Title: Getting from Here to There: Developing Leadership
1Getting from Here to ThereDeveloping Leadership
Karen Meyers, Director and Mary Ann Sheline,
Grants Administrator Grand Valley State University
2- Leadership Qualities
- Leadership Roles
- Leadership Styles
3- Leadership Skills
- Facilitation of Professional Conversations
- Agendas, Meetings, and Planning Presentations
- Instructional Leadership (delivery of PD)
- Evaluation / Goal Setting
4Teacher LeadershipContinuums and Resources
Topics for today
- Emerging Teacher Leadership
- Leadership Hierarchy
- Leadership Resources
5Continuum of EmergingTeacher Leadership
- Adult Development
- Dialogue
- Collaboration
- Organizational Change
- Using a scale of 1-5 (5 indicating high level
skills and understanding), rate your personal
growth for each of the indicators described. - Discuss one section (either B or C) with your
team using the following questions - With respect to the indicators in this section,
where do your teacher leaders think they need to
grow? - How can the team members support the growth and
development of the teacher in this area? - Does the PD plan for the teacher(s) reflect this
concern? - What next steps can you take to move your
teachers expertise to the next level?
7Teacher Leadership Hierarchy
Developing a Vision for Levels of Teacher
Level (based on Collins leadership hierarchy) Description of Level Examples of Level Impact on Student Learning Impact on Teacher Colleagues Impact on MSC Region
5 Executive Builds enduring greatness through paradoxical combination of personal humility plus professional will Coaching Impacting culture educational
4 Effective Leader Catalyzes commitment to and vigorous pursuit of a clear and compelling vision stimulates the group to high performance standards Delivering professional development in a district
3 Competent Manager Organizes people and resources towards effective and efficient pursuit of predetermined objectives Serving as curriculum committee chair
2 Contributing Team Member Contributes to the achievement of group objectives works effectively with others in a group setting Mentoring other teachers Modeling an inquiry lesson
1 Highly Capable Individual Makes productive contribution through talent knowledge, skills, and good work habits Implementing inquiry strategies in own classroom Serving on committees
- How does someone at each of these levels impact
student learning, teacher colleagues, and MSC
services to region? - At what level are your teachers functioning now?
- What are the issues and considerations for moving
to the next level?
- Books
- Organizations / Publications
- Other Electronic Resources
- Networking / Facebook
10Yet to Come
- Change Management
- Grant Writing
- Conflict Management
- (If time/funding permits)