Sail book)
10Rig Tuning, Overview
- - Brion Toss quote, Riggers Apprentice, p. 272
- - Rigging Issues
- - Maintenance, Strength Inspection/Tuning
- - Performance Tuning
12Rig Tuning, Tools
- - Diagnostic Tools
- - Sight up the mast
- - Measure wire tension with gauge
- - When heeled over under sail sight and check
tension - - Adjustment tools
- - Wrench
- - Your hand
13Rig Tuning, Procedures
- - Mast centered athwart ship
- - Mast vertical
- - Stays appropriately tensioned
- - Check under sail
14Rig Tuning,Performance Implications
- - Mast bend
- - Flatten mainsail vs. add draft
- - Mast tilt
- - Weather helm
15FVSPS Sail CourseSail Book, Section 7
Stability (Section 7, Sail book)
- - Will the boat, when heeling, come back up?
- - True or not Sailboats are made to heel?
- - Compare Sailing dinghy vs. Keel Boat
17Stability Initial Stability
- - Initial or Form Stability
- - Form implies stability comes from the form of
the boat, which has buoyancy that tries to right
the boat - - Can represent using Vectors in a Diagram
- - E.g. Sail book, p. 55
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19Form Stability
- - How related to beam of the boat?
- - How related to sea kindliness?
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21Stability Ultimate Stability
- - How far can the boat heel and still come back
upright? - - Limit of positive stability
- - LOPS for the Pacific Seacraft 34 144 deg.
- - LOPS for the Hunter 41, Catalina 27 125 deg.
22Ultimate Stability
- - How related to beam of the boat?
- - How related to ballast?
- - How related to offshore safety?
23Stability Final Comments
- - Compare Monohulls and Catamarans on Initial and
Ultimate Stability.
24FVSPS Sail CourseSail Book, Section 8
Balance (Section 8, Sail book)
- - What is Balance?
- - What affects Balance?
- - Center of Effort
- - Center of Lateral Resistance
- - Sail Book, pp. 63-64
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29Balance Issues
- - Dynamic Centers of Effort
- - Yawing Moment
- - Changes to make for Balance
- - Sail Book, pp. 64-66
30True vs. Apparent Wind
- - True Wind, Boat Wind vs. Apparent Wind
- - Simple Examples TW and BW parallel
31True vs. Apparent Wind
- - Not parallel Analyze with Trigonometry,
Diagrams - - Sail Book, pp. 74-75
32True vs. Apparent WindSome Implications
- - Why When We Tack we Tack Further than we Expect
(Fig. 9-8, p. 74) - - Why a Beam Reach takes us Downwind (Fig.
9-9/10, p. 75)
33OTW Assignmentfor Today